Podcasting - Samuel P.N. Cook


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Joining the Conversation

Marketing in the Digital Age


The Run that Changed my Life...

Podcasting Power...

Agenda● The State of Self-Publishing.

● Enter Podcasting

○ Why Podcasting?

○ How does podcasting work?

○ What does it require to do a


○ What if you have a podcast?

Project Kaziermierz

● Enter Online Videos

○ Content Videos

○ Sales Videos

○ Google Hangout Videos

● Questions

The Digital Publishing EcoSystem

Why Podcasting?

“Enter the conversation going on

in your client’s head and join in.”

How do I know if podcasting is

right for me?

What do you need for a podcast?

● A Process

● A Team

○ Sound Engineer

○ Copywriter

○ Graphic Designer

● Equipment

○ Microphone

○ Laptop

○ Skype

Project Kazimierz

Help is on the way...

The Publishing Paradox...

Content production has never been easier…


Getting noticed will only get harder...

How do you get started?

● Listen to Podcasts.

● Podcast Training Courses.

● Build or hire a team.

● Submit your Podcast to


● Build a Website and an email


● Set a consistent schedule.

● Share your podcast.

● Go on other podcasts.

● Be really good.

What type of podcast should I do?

● Monologue (Hard Core History)

● Solo Host (Tim Ferriss Show)

● Co-Host (I Love Marketing)

● Radio Show Format (Freakonomics)

What if I start a podcast?

● Talk to important people

● Sell high end products

● Get paid to learn

Next Time… (The Power of Video)

● Content Videos

● Sales Video

● Google Hangouts


Project Kazimierz
