King Street Station 7.16.11 slide show




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Geothermal wells and first floor mezzanine

July 16, 2011

The additional geothermal wells on the west side installed and connected with the rest of the geothermal network under the plaza.

The west side street repaved and painted with new Amtrak bus queuing boundaries.

The new turn around system will improve Amtrak bus access.

Original under-plaza geothermal wells on the left. New west side wells on the right. Both are now connected for operation.

Grand stair terrazzo treads and rails mobilized onsite for installation.

The new terrazzo treads are beautiful and match the original .

Half the terrazzo treads installed at top of the stair.

Original brass rails installed on the sides of the stairway.

Ticketing desks are being installed.

New ticketing counters match the original appearance.

A view of the drawers behind the ticketing counters.

Additional counters are also being installed behind the ticketing desks.

The mezzanine stairs and lift are fully installed connecting the first floor Amtrak offices to additional space above.

Carpet and lighting are in place for the mezzanine level.

A skilled technician working with the ceiling in the mezzanine.

Carpet installation for Amtrak break room.

Dedicated restrooms for all Amtrak employees.

A ceiling will be installed to cover these mechanicals under the plaza.
