Optimising Your Jobs & LinkedIn Career Page | Talent Connect London 2013

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Optimising Your Jobs & LinkedIn Careers Page

Optimising Your Jobs & LinkedIn Careers Page


How Your Jobs and LinkedIn Careers Page drive the LinkedIn Ecosystem

What Are the Steps Needed to Bring Your Careers Page and Talent Brand to Life

Why Your Jobs are Key to Driving Your Talent Brand

Why Your Followers are Important

Key Takeaways

Q & A

Imagine LinkedIn is a big Shopping MallHow would you drive people to your shop and make it stand out?

Remember also that these

are mostly Window


These can be the toughest

people to attract as they aren’t

actively looking to buy.

So 80 % of these shoppers may

already have what they need

Your products are your jobs, and you want people to ‘buy’ or apply to them

How do you notify a target of brand new people about your shop & drive traffic there?

Job Slots act just like a magic billboard / directory right inside the shopping mall lobby.

Members only see ad messages most relevant to their needs, diverting them to your store.

How do you heavily promote a particular product in your store?

You can sponsor jobs in case of an urgent, hard to fill or business critical role.

These jobs appear more in this mall ‘directory’ and so logically get a higher likelihood of application and ultimately more applicants.

So you have spent time and money reaching out, and getting the buyer to check out your shop…

What does it look like inside?

Would you want to ‘buy’ what’s on the shelf (i.e. your jobs)?

What first impression do you want to create for the customer?

Like This?

Or Does it Look

Like This?

Positive engagement Quality reinforcement

Focusing on full benefits, not just price alone Increased likelihood to buy

Bringing it back to LinkedIn, how has a real life customer successfully achieved this?

Family run business

Key business challenges that prompted them to build the LinkedIn Careers Page

Identified the key champions internally to drive the building of their brand on LinkedIn

How did Hager Group bring their Employer Value Proposition (EVP) to life?

Key Steps to Bring Your Careers Page and Talent Brand to Life

How do you bring your brand to life?Goals from your LinkedIn Careers Page

Excite members about what’s happening at your company

Increase awareness of hiring at your company

Evangelize your company culture

Increase likelihood of action

Module 1: Your Banner

Your banner Tagline & Subheading About your company Employee Spotlight Additional Info.

Create an engaging banner to showcase your employment brand and capture your audience’s attention

Images of people are found to be more engaging

Use large bold images to make an impact

You can specify a URL to make image clickable and link to other assets

Your banner Tagline & Subheading About your company Employee Spotlight Additional Info.

1: Banner Tagline / Subheader At Hager Group people are the key to success

Summarize your branding message to help members better understand and identify with your company and opportunities

Communicate the heart of your branding message clearly with a succinct and prominent headline

A call-to-action communication in the sub heading is more effective and engaging

Brand Summary

Try to keep tagline brief and meaningful

Avoid buzzwords like ‘out of the box,’ ‘one-of-a-kind,’ ‘innovative’ unless genuinely meaningful or applicable

Clear Message

Call to Action



2: About The Company

Create custom content to reinforce your branding

message through text, a video and helpful links

You can embed a video, a Slideshare presentation or

an image to talk about what makes your company a


Ideal videos are under 2 minutes and include a

video title. Embedded Slideshare presentations

should ideally be < 10 slides

Communication from your leadership sparks more

interest with members

Your banner Tagline & Subheading About your company Employee Spotlight Additional Info.

Your banner Tagline & Subheading About your company Employee Spotlight Additional Info.

2: About The Company (2nd module)

Integrate your corporate assets seamlessly in this custom module

Expose members to your brand by including links to a company blog, Twitter feed, Facebook page or your Instagram account

Have brief and clear link descriptions. Also try to include ‘call- to-action’ relevant to your assets

Your banner Tagline & Subheading About your company Employee Spotlight Additional Info.

3: Employee Spotlights

Your banner Tagline & Subheading About your company Employee Spotlight Additional Info.

3: Employee Spotlights

Include testimonials that describe diverse aspects of the work culture & reveal why they chose to work at your company. Showcase their stories!

Employees who have peer recommendations on LinkedIn & have relatively longer tenure make good brand ambassadors

We recommend selecting 2 featured employees to be your brand ambassadors

Select employees who have a LinkedIn profile picture to make a stronger impression

Jobs People Recent Updates

4: Jobs

Relevant jobs personalised for each user

Make sure to post all of your professional positions to LinkedIn, so that every member visiting your page sees roles relevant to them

Ensure the job poster is tagging jobs on LinkedIn with the company name

Jobs People Recent Updates

5: People

Encourage 100% employee presence on LinkedIn

Your employees are your best brand ambassadors

Share tips with your employees to effectively complete their LinkedIn Profiles

Jobs People Recent Updates

6: Recent Updates

Jobs People Recent Updates

6: Recent Updates

Vary Your Content Post Consistently Keep It Brief

Companies that post 20 times a month reach at least 60% of

their unique audience

Keep your posts brief and punchy. Updates with < 50

characters drive 28% higher engagement

Share interesting insights & content about your company

(‘A Day In The Life’,’ Thought Leadership’, Company News)

Key takeaways for your LinkedIn Careers Page

Think visually - Use bold images to give a real-world glimpse into your organization

Think digitally - Whatever you say, keep it brief. Online - attention spans are shorter

Think video - Showcase real people with real stories to engage members more deeply.

Think customised - Adapt your content to viewers based on their LinkedIn profiles. Target based on job function, industry, geography, etc.

Why Your Jobs are Key to Driving Your Talent Brand

Why your Jobs are key to driving your brand Job titles driving targeted opportunities to the LinkedIn member’s home page  Your LinkedIn Careers Page branding now becomes a key feature of your job postings!

How your LinkedIn Careers Page & Jobs work together

Rich media (video or photo) as well as recent updates are imported into your Job Description from your Careers Page

Result: an engaging and inviting experience for the job viewer!

Key takeaways for your Jobs

Think of your audience - Job titles driving targeted opportunities to LinkedIn members

Think social - Let your jobs go viral by sharing with your network on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter

Think customised - Engage talent with personalised jobs on your Careers page and employee profiles

Why Your Followers Are Important

For example - companies in France who have a LinkedIn careers page

have on average 3.1X more followers

than companies who just use Recruiter and Jobs Slots.

For these companies in France who have a LinkedIn careers page, a follower is

110% more likely to respond to an InMail from your recruiters

vs. a non-follower.

So what? Why do I need Followers and how do they tie into my recruitment solution?

78%More likely to accept

Recruiter InMail

6xMore likely to view

LinkedIn Career Page3xMore likely to apply

For jobs at companies they follow

10xMore likely to shareContent distributed by companies they follow

61%More willing to be your

brand ambassador

Remember : You can Filter Recruiter searches for candidates that are currently

following your company

Followers make a difference6

The average number of companies that members


Our member gets… As en employer you get…

- Your news stories in their news feed- Relevant jobs in their news feed- Your company status updates

- Engaged talent pool- Long term relationship- Brand evangelists- Increased Job distribution

What do followers mean for your employer brand?

How to leverage employer brand insights?

Start finding out about your followers on your company page

Discover who your followers are and what they’re doing

Keep your conversation relevant by targeting your followers

LinkedIn can provide even deeper insights into your follower base

Key Takeaways

Optimise Your Jobs & LinkedIn Careers Page

Your Jobs and Careers Page drive the LinkedIn Ecosystem

Key Steps to bring your Careers Page and Talent Brand to life

Your Jobs are key to driving your Talent Brand

Followers are highly valuable asset for your company