How to Optimize Your Images in Google+


DESCRIPTION - Content Marketing is crucial for content producers like business owners, managers, marketers, photographers, videographers, and artists. Per photos, there are many resources to take advantage of, specifically from the perspective of search engine optimization. [...]

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How to Optimize Your Images in Google+ July 20, 2012

By Joseph Olesh

Since its release, I've been a fan of Google+. The fact that its creator is the preeminent search leader is reason enough for any SEO/Social Media enthusiast to take this network seriously.

Per photos, there are many resources for business owners and the every day user to take advantage of, specifically from the perspective of search engine optimization.

• Before you upload... Whether you are an Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom person, take full advantage of the metadata-writing capacities each has. In Photoshop, go to "File", then "File Info...", then complete all the available fields appropriate to your photo. In Lightroom, you can do this en masse. In the "Library" section, click "Sync Metadata", then proceed with all appropriate fields. Supplying your imagery with these meta descriptors will carry through once uploaded to Google+ and will enable them to be better understood by search bots.


• Upload regularly and often. Take full advantage of Google's mass storage resources. Do not hesitate to upload higher resolution imagery than you may be used to, but, by all means, watermark your work. Downloading images from Google+ is very easy, so use this to your advantage. Logo and brand your work, subtly, on every asset you upload.

• Focus on Keyword-Rich Titles. The title of your album is very important; this is the highest valued descriptor a search bot has in determining the content of the pictures held therein. For you webmasters and bloggers, think of the Google+ album title as your H1. This is especially important if you work as a photographer in a given niche: weddings, automotive, live events, etc. Don't hesitate to include geo-descriptors, too. Mention in the album title or each picture caption the place of the shoot and city it was in. And, of course, uniquely describe each pic in the caption section!! Think of the caption as your picture's H2.

• Distribute, distribute, distribute. Once uploaded to your Google+ profile, share that album not only within Google+ network, but utilize Facebook, Twitter, and your own blog to share this album. Those extra inbound links will help establish that album's presence/location.

Content Marketing is crucial for content producers like business owners, managers, marketers, photographers, videographers, artists, and the like. Do not discount Google+'s efficacy because its engagement numbers to not match those of Facebook. Realize that Google+'s value, for now, is mostly in branding and optimization. Google+ will run better if you use it en masse, so get active and start uploading!!
