Lwf2014 callforapplications rules


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The Liège Web Fest, whose second edition will be held in Liège on October 10, 2014, is calling for web series and transmedia works. Two competitions are proposed: the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles competition and the International Competition / outside of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

1. Definitions

- Web series are series consisting of a set of videos that are published on the Internet

- Transmedia works are innovative, fiction, documentary and non-narrative artistic works, specifically created for new media platforms, of interactive and participatory nature, offering an authors’ point of view and imple-menting a writing and a design tailored to the various features offered by new media platforms.

- New media are all types of connected media: computers, tablets or second screens, connected TV’s, cellular phones, etc.

Eligible works under this call are: web creations, webdocs, web fictions, web art, games, applications, etc.

2. General Terms and Conditions – Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Competition

- The author/director must reside in the Walloon Region or in the bilingual Region of Brussels-Capital

- Where applicable, the production company must be headquartered in the Walloon Region or in the bilingual Region of Brussels-Capital

- For web series, the first season must be ready to be released or already online

- For transmedia works, works must have already been developed and must be ready to be released online or already online

3. General Terms and Conditions – International Competition/ Outside of the Fédération Wal-lonie-Bruxelles

- The author/director must reside outside of the Walloon Region

- Where applicable, the production company must be headquartered outside of the Walloon Region

- For web series, the first season must be ready to be released or already online

- Web creations must have already been developed and must be ready to be released online or already online

Application Deadline // JULY 31, 2014 //

4. Application Procedure

- Fill in the attached form

- Provide a link to the website hosting the web series or the transmedia work (with usernames and pass-words if applicable)

- If the website is not online yet, please send, via a download platform (such as Wetransfer) a folder containing the first season’s episodes for web-series; or a folder containing all the elements constituting the transmedia work for transmedia works.

Applications must be sent by email to info@liegewebfest.be

Don’t hesitate to submit your latest productions!

Thank you for your participation,

The Liège Web Fest Team


Marine HaverlandBusiness Relations / PR / Programming+32 494 / 76 91 27Email: marine@liegewebfest.be

Julien HockersCoordination/Programming+32 498/ 62 72 99julien@liegewebfest.be

Jeff BertemesGraphic Design / Communication +32 499/ 31 87 15jeff@liegewebfest.be



Article 1 – Dates and locationsThe first edition of the Liège Web Fest will be held on Friday, October 10, 2014, in Liège.

Article 2 – Purpose of the festivalThe Liège Web Fest is an international festival dedicated to web series and transmedia works.It aims to: - Reveal and showcase web series and transmedia works - Raise public awareness of these creative projects tailored to new media- Give authors the opportunity to better publicize their work by ensuring their promotion, dissemination and diffusion- Promote the development of visual and digital arts.

Article 3 – Definition of web series and transmedia worksWeb series are series consisting of a set of videos that are published on the Internet

Transmedia works are innovative, fiction, documentary or non-narrative artistic works, specifically created for new media platforms, with an interactive and participatory nature, offering an authors’ point of view and implementing a writing and a design tailored to the various features offered by new media platforms.

- New media are all types of connected media: computers, tablets or second screens, connected TV’s, cellular phones, etc.

Article 4 – CompetitionsThere will be two competitions:- The Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles competition- The international / outside of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles competition

Both selection processes will focus on the quality and originality of the web-series and transmedia works.

Web-series and transmedia works to be presented at the Liège Web Fest will be selected by the Festival’s programming team. The Liège Web Fest’s programming team has the sole right to accept or deny any proposed work for the Festival and to decide on any exception to the rules.

Article 5 – Proposing web series or transmedia works

For the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles competition: In order to be selected and invited to participate in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles competition, web-series and transmedia works must meet the following criteria:- They must fall under the definition of web series and transmedia works as described in Article 3 of these Rules- The author and/or director must reside in the Walloon Region or in the bilingual Region of Brussels-Capital- The production company must be headquartered in the Walloon Region or the bilingual Region of Brussels-Capital- For web series, the first season must be completed- For transmedia works, the development must be completed and the work must be ready to be released online or must already be online- Applicants must have duly completed the application form and provided the requested information.

International competition: In order to be selected and invited to participate in the International competition, web-series and transmedia works must meet the following criteria:

- They must fall under the definition of web series and transmedia works as described in Article 3 of these Rules- The Author and/or director must reside outside of the Walloon Region - The production company must be based outside of the Walloon Region - For web series, the first season must be completed- For transmedia works, the development must be completed and the work must be ready to be released online or must already be online- Applicants must have completed the application form and provided the requested information, or

- Applicants must have been invited to participate by the programmers of the Liège Web Fest.

Participation in the Liège Web Fest is free of charge.Submissions deadline for web series or transmedia works is Thursday, July 31, 2014.

Article 6 – Elements to be provided with the applicationFor the application to be effective, the following elements must be provided:- The duly completed application form- A link to the website hosting the web series or transmedia work. The website can be protected by an access code.- If the website is not operational yet, please send, via a download platform (such as Wetransfer) or on DVD, a folder containing the first season’s episodes for web-series; or a folder containing all the elements constituting the transmedia work.

An official image in high definition (minimum 300 dpi in .eps or .jpeg format) for the publication of communication media and a synopsis of maximum 100 words, if possible in both English and French.

None of the material sent for the selection process will be returned. The festival keeps all submitted films in its own audiovisual archives. Their use is strictly limited to review within the Festival’s premises.

The application elements and form must be received no later than July 31, 2014.

The application must be sent by email to: info@liegewebfest.beOr by postal mail to the following address: Liège Web Fest / 6, rue de la Brasserie / 4000 LIEGE

Article 7 – Presentation of the web series and transmedia worksSelected web series and web creations will be shown at the Liège Web Fest on a large screen for maximum 30 minutes per piece.

For web-series, authors and/or producers shall send, via a download platform (i.e. Wetransfer or Vimeo), the episodes of their choice (max. 30 minutes total) in HD Quicktime format (minimum 1080)

For transmedia works, authors and/or producers will present their own personal navigated tour through the experi-ence that constitutes their transmedia work. For the presentation, the authors and/or producers will prepare a naviga-tion/visit lasting no more than 30 minutes.

Each author and/or producer having submitted a web series will be responsible for providing a copy of the work or material necessary for its presentation at the festival in case it is selected. No withdrawal of web-series or transmedia works after the selection has been announced shall be accepted.

Article 8 – AwardsFor the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles competition, the following prizes will be awarded:- Award for best web series- Award for best transmedia work

For the International competition, the following prizes will be awarded:- Award for best web series- Award for best new media creation

An Audience Award will be given to a work acclaimed by the audience, all categories and selections combined.

Article 9 – JuryThe Official Jury will be composed of international professionals. The Programming Team of the Liège Web Fest shall appoint the members of the Official Jury. The audience jury will be composed of the public audience present on the evening the works are shown.Individuals interested in the production or exploitation of the competing works may not be part of the jury.Jury decisions are final.

Article 10 – Communication and mediaIf a work is selected, the festival reserves the right to present an excerpt from it to local, national or international television channels, which shall not exceed 10% of the total duration of the work. The festival also reserves the right to use excerpts from the selected web series or web creations for its official trailer.In addition, images of the work in question, provided by the responsible applicants, shall be used for promotional pur-poses (print media, Internet, other media).

Article 11 – PublicityIn case a work is selected, the producer and/or author of the web series or transmedia work hereby agrees to include the “Liège Web Fest” logo and any prize awarded to the broadcast medium of the web series or transmedia work and to all promotional materials.

Article 12 By applying for participation in the second edition of the Liège Web Fest, producers, directors and beneficiaries accept, without reserve, the general terms of these Rules. Participants whose works are selected in the Festival agree to enter into an irrevocable license with the Liège Web Fest allowing the exploitation and promotion of the works as part of the festival.

Article 13 - Guarantees The author and/or producer hereby declare(s) and guarantee(s) that he/she/they own(s) all the rights, including intel-lectual rights, private property rights, title and interest for the works submitted to the Liège Web Fest. The author and/or producer also declare(s) and guarantee(s) that the submitted work is entirely original and no part of it violates the right to privacy and protection of honor and reputation of any third party.

Article 14 – Material handlingTransportation costs of any potential viewing equipment and any necessary supporting documents for web-series and transmedia works presented to the programming team for potential selection, shall be fully borne by the participants. Elements sent as part of the selection process will not be returned.

Shipping and forwarding of any potential screening equipment media for web-series and transmedia works selected in the Liège Web Fest will be provided by the Liège Web Fest. Any transportation, screening and insurance costs related to these elements are the responsibility of the Liège Web Fest.

Article 15 – Derogations and disputesThe Aura Films Organization and the Les Zazas platform have the sole right to address issues that fail to be provided for in these Rules and to grant exemptions. Participation in the Liège Web Fest implies the acceptance of these Rules and the compliance with the pre-selection conditions.

Article 16 – CancellationThe Aura Films Organization and the Les Zazas platform reserve the right to cancel the festival, in case of major issue beyond their control.

Rules drafted on May 5, 2014
