McCann Creative Mentorship

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“Advertising is not a profession.”

Richard Huntington

You learn by doing.

Especially whenthere’s someone to

look after you.

Two problems:

1. You learn into an imperfect system

2. How the f**k do you get into the system?

1. The system

Mediocre Brief

Little time for ideas

Poor feedback

Lots of revisions

Even less time for ideas

Even poorer feedback

Gets approved

You shoot

Don’t recognize your idea

Mediocre brief

Literally, you do not have the right setup for learning

2. How do you get into the system?

Perception: “hard to get into advertising”

Reality: “it’s not hard, only a bit too mysterious”

it’s the result of a (dubious) recruitment process

and not the outcome of a transparent selection process

3. How does advertising get the best talent?

trial and error


a tool that offers the benefits of the system

without its shortcomings

a tool that offers a straight path from talent to


and a straight path from advertising to talent

Aaa.. McCannCreative Mentor-what!?

•An interactive creative guidance program•An online community of future hotshot creatives•The chance to learn from the experience of master practitioners

How does it work?

You will be receiving a brand new brief each month.

Solve it in two weeks.Get feedback within the following week.

Get back to work for one more week, and see if you can come up with the big idea.

the concept

How to get in?

•we challenge you to try your hand•you hit us with your best shot•we take a look at it•and then you’re in

Who are the mentors?

senior creative people

and guests from related creative fields

Coming May 20th In the meantime, check out the blog at
