International Business Etiquette: Russian Federation


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International Business Etiquette:Russian Federation

Course: Art of Negotiation Lecturer: Julija Kubova

By Kyriakoulakou Ioulia Zoi

Do1. Dress smartly and to try to look important. 2. Be alert and open to taking a drink or having a toast,

as refusing to do so is a serious breach of etiquette3. Be patient! 4. Russians are known as great “sitters” during

negotiations, this demonstrates their tremendous patience

5. Mobile phones for relationships



1.Don't come to visit empty-handed

2.Get formal language & titles right

3.Get formal language & titles right

4.Don't waste time trying to get decisions out of middle and junior managers – go straight to the top if possible

5.Do not underestimate the importance of relationship building - or the time taken in the process


Short Review Of Russia Russia annexes Crimea in 2014

The President is the head of state & is elected by popular vote every six years for a maximum of two consecutive terms

Russia is the 2nd biggest oil exporter in the world

Russians are quite friendly and open. Friends and relatives always come to visit, usually without a phone call

Russia will host FIFA World Cup 2018

MAIN VALUES1. Interests of community stand above personal interests

2. Posidelki→ the business of being in touch with people, such as sitting together in the kitchen drinking tea and talking about fundamental things well into the night.

3. Togetherness

4. Religion

CommunicationShaking hands is typical

Close physical proximity is common during daily interactions and conversation.(stand within 30 cm of each other when speaking) Sharing space and physical touch

Speak their minds openly, in a straightforward and emotional manner

Russians believe strongly in the needs of the group rather than the needs of an individual

Non-verbal communications in Russia

•Eye contact

•A handshake for greeting & when you are leaving

• Thumbs up sign as show of approval.

•Constant smiling is seen as disingenuous and foolish

Meeting & Negotiations

I. Initial meetings are usually approached as a formality. It is at this stage that your credibility will be assessed.

II. Pitches or presentations should be simple and straightforward.

III. Caving in too early is a sign of weakness so stand your ground. If you do feel the need to concede ask for the gesture to be reciprocated in some way.

IV. If your Russian counterpart decides to invite you out do not refuse the request as it would be rude.

V. When doing business in Russia make sure you take a business card.

Use different standards for “personal and impersonal relationships Think that only weak people will try to resolve conflicts peacefully and compromise Unlike the new generation, old Russian managers are very unlikely to be decisive, responsible and take initiative It is normal not to care about honesty in business, to not guard proprietary information, and to approve of bribery

Leadership and decision-making

Etiquette and gift giving

•Cheaper gifts NOT be wrapped Expensive ones should be.

•Gifts for children are usually opened in private, while gifts for adults are generally opened in the presence of others.

•When invited to a Russian home, bring a gift of chocolates, dessert items, good wine, or other alcohol

•Bringing a bouquet of flowers for women (odd number of flowers)

Appreciated Gifts

Talking Themes Ice-breakersa. literature , books, films

b. current events

c. (Fifa World Cup 2018)

d. World War II

Off-Limits Conversation Topics •Communism


•Private Lives

•Politics Now
