I Believe



A brief presentation prepared for PHD London's Planner's conference in April 2012. As per the IPA Excellence Diploma format, we were asked to discuss something "we believed in", in this case, i discussed the importance of brand purpose.

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I Believe Tom Darlington @darlo_t www.tomdarlington.tumblr.com

Once upon a time in the west....

Signs and symbols

Still being used today

They Describe the conditions in which modern America was born

And Lend insight into why America thinks and acts as it does

So what?

I believe brands need to identify their ‘western’ or, in less abstract terms: I believe in the importance of ‘purpose’

“People don’t buy what you make, they buy why you make it” – Simon Sinek

Consumerism is dead (at least for the time being)

Technological change is more pervasive and rapid than ever before

Obvious, right?

How many can you think of?

uncover ‘myths’ and ‘legend’ choose enemies/fight battles Use purpose as a compass as a lens for culture

Tell these stories through communication organise yourselves (and your actions) around it find people who share your ambitions

Hiut denim


Bartle Bogle Hegarty (bbh)

Ceo a

The path company A must take is clear; to drive the growth of core electronics, primarily

digital imaging, smart mobile and game; to turn around the

television business and to accelerate the innovation that

enables us to create new business domains

Ceo b

company b will continue to make the best products in the world that delight our

customers and make our employees proud of what

they do

Company a Company b

*Example stolen/borrowed from bruce daisley of twitter

Thank you Tom Darlington @darlo_t www.tomdarlington.tumblr.com