Presentation done by Goran Lindqvist


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The European Cluster Observatory

TCI Global Conference, Gurgaon, 1 December 2010

Göran LindqvistCSC, Stockholm School of Economics

A knowledge platform for the European policy community facilitating analysis and supporting fact-based policy

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Key activitiesStatistical cluster data and regional competitiveness datao Collect secondary statistical data from national statistical

agencieso Process and assemble the data in a database

Data about cluster organisationso Identify them with secondary data (Google, reports, etc)o Solicit primary data (website users)

Make the data publically available on a websiteProduce analysis and reportsProvide a ”library” for cluster-related documents

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Cluster mappingMultiple indicators: employment, firms (units), wages, growthComparable data across all of Europe

Gives you answers to questions like:”In which European regions is a certain sector concentrated?””In which sectors is a certain European region specialised?

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Cluster Mapping

Example of non-cluster use:

Services vs.manufacturing

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Typical uses:Observatory reports, examples:o Creative and cultural industries clusterso Mobility industries clusterso Smart specialisation in European regionso Service vs. manufacturing orientation

Other EU uses, examples:o A reference source for cluster policy reports by the

European Commission

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Typical usesNational and regional reports

Academic books,articles, working papers, etc.(currently 104 hits on Google Scholar)

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EU and India: an important difference

India EU

Competitiveness = productivity Competitiveness = innovation

Improve qualtity and efficiencyEnhance knowledge flowsbetween firms, research and education

Best done in homogoneousgroups of firms producing same or similar products

Best done in systems of related industries and ”triple helix”, and across clusters

Narrow cluster definition Wide cluster definition

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Göran Lindqvist, PhDCenter for Strategy and CompetitivenessStocholm School of 8 7369524

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