Kindergarten Lesson Plans


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Alumno residente: Johanna Morel

Período de práctica: 1

Institución: Escuela de educacion primaria “Juan Manuel de Rosas”

Dirección: Buenos Aires y Monseñor Durban

Grado: Primer grado

Cantidad de alumnos: 12

Nivel Lingüístico: Inicial

Tipo de planificacióon: clase

Unidad temática: Animales del zoológico

Clase Nº: 1

Fecha: 28 de Abril de 2016

Hora: 13.00h a 13.50h

Turno: Tarde

Duración de la clase: Cincuenta minutos

Duration of the lesson: 50’

Teaching points: ZOO ANIMALSLesson Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will:

Be able to identify and name zoo animals. Be able to mime and name some actions. Develop their listening ability by listening to song. Deepen their understanding of commands/instructions while developing

their social skills. Develop their motor skills by dancing a the song.

Reviewer, 27/04/16,
Please, proofread your work before submission.
Reviewer, 04/27/16,
Is this a learning aim or an activity?


REVISION Animals: frog, dog, cat, fish, pig, butterfly, chicken

Colours: blue, pink, red, green, purple, brown, orange, yellow, black, white.

Follow simple commands


Show me blue, show me red.

Sit down.

Stand up.

Come here.

Wh- questions

What is it?

It´s a….

What colour is it?


NEW Zoo animals: elephant, kangaroo, monkey, penguin, snake, polar bear.

Identify and name zoo animals.

Identify and mime the actions: jump, swim, dance….

Let´s go to the zoo

Jump like a kangaroo, swim like a polar bear….

Production of the /dƷ/ sound through repetition as in ´jump´

Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative Approach, and organized through the PPP procedure (Harmer,2010).

Integration of skills: Speaking and listening through oral practice.

Materials and resources: Templates of a zoo made with a box, flashcards with the zoo animlas, notebook, worksheets, video, (match and say),pencils.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson, a video will be used to support the presentation and exposure of the students to the teaching point.

Then I will give this link to my students´ families so that they can sing the song together at home and revise what their children did in the classroom.

Seating arrangement: Depending on the activity students will be sitting in pairs or in semi-circle.

Reviewer, 04/27/16,

Cooperative work: learners of this age can play together, but still find it difficult to carry out cooperative or group work activities. This activity will allow students to work together as a whole group (singing, miming).

Possible problems and possible solutions regarding behaviour: Ss may be very excited at the time of miming and dancing the song. If a student gets too excited or misbehaves I will make eye contact with the student, call his/her name and ask him/her to behave so that we can all enjoy the song.

Potential problems students may have with the language: students might have problems in understanding what the teacher is saying, so I will do as much miming, modelling and exemplification as possible.

Assessment: What will be assessed and how: Since Ss this age have very short attention spans, I will pay attention to this and vary the activities as much as necessary.

Routine (3`)

Aim: To create the right learning environment.

I will greet the students, opening an oral exchange as follows:

T: Hello children!

SS: Hello Ms (Johanna)!

T: How are you today?

Ss: Fine, thank you!

I will sing a chant to SAY HELLO and get Ss’ attention (It is the song Constanza sings at the beginning of each lesson)


Put your hands up!

Hello hello! Clap your hands!

Hello hello! Clap your hands!

Warm-up (5’)

Aim: To set the context for the activities.

I will put the zoo box on the desk and then I will call students attention

“Look! I have something amazing to show you! What is it?”

Reviewer, 04/27/16,
You may omit this question, since elicitation during the presentation stage is not advisable / effective.
Reviewer, 04/27/16,
You may use the sandwich technique if all other strategies fail.
Reviewer, 04/27/16,
A chant or short song to settle them is advisable.
Reviewer, 04/27/16,
Which one?

“Look!” I will point to the word zoo that is outside the box to help them “…a…. zoo!”

Un zoológico!

“Yes! Very good! A zoo!”

Transition (2’)

“Mmmmm… let me see” (I will move the box to arise students’ curiosity)

I will spy into the box and make gestures, showing them that I´m surprised.

Then I will say: “can you help me?” “let´s say helloooo to zoo animals!” “once more… hello zoo animals!”

Presentation (10’)

Then I will take the animals´ flashcards one by one.

Wooow! Look! An elephant! I will stick it on the board and ask them to repeat.

What is it? An elephant! Again, can you repeat? An elephant! Excellent!

What colour is it? Blue! Great!

Then I will take the kangaroo, oooh Look! A kangaroo! I will stick it on the board and ask them to repeat.

Reviewer, 04/27/16,
Body language:

What is it? A kangaroo! Again, can you repeat? A kangaroo! Well done!

What colour is it? Brown! Great!

And I will do the same with the rest of the animals (monkey, penguin, snake, polar bear)


Excellent kids!

Now… let´s go to the zoo!

I have a funny video to show you! Do you want to watch it?


Development (15’)

Great! Let´s watch it! (I will sing the song and mime the actions while they watch the video)

“Do you like it?”


“Do you want to sing the song?” yes!

“Great! Let´s make a semi-circle… come here…”

(I will play the video again and we we´ll sing and mime the actions all together)

“Very well done! That was very fun!

Now.,let´s sit down on the desks that we have work to do….”

Activity 1 (5´):

Aim: to practice the new vocabulary.

For this activity I will use pictures from the video. I will stick them on the board saying the verb aloud and miming the action.

“Now look at this picture! Wooow funny!, stomp…stomp, can you repeat?”

“stomp” “great!”

Now… look at this! Jump! Yesss! Jump!

And I will do the same with all the animals and actions.

Aurelia, 04/26/16,
What are the children supposed to do while you say the words, mime and stick the pictures on the board?
Aurelia, 04/26/16,
You should include the lyrics.
Aurelia, 04/26/16,
Will you change the seating arrangement at this stage?Will you ask them to do something while/after watching the video?
Reviewer, 04/27/16,
Is there an OHP available? Will you download the video? Please, describe your lesson plans in detail.

Activity 2 (10´)

Aim: For students to recognize and practice new vocabulary.

Match and say:

I will give them a photocopy where they have to match the animal with the kids that are doing the same action (like in the video). I will leave the pictures from the previous oral activity to guide them.

Closure (1´):

Goodbye song adapted from:


-Pictures taken from the video:

-Goodbye song adapted from:

Reviewer, 04/27/16,
Please, revisit the guidelines for lesson plan submissions.
Aurelia, 04/26/16,
Aurelia, 04/26/16,
Fast finishers can label the animals and actions.

Lesson plan component


Very Good4



Below Standard1

Visual organization x

Coherence and sequencing


Variety of resources – Learning styles


Stages and activities x

Teaching strategies x

Class management strategies


Language accuracy x

Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35Score: _23___ /35 = 7

Dear Johanna,On the whole, this first lesson plan seems attractive and engaging. Great visual aids! Lovely song. Please, read our comments and suggestions, and take them into account for your next submissions. Also, revisit the guidelines for lesson planning provided.Plans 2 and 3 are very similar to plan 1. Could you make the necessary adjustments within this same file, using a different colour, vary the type of activities and structure and resubmit the next lesson plans?If you have any queries, feel free to contact us.Have a great first lesson!Cecilia and Aurelia

Alumno residente: Johanna Morel

Período de práctica: 1

Institución: Escuela de educacion primaria “Juan Manuel de Rosas”

Dirección: Buenos Aires y Monseñor Durban

Grado: Primer grado

Cantidad de alumnos: 12

Nivel Lingüístico: Inicial

Tipo de planificación: Diaria

Unidad temática: Animales del zoológico

Clase Nº: 2

Fecha: 2 de Mayo de 2016

Hora: 13.00h a 13.50h

Turno: Tarde

Duración de la clase: Cincuenta minutos

Duration of the lesson: 50’

Teaching points: ZOO ANIMALSLesson Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will:

Develop their listening ability by listening song. Identify, produce and name numbers and colours. Be active participants while revising learnt structures and vocabulary.


REVISION Follow simple Wh- questions Production of

Colours: blue, pink, red, green, purple, brown, orange, yellow, black, white.Zoo animals: elephant, kangaroo, monkey, penguin, snake, polar bear.

Numbersone, two, three.



Show me blue, show me red.

Sit down.

Stand up.

Come here.

Identify and name zoo animals.

What is it?

It´s a….

What colour is it?


Jump like a kangaroo.

the /dƷ/ sound through repetition as in ´jump´

NEW Numbers: four, five.

Identify and name the numbers

…… four, five…little monkeys jumping on the bed

Production of the /dƷ/ sound through repetition as in ´jumping´

Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative Approach, and organized through the PPP procedure (Harmer,2010).

Integration of skills: Speaking and listening through oral practice.

Materials and resources: zoo box, flashcards with the monkeys, flashcards with numbers.notebook, video, worksheets, pencils.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson, a video will be used to support the presentation and exposure of the students to the teaching point.

Then I will give this link to my students´ families so that they can sing the song together at home and revise what their children did in the classroom.

Seating arrangement: During this activity students will be sitting in semi-circle.

Cooperative work: This activity will allow students to work together as a whole group or collaborate with each other while working on the worksheet.

Possible problems and possible solutions regarding behaviour: Ss may be very excited at the time of listening to the song. If a student gets too excited or misbehave I will make eye contact with the student, call his/her name and ask him/her to behave so that we can all enjoy the song. I will also use the song “Mr Silence”.

Potential problems students may have with the language: students might have problems in understanding what the teacher is saying, so I will do as much miming, modelling, exemplification as possible. In case all the strategies fail I will use the sandwich technique.

Students might have problem pronouncing some number, so I will say them aloud and ask them to repeat.

Assessment: What will be assessed and how: I will check that students comprehend and identify the numbers by asking them to point/answer at the corresponding flashcard.

Routine (3`)

Aim: To create the right learning environment.

I will greet the students, opening an oral exchange as follows:

T: Hello children!

SS: Hello Ms (Johanna)!

T: How are you today?

Ss: Fine, thank you!

I will sing a chant to SAY HELLO and get Ss’ attention (It is the song Constanza sings at the beginning of each lesson)


Put your hands up!

Mr Silence… Mr Silence says `ssshhhhh´ says ´sssshhhh´

Everybody quiet, everybody quiet…

Silence please, silence please…

Hello hello! Clap your hands!

Hello hello! Clap your hands!

Warm-up (5’)

Aim: To set the context for the activities.

I will put the zoo box on the desk and then I will call students attention

“Look! Remember this?” what is it?

Yes! The zoo!

“ooh! I think I heard something!”

A friend came here to play with you!

I will move the box as if there were something moving inside.

Transition (2’)

“Mmmmm… let me see” (I will move the box to arise students’ curiosity)

I will spy into the box and make gestures, showing them that I´m surprised.

Then I will say: “can you help me?” “helloooo” “once more… hellooo!”

Presentation (5´)

Aim: For students to recognize vocabulary.

I will take one monkey.

“oh look!” “What´s is it?” “A monkey! Yes!”

“What colour is it?”


“Very good! A brown monkey!”

I will stick the flashcard with the monkey on the board and I will say “one monkey” and I will stick the number one above the flashcard with the monkey.

Then I will move the box again and spy.

“ohhh, I think there´s one more monkey!”

I will take another monkey from the box.

“wwwwoooww! Two monkeys!”

I will stick the flashcard with the monkey and the flashcard with the number two above.

I will do the same until number five.


“woooww look how many monkeys are there?”

“Now… let´s count! Can you help me?” Yes!

I will point at each monkey and help them count.

One… monkey…. Great!

Two… monkeys…

Three… monkeys…

Four… monkeys…

Five… monkeys….

I have a funny video to show you! Do you want to watch it?


Developement (3’)

Great! Let´s watch it!


“Do you like it?”


Transition (1´):

Now, I need you to help me count, because I´m a bit confused (I will make gestures to show them that I am confused)

Can you help me count please?

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" Four little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"Three little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"Two little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"One little monkey jumping on the bed. She fell off and bumped her head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Activity 1 (10´):

Aim: For students to identify and practice vocabulary.

I will show them the first picture, but I won´t stick them on the board.

Oooh! Look! Can you help me count?

I will point at the monkeys.

One monkey…. Great!

Two monkeys…

Threes monkeys….

Four monkeys…

Five monkeys….


Excellent! Thank you!

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed!

I will make again gestures to show them that I´m confused…

And now?... Can you help me?

I will point at the monkeys.

One monkey…. Great!

Two monkeys…

Threes monkeys….

Four monkeys…


Thank you!

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed!

And here?... Can you help me again please?

I will point at the monkeys.

One monkey…. Good!

Two monkeys…

Threes monkeys….


Thank you!

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed!

Oooh and here?... Can you help me please ?

I will point at the monkeys.

One monkey…. Great!

Two monkeys…


Thank you!

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed!

And now?... Can you help me?

I will point at the monkeys.

One monkey…. Oooohhh and that´s all! Great!


One little monkey jumping on the bed!

Transition (1’):

And now…

Can you help me sing the song?

Are you ready?



Activity 2 (3´)

Aim: To develop students´ listening skills and practice vocabulary.

We sing the song all together.

Transition (1´)

Very well done!

Thanks for helping me singing!

Now, I have a fun activity for you to do!


Activity 2 (10´)

Now I will explain to the students that they have to write the numbers and color the monkeys. I will leave the numbers and monkey flashcards on the board so that they can see how to write the numbers (they have already identified and found the numbers in the previous activity).

Okay look! Remember these monkeys? Yeeesss!


Now we have to write the number (I will point at the board to show them the written number) and then colour the monkeys!

1- …………… monkey

2- …………… monkeys

3- ……………. monkeys

4- ……………. monkeys

5- …………… monkeys

Closure (1´):

Goodbye song adapted from:


Pictures:Taken from the video.

“Goodbye goodbye

Bye bye bye

Goodbye goodbye

Bye bye bye”

Monkey to colour:

Alumno residente: Johanna Morel

Período de práctica: 1

Institución: Escuela de educacion primaria “Juan Manuel de Rosas”

Dirección: Buenos Aires y Monseñor Durban

Grado: Primer grado

Cantidad de alumnos: 12

Nivel Lingüístico: Inicial

Tipo de planificación: Diaria

Unidad temática: Animales del zoológico

Clase Nº: 3

Fecha: 4 de Mayo de 2016

Hora: 13.00h a 13.50h

Turno: Tarde

Duración de la clase: Cincuenta minutos

Duration of the lesson: 50’

Teaching points: ZOO ANIMALSLesson Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will:

Develop their listening ability by listening song. Identify and name parts of the body. Be active participants while revising learnt structures and vocabulary.


REVISIONColours: blue, pink, red, green, purple, brown, orange, yellow, black, white.Zoo animals: polar bear.

Follow simple commands


Show me blue, show me red.

Sit down.

Stand up.

Come here.

Identify and name zoo animals.

Identify and name the numbers

Wh- questions

What is it?

It´s a….

What colour is it?


…… four, five…little monkeys jumping on the bed

NEW Bear

Head, shoulders, knees, toes,eyes, ears,mouth, nose.

Identify parts of the body

Bear´s head

Bear´s mouth…

Production of the

/ᶿ/ sound through repetition as in ´mouth´

Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative Approach, and organized through the PPP procedure (Harmer,2010).

Integration of skills: Speaking and listening through oral practice.

Materials and resources: zoo box, flashcards with a bear, flashcards (parts of the body), colour flascards. notebook, video, worksheets, pencils.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson, a video will be used to support the presentation and exposure of the students to the teaching point.

Then I will give this link to my students´ families so that they can sing the song together at home and revise what their children did in the classroom.

Seating arrangement: During this activity students will be sitting in semi-circle.

Cooperative work: This activity will allow students to work together as a whole group or collaborate with each other while working on the worksheet.

Possible problems and possible solutions regarding behaviour: Ss may be very excited at the time of listening to the song. If a student gets too excited or misbehave I will make eye contact with the student, call his/her name and ask him/her to behave so that we can all enjoy the song.

Potential problems students may have with the language: students might have problems in understanding what the teacher is saying, so I will do as much miming, modelling and exemplification as possible.

Students might have problem pronouncing some words like: toe, shoulders, ears…. so I will say them aloud and ask them to repeat. Or we will play Chinese whispers.

Assessment: What will be assessed and how: the teacher will assess students when participating orally, as well as when doing their written tasks and their collaboration in class.

Routine (3`)

Aim: To create the right learning environment.

I will greet the students, opening an oral exchange as follows:

T: Hello children!

SS: Hello Ms (Johanna)!

T: How are you today?

Ss: Fine, thank you!

I will sing a chant to SAY HELLO and get Ss’ attention (It is the song Constanza sings at the beginning of each lesson)


Put your hands up!

Hello hello! Clap your hands!

Hello hello! Clap your hands!

Warm-up (5’)

Aim: To set the context for the activities.

I will put the zoo box on the desk and then I will call students attention


“ooh! I think I heard something!”

A new friend wants to play with you today!

I will move the box as if there were something moving inside.

Transition (2’)

“Mmmmm… let me see” (I will move the box to arise students’ curiosity)

I will spy into the box and make gestures, showing them that I´m surprised.

Then I will say: “can you help me?” “helloooo” “once more… hellooo!”

Presentation (8´)

Aim: For students to recognize and practice vocabulary.

I will only show the bear´s head

“oooh! What is it?”

“Un oso”

“A bear! Yes! What colour is it?

“brown! Very good!

“can you see it?” I can only see the bear´s head”

Then I will show a bit more and I will say: “look! The bear´s head and shoulders!”

And I will point to the bear´s head and shoulders.

Okay now… let´s say… helloooo bear!

Hellooo bear!

I will make gestures like inviting the bear to come out.

Then, I will stick the bear flashcard and the flashcards with the names of the parts of the body on the board; and say the parts of the body as I point to the bear and ask the students to repeat.

“Now.. look at the bear´s eyes… can you repeat?” “eyes” great!

“ears” “Look at the bear´s ears! Can you repeat?” “Ears!” Excellent!

“Look at the bear´s mouth! Can you repeat?” “mouth” Excellent!

And I will do the same with nose, knees, toes…

After this, I will tell my students that the bear has something to show us

Transition (1´):

“The bear wants to show us something… Do you want to watch it?”


“Okay great! Let´s see!”

Developement (4’)

Great! Let´s watch it!

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,Knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,Knees and toes.

And eyes, and ears, and mouth,And nose.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

“Do you like it?”


Activity 1 (7´)

Aim: develop students´ motor and listening skills and practice vocabulary.

Can you help me dance and sing the song?

Thank you!

Great come here!

(They are alredy sitting in semi-circle, so I will ask them to stand up in front of their desks)

I will sing the song and mime and ask them to do the same.

Head (I will touch my head)

Shoulders (I will touch my shoulders)

Knees (I will touch my knees)

And I will do the same with the rest of the song.

Transition (1´)

Okay that was fantastic!

Are you ready to sing and dance the song now?



Activity 2 (3´)

Aim: To develop students´ listening and motor skills and practice vocabulary.

I will play the video and we will sing and dance the song all together.

Transition (1’):

Very good! I´m proud of you!

Now… let´s do another activity, which is really funny!

Activity 2 (15´):

Aim: To identify colours and practice the new vocabulary.

I will give them an activity where they have to colour the parts of the body. I will give them the photocopy and ask them to wait and pay attention.

I will take some extra pencils and sharpeners.

I will solve this activity with them on the boar. I will take a big Winnie Pooh poster and colour it together with them (instead of colour it I will stick the red ears on the poster)

“So now it´s time to colour!”

“You will need to pay attention!”

So I will read the first sentence aloud:

“Color the ears…. (I will point at the bear´s ears) red” can you show me red? I will rise my red pencil.


-Colour the ears: red

- Colour the eyes: Brown

- Colour the mouth: blue

- Colour the head: orange

- Colour the nose: yellow

-Colour the shoulders: green

-Colour the knees: purple

-Colour the toes:pink


Closure (1´):

Goodbye song adapted from:


“Goodbye goodbye

Bye bye bye

Goodbye goodbye

Bye bye bye”
