PSFK - The future of Retail 2011



The 2011 issue of the Future of Retail report is designed to inspire anyone involved in creating touchpoints that lead a customer through the purchase path. While there are tremendous changes happening across all aspects of retail, our focus is on the vibrant innovation revolving around the physical store. This 120-page report presents key trends and macro themes that retailers, service providers and product manufacturers can leverage to enhance the shopper experience in order to drive sales. Our research yielded 10 key retail trends that sit within 3 broad themes—Online Expectations Offline Experience, Shopper Know-How and Redefined Retail Cartography. PSFK’s Consulting team spoke to the people behind key projects that are transforming the shopper experience. We then interviewed dozens of senior retail and brand executives to better understand the implications and opportunities; their recommendations are included in the report. PSFK readers should find inspiration across every section of the 2011 issue of the Future of Retail report

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