How to do PR for small businesses by Fourth Day PR



Many small businesses have no budget for a PR agency but there are ways they can do their own PR. This is a presentation we did for a group of business owners.

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PR training workshop


PR is a way of managing your reputation – what you do, what you say and what others say about you.

Done well PR enables you to:

Increase awareness

Boost sales

Drive traffic to your website

Create a buzz around a new product or service

Aid recruitment

Help to engage with existing customers

Who are your audiences and how can you reach them?

What am I trying to say? Decide on your key messages and communicate them across everything you do

What will your audiences find useful? PR is a careful balance between telling people what you want them to know and giving them something they need.

PR - strategy

PR - execution

Opinion pieces, blogs, press releases, annoucements, events and social media activity all ply a vital role.

Place the right content in the relevant place

Look at all the channels, how they interact with each other and which is suited to your piece of content.


Modern communication tools

The traditional press release

The social media release

The blog

The tweet

The infographic

The video

The social networks

Local newspapers only report news within their regional boundaries.

You could have the most amazing story but if it happened in Burnage, the Stockport Express would not print it.

Audience of local papers are your customers so think about what you want to communicate to your customer base.


Business news: created 100 new jobs for the area, appointed a new chairman/ CEO, launched revolutionary new product.

Community news: raised £5k for local children’s charity, employees volunteered in homelessness charity, business paid for new bins on high street.

Human interest: child almost choked so launched first aid training business to parents, uses just-discovered great-grandmother’s old recipes in a new café

Celebrity angle: Sir Alan Sugar attends book launch in Heaton Moor, Stephen Fry agrees to be the face of product.

Quirky/ unusual: Boss’s dog replies to complaint emails, ghost scares away employees.



Unless there is an impact on the local community, there is not a story.

A business creating two new jobs is NOT a story. A business creating 100 new jobs is definitely a story that people want to hear about.

A story must have something unique and stand out.

How do I contact my local paper?

Send a press release

Phone them up and speak to your area reporter

Offer to comment on local issues that aren’t just about your business. By helping a journalist out, you make sure your business is always on their radar.

Be visible. Be happy to have photos taken and be quoted.

Offer to email them all the information and take your own photos to send to the journalist.


Journalists can be mean!


Press releases – DON’TS!

Boring long-winded headlines

Not getting to the point of your story

Flowery prose

Remember it’s a press release, not a sales pitch

Don’t assume journalists know who you are

Don’t crack jokes in press releases!


Doing our own PR



For more information please contact:

Nikki Scrivener

020 7403 4411
