MD Anderson Cancer Center: Making Cancer History

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Assoc. VP for Communications Sarah Newson on how a simple tagline transformed a brand ... and gave hope to millions.

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IABC Houston MeetingJune 28, 2012

We embarked on this journey in 2005for all sorts of reasons

• We didn’t know who we were• And nobody knew us• We couldn’t get our messages straight• We didn’t stand out in the marketplace• We had failure to comply• And…

While brand isn’t just all about the logo, it is a core element, and sometimes that element…

• Research and assessment• Strategic direction and positioning• Brand architecture• Graphic standards• New logo launched May 3, 2010

• With first online brand management tool –Brand Central

The long and winding road…

The ones we didn’t choose

And there were 32 more to come…

The final straw. (With interpretive dance.)

The drum roll…

Key brand elements

Our expertise and reputationOur foundation

The visual expression of our mission and vision

Our multidisciplinary approach to cancer

Summarizes our mission and vision

Logo deconstruction

Brand Promise



Key Brand Assets

Brand Foundation: Organization DNA

Rational Emotional Experiential Visual

Core Values Strategic Plan HistoryMission Vision

• Best

• #1 Ranking• Cancer focus• Best cancer doctors• Cancer resources• Research $

• Mission focus• Team approach• Better outcomes

• Logo• Colors

• “The MDA Experience”

• Skilled compassionate people

• Pioneering • Expertise

“The best possible environment to help you fight cancer.”

“The global leader in cancer.”


5 brand elements


Icons for digital media, restricted space

Key brand initiatives

• One-stop online brand management• Elimination of internal icons

• Development of external icon system

• Single source for business cards – UT Printing• Online ordering, customization, approval, billing• Card flexibility

• Creation of institutional brand cost center• Changes in architecture for our hosts and partners,

and flexibility with brand standards

Key initiatives

Why there’s much fuss for us about internal icons…

External Program Icon Architecture

• Approved program iconsshould only be developedby Medical Graphics orCreative Communications.

• Graphic element proportions:keep size within the top of the “M” in MD Anderson and the bottom of theprogram’s name

• Graphic element colors must match the brand color palette

Allowable space for graphic element

48 pt Minion Pro Regular

27 pt Universe 55 Roman14 pt Universe 55 Roman

Brand Color Palettes

PMS 485

PMS 404






PMS 1525

PMS 7447

PMS 647



ry P



PMS 575

PMS 7505

PMS 7503

PMS 467

PMS 400


tral P



External Program Icons

Measures of success

Better design, better compliance


Gift shop salesone year later

145% increase• From $130,812 to $320,965 • From 9,701 pieces to 24,677• 8,000 t-shirt sales

• Black #1 color

• 85 different products

Brand Core Team

Team comprises communications, marketing, design and public education

• Encompasses design, architecture, funding, business development, policies, approvals

• Empowered to make brand decisions that impact entire institution

• Designers have clout to say no• Institution turns to team for recommendations

Lessons learned

What’s sometimes interpreted…

Lost in translation… What’s intended…

Lessons learned• Brilliant logo design, but practical applications not all

considered• People emotionally attached to things• Consider what happens after launch• Don’t waver on major decisions – logo, icons• Be flexible• Training never ends• Create partnership rules of the road• Plan with your business development team• Create – and use – an advisory committee• Keep the “powers that be” informed

…but don’t let them run the show…

What’s on tap next• Managing brand assets• Vendor and employee compliance and training• Integrate with other major initiatives • Staffing needs• Design workshop• Incorporate new brand language• Revamp of Brand Central

• Launch of new photo library

You’re a swell bunch. Thanks for coming!

Any questions?
