My challenge day21


DESCRIPTION Do you want to know how the leaders and top gurus use social media for business success? I'm talking about generating leads 24/7 like clockwork. Well today, you're in luck, I go over some of the tactics that I paid well over $50,000 to learn myself. For more advice on how to use social media for business success, visit my blog at

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How To Use Social Media For Business

To Generate Leads Like Clockwork

Today’s topic is social media

marketing for your business. We covered

this topic a couple of weeks ago, but I

want to dive deeper into the tactics and


Mainly, it’s about how you can get

results. A lot of businesses and companies

just assume that they need to be active on

social media like everyone else. Although

it is somewhat true, you always want to be

strategic; have some type of goal in mind.

It also applies to people in network

marketing. You have to treat it like it is your

own business. If it wasn’t for some of the

great mentors I’ve had, I wouldn’t be able

to formulate how to put together these


Ultimately, we always start with 0

fans, or friends, and not really quite sure

what to do.

For network marketing purposes, if

you want to get results, it’s all about

developing your relationships.

The number one thing to remember is

that with any type of marketing you

implement needs to be congruent across

the board. People have to feel like they are

getting to know you.

That’s why I like to make these posts.

It’s a great way or outlet to connect with

my fans who might be struggling through

obstacles I’ve already gone through. If I

can make your learning curve a bit shorter,

then I’m happy to do so.

If you try to develop relationships to

connect with people, let them know what

you’re all about. If they enter your email

funnel and become a lead, why not let

them connect with you in your social

media channels?

If you’re trying to generate leads, stay

consistent; just like with email marketing,

blogging, offline marketing, or recruiting.

You have to be consistent every single

day. Post something; if you don’t know

what to post, everyone loves quotes. Just

post some inspirational things that can

make someone’s day a little easier.

Eventually you’ll develop a following.

People are going to be interested in what

you do and talk about. Making videos are

a great way to do that.

I challenge you to put together some

type of game plan where you can start to

take action every day. Do something so

that people can really connect with you on

a deeper level. Answer questions or have

a discussion.

That’s what social media is great for.

It’s all about developing conversation and

allowing it to reach more than just yourself

and one other person. It can reach millions

of people potentially.

That’s one of the great ways I was

able to build my business. I realised there

was definitely going to be a trend with

social media. It just keeps growing; every

day there are even more channels being

opened up.

For example, I have a client that is

using a website called Spice Works that

deals with IT professionals. I had no idea

what that was. It’s a great way to connect

with people in a specific niche or audience.

As you want to scale your business,

you basically want to look for certain

characteristics. If you’re looking on

Facebook for people to connect with, look

for people that I like to call PHD.

I didn’t come up with the term myself;

it’s from a book I read recently called

“Success is a choice” by Rick Pitino. It

stands for “Poor Hungry with Desire”. In

this case poor means that they’re looking

for something beyond themselves or a

transition, not that they’re broke.

So when you do marketing on

Facebook and other channels, look for

people that have the thirst for knowledge.

Perhaps they read inspirational books or

are constantly working on themselves.

This is another reason why I like

marketing online. When you talk to people

offline you’re never really sure if they are

within your targeted audience.

Online, you can find those people just

by having a conversation. A good example

is if you go on You can

find people based on hash tags,

categories or discussions.

If you have ever taken a class on

speech, like toast masters, they always

have these things called table topic

discussions. I look at twitter as a great way

to have those discussions with people

because you can refine and test your

messaging to see how well it reaches a

larger audience of people.

Another thing to keep in mind is as

you start to have these conversations, you

want to think about how you can grow your


That way, you can find more people

that could be potential leads or customers

for you. The way to do it is just to follow

people that have influence. Connect with

people every day.

I don’t want you to think it’s going to

be a onetime thing. You can’t just make

one tweet and expect thousands of dollars

to fall from the sky. You have to think about

it in terms of how you can eventually

develop a cult following that will open your

emails, read your blog and interact with

you on an everyday basis.

Eventually, you’ll start to generate

leads like crazy, and you’ll have massive

success. People will want to connect with

you. You’ll go to events where people are

connecting with you and feel like they have

known you all of their life.

You can eventually build that for

yourself. It doesn’t really take much effort;

it’s just about being consistent.

If you can blog every day for 90 days,

you will have success. It’s the same thing

with social media; the more you do it, the

more you can impact people.

Here’s an example from when I was

consulting at Google. We started off with 0

followers. I worked on finding key

advocates that could help grow our

audience over time. Within about 10

months, we grew that audience from 0 to

over half a million followers and growing.

The thing is, it didn’t happen

overnight. When I went through that

process, I had doubts myself. I didn’t think

I could do it. But, I challenged myself to

continue to learn and develop my skills.

Look at it as if you’re pushing a

boulder up a hill. Obviously, pushing it up

isn’t going to be easy or fun. Eventually

you’ll get to the top, and you’ll be able to

roll it down.

The same thing applies in your

network market business. Do it

consistently for long enough, and you’ll get

some results at the end of the day.

Let me know about some of the

experiences you’ve had in social media,

whether you’re having some challenges,

problems or success. I want to be able to

hear them and see how I can help.
