Painting a picture (of your brand)



Learn how to help your employees understand their role in your company's success.

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If “a picture is worth a thousand words,” then why do many organizations use paragraphs of text to explain their business. Figuratively speaking, painting the picture forms the foundation to:

Enable employees to visualize how the whole organization serves customers.We can best execute a strategy when the end goal is clear. For example, think about piecing together a puzzle. It is much easier to complete when the box cover is front and center. By enabling employees to see the big picture, the team can better understand how to collectively integrate the pieces around them.

Gain cross-functional consensus on the paths customers take through the organization.When employees visualize the big picture, we can explore how customers navigate through it. All functions either interact with or support the customer’s experience, and therefore, must commonly agree that the picture is accurate. By working around one picture, each function is considering and acting on the same information.

Reframe business challenges for fresh innovation.Customers expect brands to deliver an experience that meets their expectations. As categories evolve, so do expectations. Painting the picture helps employees actively find ways to make the customer experience more enjoyable. Furthermore, the picture can influence acceptance of new perspectives on ways to better serve customers.

Step 1: Paint a picture of what customers currently experience.

The McGlown Group is exploring the topic of “How to authentically deliver on your brand promises.” This is a seven part series that will end in a white paper discussing the topic in greater detail. Be on the lookout for the next point in the process, “Level-set on how the picture makes employees and customers feel.” To be notified of our latest thought leadership, follow The McGlown Group at our LinkedIn page.
