Meetup 29 Cultural Diversity



Slide Deck from Silicon Halton meetup 29 presentation: Cultural Diversity in organizations as a competitive advantage.

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Cultural Diversity in organizations as a competitive advantage

Market Reach, Alliances, and Performance is key to success! … and embracing cultural diversity in your organization will enable the opportunity for all three!


Bob Nagar – LMI CanadaLeadership & Personal Development LinkedIn Web

Elaine Moores

Ewa Gorska – United Way of OakvilleDatabase

World map courtesy of







Internet Users by Geographic region – 2011 (millions)

World map courtesy of

Internet user growth opportunity by Geographic region 2011 (millions)







Growth potential

World map courtesy of

Internet user growth rate Geographic region 2000-2011








Global Mobile device trends

Mobile Web



Growth rate visible minori-ties 2001-2006

Halton-Peel; 31.70%

Ontario; 12.20%

Growth rate of im-migrants 2001-2006

Halton-Peel, 17%

Ontario; 6.60%

Growth rate as a per-centage of total popu-

lation - 2001-2006

Milton; 56.5%

Ontario; 5.6%

Population growth rate 2006-2011

Demographics in Halton-Peel – Your differentiators

Who are they?

Prime working years25-44

Where from?

How does culture impact usHofstede’s three levels of mental programming- Software of the Mind, 2010

Application ---------------------------

Programming Platform--------

Operating System-------

Masculinity /femininity

Uncertainty avoidance index



Power-distance Index

Long-term vs short-term

5 Cultural Dimensions




77 80



Power Distance

Canada Brazil Russia India China Poland Romania




40 40

93 90

Uncertainty avoidance

Canada Brazil Russia India China Poland Romania


38 3948




Individualism Index

Canada Brazil Russia India China Poland Romania




66 64


Masculinity Index

Canada Brazil Russia India China Poland Romania


65 61



Long-term orientation

Canada Brazil Russia India China Poland Romania

Motivation to contribute

Cultural dimension

Level the Playing field

Iceberg model' of culture developed by Selfridge and Sokolik, 1975 and W.L. French and C.H. Bell in 1979

Elaine Moores

• Note:

– Although Ewa and I are citizen representatives on the Halton Diversity Advisory Committee (HDAC), we are not here to represent the views of Halton Region or HDAC

– Any opinions expressed by tonight are based on our own experiences

• Contact information– Zerezghi Haile, Diversity

Advisor•• Tel: 905 825 6000 ext.




Business Case for Diversity (Why I became a champion for diversity)

• Are blue eyes are better?

Business Case (continued)

• Myths about Diversity

– Hiring to reach targets

– Not hiring the best

– Preferential treatment of certain group(s) - e.g. women, visible minorities, persons with disabilities, etc

• To the Contrary

“Why the Value of Diversity in the Workplace Adds up to Nearly Six Figures” -Toronto Star, Mar. 1/12

• “…stores where the pool of employees mirrored the ethnic makeup of the communities they served earned an average of $94,000 more per year than stores in which staff wasn’t representative of the wider community”

• “setting quotas or numerical targets for employees of various ethnic groups misses the point”

• “…a monochromatic sales team in an ethnically diverse area sends negative signals to shoppers of various backgrounds”

Business Case (continued)

• Oakville Examples

– Town of Oakville website• information available in 50


ces.html Middle of the page, it will ask you to select a language

– HSBC Bank

– Perogy House

• Benefits of Diversity

– Better customer service; higher client satisfaction; more profitable for business

– Hire the best; retain talented employees who see opportunities for promotion

– Morally the right thing to do

Diversity in SMEs – 7 steps

1. Analysis and relevanceThink about your business –strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT

analysis)– What strengthens/weakens your business?– What are recent problems? – Are we getting the most out of our people? – Does my management style motivate to truly contribute?– Right mix of skills and experience for operational/market demands?– How diverse is the market place? Becoming more or less with, technology and

lifestyles change? Are we responding?– How diverse is the workforce - styles and approaches, working practices, new ways

of looking at problems?– Are equality laws an intrusion or an opportunity for change?

Diversity in SMEs – 7 steps

2. New MarketsExplore new/potential markets.

How to do it:– Recognize the diversity/scale of the potential market place you can appeal to (the

age range, the sexual orientation, the ethnic range, disability issues).– Research needs of different groups – Seek feedback from clients/customers across target markets – Develop reach strategies/advertising materials that are accessible to all.– Recognize any benefits in matching personality, age, background and style of front-

line staff with customers/clients– Discover and utilize new media opportunities (e.g. “Pod Casting”, local magazines,

social groups) to focus marketing on new groups– Consider workforce training related to dealing with specific groups Benefits:– Increases access to new markets with opportunities for products/service

development and diversification

Diversity in SMEs – 7 steps

3. Client/Customer NeedsPut client/customer needs at the forefront of your business strategy and planning Process

How to do it:– Feed diversity market research directly into product and service developments– Develop accessible external communications systems that allow for feedback and

new ideas from customers/clients (both existing and new). Integrate the feedback into a regular business review process

Benefits:– An evolving business strategy that reflects the (changing) needs of customers and


Diversity in SMEs – 7 steps

4. RecruitmentMove away from staffing decisions based on “gut instinct” and personal values

How to do it:– Decide on skills, knowledge and experience that the business needs and produce a

“job description” and a personal specification .– Make sure you are not inadvertently excluding anyone from applying because of

diversity differences. Adapt your methods to allow (and encourage) disabled people to apply

– Avoid “word of mouth” recruitment processes. Consider a range of advertising methods and professionals

– Explicitly reach out to all sections of the community– Talk informally about the job to your candidates..Benefits:– A better match between your business need, job roles and staff profiles. This can

also lead to better staff retention and increased innovation

Diversity in SMEs – 7 steps

5. Internal CommunicationsDevelop strong internal communication systems.

How to do it:– Allow and encourage staff to suggest ideas, anonymously if necessary, through

written and verbal channels (e.g. bulletin boards, “drop box”)– Use your appraisal system for staff feedback– Ensure that staff confidentiality is protectedBenefits:– The recognition (and application) of the diversity of ideas, knowledge and

different perspectives held within the business and increased staff involvement and commitment.

– Provide a climate where employees are truly motivated to contribute

Diversity in SMEs – 7 steps

6. Image and reputationUse your commitment to diversity as a business tool in terms of reputation, PR and winning

business (particularly from larger and public sector firms).

How to do it:– Develop formal diversity policies – but keep it simple– Prepare a one page review with staff on what diversity targets will help them over

the year (e.g. flexible working around religious holidays).– Set out a training plan and record any training related to diversity issues.– Specify the measures you have put in place to select and recruit new staff.– Include diversity statements in your brochures, handbooks and company

guidelines, as you might do with health and safety issues.– Capture metrics on staff and customer diversity. Establish baseline with an annual

review to assess /track your movement towards increased diversityBenefits:– Increased linkages with local/national/international supply chains and improved

business opportunities

Diversity in SMEs – 7 steps

7. EvaluationEvaluate the potential costs and benefits of implementing diversity policies.

How to do it:– Think about what you need to put into the process (costs) in terms of management

time and business resources– Think about what the outcomes might be e.g. improved communications, better

staff relations etc.– Think about the potential benefits e.g. solutions to labour shortages; avoiding staff

problems such as stress and absenteeism; access to new markets; improved performance in existing markets; access to talent; getting the most out of existing staff; increased innovation and creativity; improved reputation

– Review this on an annual basisBenefits:– Effective, systematic measurement of costs /benefits of workforce policies is

essential to sustain existing programs and to assess the business case for greater investment and opportunity

Database Administrator at United Way of Oakville

• Member of :– Polish Alliance group in Oakville– Halton Polish Women Group– Halton Diversity Advisory Committee– Halton Newcomer Strategy Project

Ewa Gorska

My Story

Polish Roots:• Born/raised in Poland, started family there.• Worked as an elementary teacher in Poland. • Came to Canada in 1989• Wroclaw University in Poland• Degree with Honors in Pedagogy and Adult


Family left behind

New Life in Canada

What contributed to my success in Canada

• Post graduated Degree in Information Technology from Sheridan College in Oakville

1. Open minded person who gave me a

chance for an interview

2. Encouraging , empowering inclusive

work environment that values previous

work/life experiences

3. A Boss who appreciates and sees

employee for who they are at work and


4. This allowed me confidence to develop

and to take on many new successful


What contributed to my success in Canada


• Capitalize on all skills• Motivate• Empower• Get to know• Understand• Trust• Be open minded• Give a chance

If I could give anybody any kind of advice

based on my personal experience I would say:

• be the kind of boss or co-worker who is

open minded, risk taking , positive and


• The one who encourages, empowers,


• The one who sees more than just an

employee, just an immigrant , just not so

perfect English

Just give somebody a chance, believe in that person and you would be surprised with the outcome.

Ewa’s life motto

Here is my motto, that guides me in my lifeAttitudeThe longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is

more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.

It will make or break a company, a church, or a home. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.

We cannot change the past, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is plan on the one thing that we have, and that is our attitude.

I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes.

By unknown Author

My Canada

The Final Word about Diversity – it works!

Diversity in SMEs - Tools to help you

1. Image and reputation

2. Recruitment

3. Diversity Awareness, Personal and Leadership Development

Tool #1

Tool #2

Tool #3

Chris Herbertcherbert@mi6agency.comLinkedIn Web

Rick Stomphorstrick@stomphorst.caLinkedIn Web

Bob LinkedIn Web