Human resource development in social security organization

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سازمان تأمين اجتماعي يك سازمان عمومي غيردولتي است كه فعالیت اصلی آن بيمه‌گری اجتماعي است

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  • 1. 1385 Human Resource Development in Social Security

2. 3. : 4.

  • ( ) ( ) . 1309 1354 .

5. 1 6 9 ( ) 2 7 4 8258 52000 ( 8 7000 ) 1000000 30 29 430 30 2 76 7 6 9 00000 1 2 00 6. 7. ( )

  • -(1453 )
  • :

8. ( )

  • 1781
  • ( ) 1789
  • ( Human Rights Declaration )


  • ( )
  • ( )


  • Luddite

11. :

  • (1880 )
  • ( 1883 )
  • ( 1911 )
  • ( 1930 )

12. - - - - - - : - - - : - - - - - - - 13. - : International Social Security Association: . (ISSA) 14. : 4 :

  • -
  • 1906
  • - 1908
  • - 1911
  • - 1912
  • - 1945
  • - 1946
  • - 1948

Contribution- based Tax-based Social Insurance Schemes 1 - 1883 - 1884 - 1889 - 1911- 1919 15.

  • .

Provident Fund Schemes EmployersLiabilitySchemesNon- Contributory Schemes 2 4 3 16. :

  • 1- ( ) (Life Expectancy)
  • 2- ( ) (Risk Rating)

17. ILO-ISSA ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1. Old AgeBenefits 2.Disability Benefits 3.Death Benefits 4.Sickness Benefits 5.Maternity Benefits 6.Medical Care Benefits 7.Employment Injury Benefits 8.Unemployment Benefits 9.Family Benefits 18. 19. : : ( ) : ( ) . 20. ! 21. Global SustainableDevelopment National Development 22.

23. :

  • MIS
  • IT

24. :

  • ( )
  • ........

25. :

  • .........

26. :

  • .........

27. :

  • .........


29. : . 30.

  • .
  • .
  • : 64% 11% 25%

31. = 32.

  • :
  • 1- ,
  • 2-


  • 3
  • 187
  • 5699
  • 1040
  • 7717
  • 1968
  • 5195
  • 186
  • 9224
  • 3257
  • 9623
  • 6359

( 1383 ) 64 147 394 44295 139= = = = = = 5262 520 15317 4341 17635 8466 = = = = = = 2/10 % 1 % 7/29 % 4/8 % 2/34 % 34/16 % 34. ( 1383 ) 2/10 % 1 % 7/29 % 4/8 % 2/34 % 34/16 % 35.

  • 5 . 20153 . .
  • 6

54/50 % . 36. 7/29 % 34/16 % . 37. , . 38. : 39.


  • . .

. 41. Staffing Employee & Labor Relations Safety & Health Compensation & Benefits HumanResource Development 42.

  • :

Human Resource Development 43.

  • :
  • Training and Development (T&D)
  • Personnel Development (PD)
  • Learning and Development (L&D)
  • Employee Development (ED)
  • Workforce development (WD)


  • .
  • :1- Attitudes2- Knowledge 3- Skills .

45. . Training Development GoalAchievement 46.

  • Training . .
  • Development .


  • Training .( )
  • Development . ( )


  • Training .
  • Development .

49. Training Presentjobs Future jobs Development 50.

  • . .

51. Focus Scope Time Frame Goal Participation Use of workexperience Training Development Current job Individual employees Immediate Fix current skill deficit Required Less Current and future jobs Work group organization Long term Prepare for future workdemands and changes Voluntary High 52.

  • .
  • .

. 53.

  • : - 172

54. ( Bill Gates ) : . . . 55.

  • :
  • 1- 2- ( - ) 3- ( - ) 4- ( - )

: 56.

  • .

57. :

58. . 59. : . . 60.

  • .


  • .
  • .

. 62.

  • :

1- 2 - 63. The Changing World

  • "There is only one constant in this universe, and that constant is ... change". Albert Einstein

64. The Changing World

  • 90% of all white-collar jobs in the United States as well as globally will be either destroyed or altered beyond recognition in the next 10 to 15 years .

Tom Peters : 65. ( ) ( ) ( ) 66. Passive Active Proactive 67.

  • :
  • .

68. - . Proactive 69.

  • ( Proactive ) .

70. 71. Training Development 72. . 73. . . . 74.

  • :

. . 75.

  • :

. . 76.

  • :

. 77.

  • .

Environment *Economic Forces *Political Forces *Cultural Forces Organization *Mission & Strategy *Organization Structure *Technology *Human Resources Inputs Processes Outputs Analyze ProposeCreateImplementAssess HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 1 2 3 4 5 78.

  • 20 30 .
  • - 2000
  • .

. 79. : 80. 81.

82. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 83.

  • Human Resource Development is concerned with providing learning and development opportunities, making training interventions and planning, conducting and evaluating learning programs.It is essentially a strategic process which is concerned with meeting both business and individual needs .

Armstrong: 1999 84.

  • HRD is a strategic approach to acquiring, motivating, developing and managing the organizations human resourcesto shaping appropriate corporate cultures, and introducing programs that reflect and support the core values of the organization and ensure its success .


  • Human Resource Development is any process or activity that, either initially or over the long term, has the potential to develop work-based knowledge, expertise, productivity and satisfaction, whether for personal or group/team gain, or for the benefit of an organization, community, nation, or ultimately, the whole of humanity. (p. 322)

McLean, G. N., & McLean, L. D. (2001). If we can't define HRD in one country, how can we define it in an international context?Human Resource Development International, 4 (3), 313-326 86.

  • Learning and performing will become one and the same thing.Everything you say about learning will be about performance.People will get the point that learning is everything.

Peter Block 87.

  • The UK Governments PIU defined workforce development (HRD) as:
  • Activities which increase the knowledge, skills and abilities of the workforce necessary both to ensure sustainable economic success and to contribute to social inclusion(PIU 2001, p1. cited in Gibb:2002, p5)

88. Analysis of business environment market situation customers competition Enterprises current status marketing productdevelopment production finances Personnel competence motivation will to succeed Vision Main objectives Strategy Changes and their effect on thepersonnel Other development measures Training plan 89. Step 1:Recognize and appreciate existing learning Step 2:Establish the Gap between existing learningand strategic learning needs Step 3:Identify actions to build desiredlearning capability From A. J. DiBella (2001)Learning practices:Assessment and actionfor organizational improvement .Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice-Hall 90. Needs Assessment Readiness For Training Create Learning Environment Ensure Transfer Of Training DevelopEvaluation Plan Select Training Methods Monitor and Evaluate Program 91. Determining Training Needs

  • Needs analysis
  • Organization analysis
  • Person analysis
  • Task analysis


  • Classroom Programs
  • Mentoring
  • Coaching
  • Reverse Mentoring
  • Case Study
  • Videotapes
  • Role Playing
  • Apprenticeship Training
  • Vestibule Training
  • Simulations
  • Business Games
  • In-Basket Training
  • Distance Learning and Videoconferencing
  • Computer-based Training
  • Virtual Reality
  • E-learning
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Job Rotation
  • Internships

93. -( ) 94. Irwin/McGraw-Hill The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000 -( ) Videotapes Lectures One-on-One Instruction Role Plays Games/Simulations Audiotapes Slides Films 43 46 51 54 62 79 90 92 Films 41 Self-Assessment/Self-Testing Instruments 41 27 17 11 10 3 Noncomputerized Self-Study Programs Multimedia Teleconferencing (Audio only) Video Teleconferencing Computer Conferencing * Percent of organizations using these methods for employee training. 95. -( ) 96. -( ) How Often the Types of Training Are Offered Source:Tammy Galvin, The Methods,Training38, no. 10 (October 2001): 4856. 97. -( ) Source:Tammy Galvin, The People,Training38, no. 10 (October 2001): 5864. 98. 99. Social Security: Social Justice and Welfare for All
