Ponencia denominación de origen


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Villavicencio, 11 – 12 de Noviembre del 2014

Protected Designation Of Origin of Pan de Arroz del Meta.

Jessika Zamora Escobar -Charyl Natalia Palacio.


Miguel PrietoResearch director of Global red

Does it applie to Pan de arroz?

is cultural and


highlight the special


attract the consumption

of the product.

specific conditions


Pan de arroz del Meta


Given to know the Project which we have worked on, which is to achieve

the protected designation of origin of Pan de Arroz del Meta

• To Recognize the concept of Protected Designationof Origin and its importance of the productdevelopment.

• To Identify which requirements a product musthave in order to obtain the Designation of Origin.

• To Analyze how the development processes havebeen practiced by the farmers, working towards ofimprovement of the supply value chain.


What is a protected designation?

names of some places that have become famous because from those places comes certain products

That possesses certain characteristics that make them special and are derived by factors that may be geographic, natural or human

of which becomes their reputation, history and tradition.

Fuente: (Superintendencia de Industria y comercio, 2013)


Pacific Alliance

Colombia: 20

México: 11

Perú: 8

Chile: 3

• DECREE 3081 OF 2005

demonstrate legitimate interest for being associations or institutions formed for this purpose by the producers

The name of the geographic location is known by those special products that came from there

Qualities, reputation, tradition and other conditions that make it special.

•the Human factors, natural and even cultural factors affecting these qualities

Fuente: (Superintendencia de Industria y comercio, 2013)

ensure that producers of traditional goods and / or craft will not be harm by international trade

protect these products and the particular way they are developed

Importance of the Protected Designation of Origin

Fuente: (Superintendencia de Industria y comercio, 2013)

An example of this is the case of the champagne and the case of the emblematic Colombian

vueltiao hat

International Protected Designations Of Origin

“La Rioja” that protects wines produced in the Spanish Region called like this “La Rioja”.

Since the PDO was determined,, as a result of this, its popularity has grown, the demand for the products covered by this

designation has increased, while the development has brought other sectors in the region such as: Gastronomy, Agricultural

Sector and Dairy Industry.

Fuente: (Superintendencia de Industria y comercio, 2013)

Tequila is a regional specific name for a distilled beverage made from the blue agave plant that comes from the town of Tequila, Mexico. Because of its geographical origin, reputation and essential specific

qualities, the government decreed that “tequila” had to be considered a geographical indication of Mexico.

Fuente: (Superintendencia de Industria y comercio, 2013)

Colombian Protected Designations Of Origin

Coffee of Colombia that is produced under certainconditions, has shown that this product is due not onlyto the specific conditions of climate, location andenvironmental supply from “the land of coffee”, butthe support and quality control in each of theproduction processes associated with Coffee fromColombia.

Fuente: (Café de Colombia,2014)

Protected Designation Of Pan De Arroz Del Meta

The Pan de Arroz is made of a rice mix, it´s a crispy donut type,Typical from the region of the State of Meta, with a long traditionwhose preparation has been developed using traditional methods forover fifty years in the region.

As it was previously mentioned, to achieve the designation of origin of the product it is required to certify the entire chain, from dairy producers (farms) milk is the main raw material to prepare the curd, which must be certified with quality standards as well.

In relation with the origin of Pan De Arroz, this is a product originally from this region, where it has been manufacturing over fifty years in towns like Restrepo, San Martin and even Villavicencio. All ingredients are produced here also.

Rudimentary Processes

Quality and Technology

Improvement of these processes directed to the quality required by International consumers. (Exports)

This will generate economic


Cultural positioning clearly identified as "Pan de Arroz del Meta.

Creating a local Gastronomic

Tourism Route.

If We Achieve The Protected Designation Of Origin Of Pan De Arroz Del Meta


Las denominaciones de origen podrán evitar que se use el nombre de un producto regional en forma genérica, como es el ejemplo del champaña que se usa solo para los vinos producidos en la región francesa con ese nombre y con uvas de esa región

En el meta el pan de arroz es un producto tradicional que a través de la investigación realizada data de más de 60 años de fabricación en la región, y cumple con características específicas dado a la diferencia en clima y características de las tierras donde se cultiva el arroz.

Actualmente toda la cadena de valor del pan de arroz está en proceso de certificación y mejora en prácticas para poder adquirir la certificación.


1. banco de la republica . (2014)."Amazonas, Orinoquia y Llanos" Obtenido de http://www.banrepcultural.org/blaavirtual/sociologia/atavios/atav11b.

2. Café de Colombia. (2014). "denominación de origen café de Colombia" Obtenido de http://www.cafedecolombia.com/particulares/es/indicaciones_geograficas/Denominacion_de_Origen/

3. FEDEARROZ. (2014). Obtenido de http://www.fedearroz.com.co/new/index.php

4. Gobernación del meta. (2014). "El Meta" Obtenido de http://www.meta.gov.co/es/el-meta/


5. La Opinión. (14 de abril de 2014). "Colombia lidera en denominaciones de origen en Alianza Pacifico". Obtenido de http://www.laopinion.com.co/demo/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=439726&Itemid=32#.VE5c4_mG-PU

6. Portafolio. (11 de enero de 2013). "Sombreros ‘vueltiaos’ chinos no se venderán en Colombia". Obtenido de http://www.portafolio.co/negocios/sombreros-%25E2%2580%2598vueltiaos%25E2%2580%2599-chinos-no-se-venderan-Colombia.

7. Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio. (2012). Obtenido de http://www.sic.gov.co/en/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=254248f9-0c32-41e4-84f5-56194d3907cf&groupId=10157

8. Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio. (2013). cartilla denominación de Origen. Obtenido de http://www.sic.gov.co/drupal/recursos_user/documentos/denominacion_de_origen/cartilla_manual_denominaciones_de_origen.pdf
