Joining our team




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Joining Our Team

F.A.Q About Joining the Scentsy Family

"I don't think I have a lot of time to do

Scentsy... do you have to spend much time at it, or do a lot of home


Put it this way, I am a student, a full time daycare worker, a wife, a Mary Kay

consultant, AND a Scentsy consultant. I still have time to do the things I love, and always

come home to a house that smells FANTASTIC! The hours you put in, will be

reflected in what you bring in! If you don't have time to hit it hard one month, there's

always the next! Scentsy is the ultimate flexible schedule! You work when YOU want to! As far as the home parties go, you don't HAVE to do any 'home' parties! There are many different options in the methods in

which to sell Scentsy! Including basket parties, Online parties, Home parties, and

fundraisers! Answered by Trisha N.

I work 40 hours a week, take care of a 1 year old, am a wife, and have a growing photography business on the side. I honestly thought I couldn’t EVER take on another thing, but…. Scentsy gives me FREEDOM! If I want to do 5 home parties I book 5. If I don’t want to do any I don’t do any. You get what you put in, you work when you want to, and if you want to take a month off DO IT.YOU are your own boss!

Answered by Kym C.

“Do I have to have a ton of overstock on hand?”

No you don't. You can have as little or as much as you'd like. The benefit of having stock on hand is people at parties/ events can see the actual product and even go home that day with some product. Answered by Erika S.

Some of the girls went to Spring Sprint ChicagoIn Feb 2012

"I'm not very good at sales, is it hard to sell?"

Scentsy basically sells itself! So many people will get engrossed in sniffing your testers, find out they're amazing, and be HOOKED! There are so many different scents, so there is virtually something for EVERYONE! Also, there is no need to worry that once you sell to someone, there wont be any need for them to re-order! Scentsy is always coming out with new scents and warmers! With each new catalog brings new opportunities!

Answered by Trisha N.

Well, I always feel like I can't sell it and that I'm doing crappy job. Then, I look at my workstation and I've got sales in there, so either I'm better at this than I thought I was or this stuff sells itself. Either way, something is working. If you love Scentsy and you believe in the product then people will be able to see what you are talking about and will take a risk. People see my excitement and are willing to try it.

Answered by Malea W.

Scentsy owners : Heidi and Orville

“What are some perks to joining Scentsy?”

Some of the perks are the commission you make as a consultant. It starts at 20% and then gets bumped up to 25% after you sell $1000 worth of product. Another perk is 1/2 price rewards from your party. Another perk is that you can do this on your time, if you don't want to sell for a month, you don't have to. If you don't want to have parties for a couple weeks, that's fine too. Also, there is no sales pressure from Scentsy, so no pressure on you. Also, having parties and events are fun!

Answered by Erika S.

You get to experience the new scents before anyone else does. Plus, you get to see the new warmers first, too. And, you get a discount on them all. What's the best is that you get 20% commission which is practically like 20% off stuff you were going to buy anyway. The best part of joining Scentsy is that you're getting a whole new group of friends that no one else gets to experience. It's like a secret club that no one else knows the password to. It's pretty awesome.

Answered by Malea W.

“How does the commission work?”

You start out earning 20% on all your sales (EVEN YOUR OWN PURCHASES!)

Once you sell 1,000 in your lifetime sales, you start earning 25% and are a CERTIFIED consultant and become searchable on the website for people in your area.

If in any month you sell 2,000+ you will earn 30%

Answered by Kym C.

“Do you have a good support system with Scentsy?”

I cannot even describe the support system that I have encountered with Scentsy. Not only is your sponsor able to help you out, but there are many additional groups available on Facebook at higher levels, with consultants from every experience range, located all over the world! All questions I had as a beginner were answered promptly, WITHOUT having to call customer service and wait on hold for hours at a time! I just logged into my support network and asked away! Not once did I feel like I was going to be looked at in a negative way! Everyone was so accepting, and made me feel like I could succeed! That brings up another point! It seems as though everyone involved in Scentsy is genuinely happy for those who succeed, and for those who struggle, there is always encouragement and help readily available! Scentsy is more than a team. It's a family.

Answered by Trisha N. We are very supportive of all Scentsy Sisters

“Are there salesrequirements, or recruiting requirements?”

One dollar every 6 months. Basically a light bulb. LOL. Unless you get a down line (people under you, then the requirements change but that’s after you get established and know the ropes. Nothing to be concerned about.

And if you never want to recruit. Don’t. We have no problems if you don’t want to take on a team.

~Kym C

“If you had to describe Scentsy in 3 or less words, what would YOU say?”

Life Changing.

-Kym C.

Something for everyone

-Erika S.


Rewarding, Personal Growth/Development, SUCCESS


Refreshing, relaxing, and clean -Nicole

Selling exciting, fun, girls night


Ask a Team Member, they are happy to help! We hope to see you on our team

sharing the love of Scentsy!
