Fundit Mobile Application Screen shots



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  • 1. Fundit Welcome to Fundit Mobile Fund Raising Application

2. Mobile Fundraising ApplicationFundit MobileFor Charities and NPOs 3. Fundit MobileFundRaising ApplicationFor Contributing toYour Favorite Charity 4. Things you need to know 5. How can you find us? Online at: the links) 6. The Mobile AppThis is the landing page http:/ 7. The Registration ScreenTap the Register icon at the bottom of the screen and it will take you tothis screen 8. Basic Info Fill in your basic info 6 digit password and thenPress the Register Tab 9. You Are Now Registered!Go Ahead and tap this Icon to get you to the Login Screen 10. LOGIN SCREENType your UserName and PasswordTap the Login buttonIf youforgot yourpassword, tap this icon andyou will be sent an emailthat will enable you to resetiT 11. Easy Login Procedure 1. Username 2.Password 3. Tap the Login 12. DONATION CHOICES1st Time Contributor The payment gateway needs to acquire your credit card # that you will be using so you need to tapDonate & SaveRepeat Contributor Donate If you are making a repeat donation, the Gateway (much like Save PayPal) has already remembered your information so you simply need to tap DonateDonate NowNow 13. Donate Now / Quick DonationPayfirma (Vancouver based paymentgateway provider) is our processingpartner (like a PayPal)Tap the Organization window toselect the Charity you wish tocontribute to 14. Select Your Favorite CharityA popup screen appears and you can scroll to find your favorite charityPick Done when you have completed your selection 15. Select Your ContributionAmountChoose from $10 to $100 by tapping the Amount 16. Confirm Your RequestTap YES to Confirm your donation 17. Your Donation is Confirmed Once you have confirmed your contribution you will see this screen and you will have three options 1. Hit ok to return to home 2. View Donation to see your receipt 3. Tap Logout to leave the app 18. Making your 1st& Save Donate Donation 1st time contributors use the Donate & Save tab to register their credit card and decide on options of One Time or Recurring 19. One Time or Recurring Option At the time of your 1st contribution, youwill be asked if you want your donation tobe a one time donation or you maychoose recurring Recurring will automatically deduct yourcard for the same amount on the same dayeach month painless and it sure helpsyour charity,Note: to change your option you can sign into your accountOnLine and adjust your profile there 20. Enter Your Credit Card Info 21. Complete Your Personal Info & DonateOnce you have finished inputting your information Tap the Donate & Save bar and your 1st registration and1st transaction are complete 22. Check For Your Receipt 23. Donation Details 24. You AreDone Logout and feel good thatYou helped make a difference to your charity Today! 25. Questions? More Information?Fundit Mobileinfo@funditmobile.com