Lukey Resources/SmartNet slideshare May 2010



Collaborative opportunities: an entree of our approach to growing living, learning organisations and an invitation to discuss a range of live and on-line partnering possibilities under either or both brands.

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Lukey ResourcesOpening Minds-Unlocking Performance

Key adj. central, crucial, essential, important…

Resources n. means of supplying what is needed

CBD, Christchurch, New Zealand

SmartNet Partners-The Opportunity

Small hubs - BIG spokes

Best of both worlds

SmartNet Hub- Best mix of both

Office BasedHome based

What do we do now?

... So much of today's turmoil is unprecedentedthat we can't find much guidance by looking to the past. For managers across the global economy... today's great question is, What do we do now?"

Geoff Colvin How to Manage Your Business in a Recession

Fortune January 19, 2009

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“It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.” W. Edwards Deming

Collaborating to GrowLiving Organisations

“To create better health in a living system, connect it to more of itself."

Margaret Wheatley

"We shape our tools and they in turn shape us.“

Marshall McLuhan


Refocusing your People Strategy

“Our organisation is divided up into watertight compartments – just like the Titanic!”Editor –international magazine

Creating Value

“… [companies] create value not from

physical resources but from the

intelligence and competence of people…

If you want to create profit, you should

focus on things that are driving profit…

the intangible assets and the things

people know and do.”

Dr. Karl-Erik SveibySmartNet Workshops 1998

“People will support what they help to create.” Marvin Weisbord

The New ABC





In tough times it's peoples attitude which makes the difference ...

SmartNetLearning Faster-Working Smarter

L > C

“For an organisationto survive its rate of learning must be equal to, or greater than, the rate of change in its external environment.” Reg Revans


Under our SmartNet workshops brand we design and stage manage high energy live and online conferences and management planning retreats and source local and international speakers, facilitators and entertainers.

See print and video feedback

(view video feedback)

Tectonic shift in ICT

New interfaces New ways of working

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SmartNet Network Model

Access to network 6,000+ listings

Collegiality and collaboration

Networking with purpose

Front Office access / Back Office support

Internet / Web sharing

Individual and group marketing

Brand building under SmartNet umbrella

Contact us

“An opportunity is as real an ingredient in business as raw material, labour or finance - but it only exists when you can see it.” Edward de Bono

Lyall LukeyLyall Lukey Resources Ltd Mancan House, 236 Manchester Street, ChristchurchPhones (+64) (03) 3667874 021310808Skype lyallsmartnetLukey Resources
