L O X Demo Plh[1]




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The Learning Object Exchange (LOX) Demonstrator provides an easy way to discover and acquire Rights Enabled LOs and publish Rights Enabled LOs.

You can access the LOX by logging on as an Author to publish new LOs or as an Administrator to approve LOs for publishing or to Acquire LOs from others.For this demo, we will log on in Author mode.

and Browse for Learning Objects via the course list or by a search on Title, Author or Keyword.

Once Logged in, the Home page provides all the links to manage the Authors personal details

‘Manage LOs’ allowsfor either the Author or Administrator to track & assign LOs through various stages of publication.

Any previously Acquired LOs will be in "MY L I ST "

The "TO DO" list will remind you of any outstanding actions

Found List of LOs:To view details of the LO click on the Hyperlink.To view more LOs within a subject click on the subject hyperlink.Click on the Author for Author details

LO Detail screen: This will reveal a general description of the LO and its associated rights details.

If the details including rights are acceptable; as an administratoryou can obtain the LO. Select the "Acquire LO" button. You have now in effect set up an agreement between the acquirer and the ‘vendor’ of the LO.


1 ) Once the Agreement is accepted the license is generated, then the LO becomes part of the users list of LOs in "My List"[next slide]2 ) Selecting any of these LOs will then display the Agreement (not the Offer)3 ) To export the LO and Rights Agreement (expressed in ODRL) into an IMS Content Package, select the LO then click "Download Selected"4 ) Opening up the resultant Zip file will show the XML manifest with LOM and ODRL metadata and the Resources

The LO is now added to your list of acquired LOs.

To create a new rights enabled LO entry in the exchange click ‘Publish new LO’.(only available in Author mode)

To publish a LO the Author must complete the 8 appropriate Metadata and related details including No7 Rights Usage. Once all have been completed the LO can be submitted to the Administrator for approval.

When clicking on Usage Rights: Rights Templates, a list of possible Rights Templates is displayed (created from the master template in LOX). The Author can Select one which is appropriate, or ask the Administrator to modify or in unusual cases develop a new license agreement.

Once a template is selected, detailed rights information can then be viewed by the author (but only modified by the Administrator)

Permissions are what the acquirer is allowed to do.

Constraints are limits placed on the usage permissions

Requirements are other things the acquirer needs to do

The Author legally commits to the LO Exchange that all necessary authorities and permissions have been obtained to allow the Author to publish the LO and to enter into agreements with acquirers.

If a template needs to be modified the Author selects ‘Enter Rights Details’

The rights template can now be modified

[or new license created from this master template]
