How Can You Avoid Procrastination?


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Postponing your working activity

became a habit?

In this case, we talk about procrastination.

What is actually PROCRASTINATION?

-a natural emotional reaction of people to postpone tasks.

How can you help your team to avoid procrastination?

1.Measure the costs of procrastination

You have to know how much money are spent when some employees are just wasting time.

Try to talk with them about their activity and to explain that is truly important their contribution to the company.

Due to their contribution to the company, the employees can benefit of holidays, trainings and extra payments.

2. Dont allow the disorder at the office

3. Schedule the working time

Sharing correctly the tasks for the employees

No more overcame deadlines

No more unproductive activities



Using Enigma 365

You can access the productivity reports, so that you can see how much an employee actually works.

4. Evaluate the projects along the way, not only at the end of the working process



Right solution

The expected results

4. Sometimes, procrastination can have advantages, too

When people can't focus on their job, they need to do other kind of productive activity, such as:

organizing the office

watching tutorials


For more information about how you can measure the productivity in the company, subscribe to our Youtube channel, Enigma 365!
