Mel king-workforce-development-shellfish-futures-2012


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Workforce Development-

The Challenges and Opportunities in Tasmanian


Shellfish Futures Conference August 2012 TASMANIAN FARMERS & GRAZIERS


Mid 20th Century over 50% employed in Ag, Forestry & Fishing, Mining and Manufacturing - Today it is just 13% (“Australian Jobs 2012”; Department Education, Employment and Workplace Relations)

•  Farming not what it was even 10 years ago. v Once: jacks-of-all-trades, master of............ v Today: increasingly specialised – specific knowledge and skills

v Once: farm & knowledge handed down from father to son - the traditional ways enough –Why change! v Today: Current knowledge and skill needed to survive changing face of farming v Once: least academically inclined son stayed on farm – the bright ones got a career v Today: bright young things get the farm – sons and daughters

Where We Are At Now? Tasmanian workforce today •  43% aged 45+ •  35% employed part-time • 56% employed regionally (ie outside Hobart )

Time we got active in the workforce planning space Industry Skills Plan: Agriculture

October 2011-June 2014

Skills shortage or labour shortage? Ø What skills are needed – are they really in short supply?

Ø On-farm v broader agriculture needs

Ø Competing with mining industry

Ø Selling the life – can’t compete in $$$

Ø Need to change the traditional view of agriculture


Technology developments

changing the face of farming Need to be more tech savvy

Computer literacy needed

A vast array of tools available but need

skills to use.

Increasing regulation and compliance regimes


A greater level of business skills needed in

order to negotiate the myriad of red and green tape and compliance regimes faced

with today


If this is where we are at then where to from here?

Workforce Planning – What does it mean?

• Workforce Planning has a similar role as a road sign

•  If you don’t react to the sign you may come to grief •  To manage for the future need to make better decisions now and progressively as we move towards the future.

• Not about tomorrow’s decision it is about today’s decisions for tomorrows scenario. Predicting future needs based on data.

Challenges? • Aging population making more competitive to attract labour

- Baby boomers are leaving NOW - Gen Y – not enough

•  Mobile Workforce In Australia each year – ü  approx 1 million will change jobs ü  hundreds of thousands also change industry ü  demographers predict this number will increase

•  Competing with other industries – mining ü  How do we attract people to a sector that cannot

compete with $$ paid in other sectors? ü  Lifestyle? ü  Target tree changers?

Traditional view of ag

Need to change the image – make it sexy • Not just about driving a tractor • Own worst enemies – change has to start from ground up • Need to convince farmers to spend $$ on up-skilling • Broad range of careers available and needed §  Agronomists § Computer programmers § Accountants § Lawyers § Marketers § Stock agents § And the list goes on and on and on...............

Opportunities….. •  This states economy relies heavily on agriculture • 2nd largest employer outside of the public service •  NBN – training to the door •  Government have seen the figures too Ø  Currently Federal Government is willing to invest in skills Ø  Ascertain your needs and look around – you will probably find a funding stream to suit

- NWDF 2/3 subsidised - digital learning - PPP

•  United we stand ...........

• Small state with limited funding and employment pool (representing just 2% of the nations employment) • Identify synergies between in training needs

• Share resources – adapt models to suit needs of each individual industry
