How to introduce yourself in a business setting

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How to introduce yourself in a Business Setting

Introductions…Done well, they can set the right tone for business relationships


Introduce yourself FIRST

You establish control of the situation and demonstrate initiative and the ability to direct

State your name and something about yourself

For example, “I’m John Smith from XYZ Motors” and not “I’m John”.

Introduce from the bottom upThe “lesser authority” should be introduced to the“higher authority” by saying the latter’s name first.

Highlight the company or position

A descriptive introduction puts the individuals at ease and establishes an opening for conversation

Always stand

This goes for both men and women and for both business and social occasions.


No honorificsDon’t introduce yourself as “Mr” or “Mrs”.Only use your name.

Don’t assume intimacyWhen you meet someone for the first time, call them by their title till invited to be on a first-name basis.

Never “meet” peopleDon’t say “I’d like you to meet…”

The proper wording is “I’d like to introduce you to…”

Never respond in shortNever just say “hi” or “hello”. Repeat the name of the person and add a courtesy statement like “How do you do?”

Never assume ladies firstIn the business world, gender has no bearing on order of introduction- it’s based on seniority and rank.