Leading Change In Your Organization or Community



A brief presenation on key principles for people who want to be effective leaders of change in their organization or community.

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04/12/2023 © Kevin R. Kragenbrink, Ph.D. 2009

The Changing Face of Leadership

Becoming a change agent in your community

04/12/2023 © Kevin R. Kragenbrink, Ph.D. 2009

Somebody Moved My Cheese

Change Happens – What will you do?

• Hide/Deny that change has happened• Resist the change at all costs• Go Along to Get Along – just don’t make me do anything• Take the Lead

04/12/2023 © Kevin R. Kragenbrink, Ph.D. 2009

Our Iceberg is MeltingChange is Needed – What Will You Do?

• Ignore the issues, maybe they will just go away• Resist change efforts – change is really a bad thing after all• Support the idea of change in public, but work hard to make sure it is limited or slow• Take the lead

04/12/2023 © Kevin R. Kragenbrink, Ph.D. 2009

Define the NeedCreate a sense of urgencyBuild a team to support the change

LeadershipCredibilityCommunication SkillsAuthorityAnalytical Skills

04/12/2023 © Kevin R. Kragenbrink, Ph.D. 2009

Make it HappenDefine Your Strategy

for Change

Get Feedback – Review and Revise

Test Results – Review and Revise

Communicate and get understanding and “Buy In.”

Empower Others to Act and Look for the Short Term Wins

Don’t Let Up

04/12/2023 © Kevin R. Kragenbrink, Ph.D. 2009

Create A New CultureChange starts with what you think, grows with what you feel, but lasts because of what you do.

Looking Into the FutureI see a better . . .

New Habits to Replace the Old

New Traditions to Guide the Community

04/12/2023 (c) Kevin R. Kragenbrink, Ph.D. 2009

What Needs to Change?The Way It Is . . .

The Way It Could Be . . .

Economy in Recession

Too Many Students Who Don’t Learn

A Culture that is Closed or resistant to New People and Ideas

A society with too much poverty

Economic Growth that Helps Every Citizen

An Education System that Increases Learning Success

A Culture that Welcomes New People and Perspectives

A society working to provide every person with the opportunity to achieve wealth and success

04/12/2023 (c) Kevin R. Kragenbrink, Ph.D. 2009

You are Your Community’s Leadership

What Will You Do?
