How Do You Get Rid of Moles in Your Yard


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The worst thing that can happen to your carefully manicured and well kept

laws in a mole infestation. They dig unruly holes in your garden and spoil

the aesthetic beauty of your landscape. As you survey the area more, you

will find that there are mounds of dirt and holes the size of basketball or a

baseball dug into your beautiful lawns. If this is a scene you are

unfortunately familiar with then you know you have a mole situation in your

hands. The most common sign of mole activity is the mounds of dirt and

tunneling in your lawn. While these are common instances for many

homeowners, experts at Atlanta Ground Mole Removal services suggest

that there is no need to despair. You can use these practical tips right here

to deal with the situation effectively.

The best way to handle the moles in

your garden is by trapping them, say

the professionals. Unless the situation

is grossly out of hand, you can use the

traps that are readily available to

tackle the situation yourself. If not,

there is always a Ground Mole

Removal service that will be happy

to help you. Before you go trap

shopping, here are some things you

need to know.

Are the traps efficient enough to successfully catch the moles?

How safe are these moles for children and pets? If you have pets at

home or even small children, it may not be practical to leave the moles

in your garden unattended. Some traps come equipped with features

such as spears or a spike that acts as a choker. So be sure to check

their safety before you get them home.

How Do You Get Rid of Moles in

Your Yard

How budget friendly are the traps? This factor will become all the

more important if you need more than a few to trap all the moles in

your garden. Mole removal from ground can be expensive if done the

wrong way.

Can you use the traps again? It’s not like the moles are never coming

back! They are a recurring problem and your traps should be capable

of being used more than one season.

Here are the most common types of traps that help in Ground Mole


Out’O sight mole trap: This

trap is easily available and is

considered very powerful in

trapping the stray moles in

your garden. However, they

can be slight technical when

setting up.

Spear Mole Trap: This is most common

type of mole trap and is available in all the

hardware stores. Parents are advised to use

caution when using this trap as it can be a

potential hazard to unsupervised children.

Nomol Mole Trap – Even though

this trap is not as commonly

available as the others, it is

definitely more effective and safe

for use as it sits completely below

the ground’s surface. Its efficiency

comes from the fact that it sits

right below the surface, almost

into the mole tunnel to trap them

in their homes.

To know more about Ground Mole Removal in Atlanta visit us at: