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Short Interview | 15/ 20 minutes)

Firstly I would like to say thank you for your time and contribution to our project development. I am (Interviewer’s name) and we are doing this interview to see if our project will have success. We would like to know about your experiences and opinions related with the usage of services. After the interview I will tell you more about our project in more details.

1) Do you live alone?

2) Are you the one responsible in your house to call for a service provider when something goes wrong?

3) In general how do you find a service provider to your problem? For example when you have a leaking pipe in your bathroom who will you call? How do you know him?(H1: People go online in order to find information about services they need)

4) When you call a professional to your home how important is it to you that you hear some feedback or a recommendation about him beforehand?(H2: People will look for feedback, comments and rating of service providers.)

5) What do you think about a website that gathers all the service providers that come to your home, and on which you can search these by location and find ratings and feedback from others that has used their services before? Do you think you would use it when you are in need of a professional? Why?(H2: People will look for feedback, comments and rating of service providers. H4: Customers will rely on our website when they call for service providers)

6) Do you find customers feedback as useful information source? Do you write feedback yourself on service experiences? Have you ever done that? Do you think you would rate the service provider after he finished his work in your house? Why/Why not? What would you make to leave a comment?(H3: People would give feedback and rate the service provider they used)

7) Regarding your habits and your experience. What service providers did you need during this year? (List)

8) Any suggestions/comments that you want to add?

9) Demographic Information. Can you please tell me your:a. Nameb. Age c. Male/Female (No need to ask)


d. Household

10) Would you like to follow our project? If yes, please provide your email contact.

So, our project is based on services provided. CONFI is basically a website that helps you finding trustworthy professionals. We pretend to offer a platform where you can search an extensive list for both service providing individuals and companies, with ratings and opinions from other customers just like you.

Thank you very much for your time!

