Indian granite tiles


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Top 5 Cleaning

Regime for Granite

Stones as Per Granite


The granite suppliers have a tough work at hand, owing to the

extensive use of chemical detergents and the disinfectants to cleanse

and maintain the shine of the natural stones, the products are bound to

disintegrate and have permanent stains. Granite has a versatile nature

as it can be used in multiple locations. It can be used in the outdoor

spaces with just as much ease and effect as in indoor zones. Bathroom

wares, kitchen countertops and floorings are the ideal spots in the

house where granite tiles are extensively used. Granite is microbe-

resistant as it does not allow the water to seep into the gaps. They do

not respond to the acidic disinfectants as they carry a polishing film

over the surface done by the granite suppliers.

We tell you some key steps that the granite suppliers

recommend to the users in maintaining the stones.

1 Installation procedure

2 Test the sealants

3 Cleaning the granite tiles

4 Removing the stains

5 Waxing and polishing

1 Installation procedure:

Installation of granite tiles

requires elaborate

inspection. Owing to the

water resistance, the space

below the tile has to be

absolutely dry so that

moisture does not set in and

allow the growth of bacteria.

Cleaning of the foundation

surface is done using blow

dry. Another key thing that

granite tiles suppliers

ensures while installing them

is removal of the surface

sheath stuck above them.

2 Test the sealants:

All granite tiles suppliers offer their

product with sealant cover. Test the

reputation of the suppliers by doing a

small water test over the surface.

Place the granite tiles on the floor and

sprinkle water over them. Let it stay

there for a while. If the water drop

stays there, the tile is protected by the

sealants. If the water seeps into the tile

and leaves a stain on the surface,

replace the tile and the supplier. The

quality of the tiles and the inspection of

the tiles done by the suppliers are not

reliable and won’t last long.

The polished granite tiles can be

further protected using impregnator.

They work well with the honed and

textured granite tiles. The sealants fall

under the category of porous regents.

3 Cleaning the granite tiles:

The granite tiles used as

kitchen countertops require

regular attention. Use the

granite stone cleaners

recommended by the

suppliers. The neutral

cleaners recommended by

the suppliers are developed

and manufactured by the

research teams themselves

in collaboration with the

chemical industries.

4 Removing the stains:

Though granite is fairly resistant to

grime and stains, there is a certain

possibility of them getting damaged by

scratches and the regular dropping

and placing of utensils over them.

Mostly, the metallic units scrub against

the granite surface leaving rusty stains

on them. Using stain removal on the

granite tiles ensure that the area

remains ageless even years after

installing them.

5 Waxing and polishing:

Granite tiles may get faded and scuffed after some years due to foot

falls, dropping of heavy items, placing hot objects and chemical

reactions. Using wax and polishes over the floors made of granite tiles

can keep them glossy and shiny with mirror-like finish.

Elegant Natural Stones

C-27, Bais Godam Industrial Estate, Bais

Godam, Jaipur - 302006

Contact No. 91-141-2211977

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