Overcoming fear in network marketing and sales



Most people won't attempt or succeed at network marketing and sales because of fear. Why does fear of rejection exist, and how can we beat it? In just 12 slides, you'll learn how to master the #1 obstacle to your success in business and in life. Shared by Nathan & Janelle James of Nerium International.

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Beating Fear

What is fear? •  Imagined bad outcomes, based on:

•  Instinct

•  Instruction

•  Experience

•  Brains seek security and avoid pain

•  Meant to help us, but often hurts us

•  So we always must remember…

Ex: Fear of rejection •  Hard-wired in our primitive brain

•  Meant for survival

•  Almost everyone has it

•  But it limits our connections with others, which is crucial to success in everything

Why is most fear bad? •  Fear requires effort

•  Fear saps your energy

•  Fear narrows your awareness

•  Fear blocks your creativity

•  Fear stifles your action

•  Fear makes you feel ashamed

•  If you don’t beat fear, it will beat you

How to overcome fear •  Reason

•  Self talk

•  Practiced action

•  Your ‘why’

But first, you have to admit you’re scared!

Common fear denials “I’m not scared to prospect, I …

… just don’t have time.”

… need to help my team.”

… burned through my warm market.”

… can’t afford magazines.”

… lose motivation between events.”

Make excuses, or take action? Choose.

Reasoning away fear What’s the worst that can happen? –  Will I die?

–  Will I lose my family?

–  Will I become homeless?

–  Will I lose my job?

–  Will I be socially scorned?

–  Will most people tell me “no”?

Meditate on ‘No’ •  NOT rejection. NECESSARY for Yes.

•  Count No’s. Get more. Set ‘No’ goals.

•  Try to DIS-qualify prospects. –  If you don’t feel pressure, neither do they

•  Lower your No/Yes ratio.

•  Increase your No tolerance.

•  Celebrate your No’s.

Talking away fear “I am confident.”

“I am brave.”

“Nerium is a gift I offer everyone.”

“No’s don’t bother me. They lead to yes.”

“Rejection brings success.”

“People like me. And they love Nerium.”

“I will be a National Marketing Director!”

Practiced action •  With friends / family / workout partners

•  Practice the actions you will take: – Telephone

– Face-to-face, using different tools

•  Practice different phases of prospecting: – Piquing interest

– Following up

Group exercise Break into groups of 4 (strangers)

1)  Pick your scariest prospect –  #1 on chicken list

2)  Practice prospecting with your group –  One of them pretends to be your prospect

3)  Ask for feedback

4)  Revise & repeat