From Idea to 160K Users: Our Story

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When one of our co-founders, Pete Kistler, was being mistaken on Google for an ex-convict with the same name, we decided to make it simple for anyone to control their own Google results. This is how we went from a dorm-room-room, to a full fledge business with 160k users.

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The first do-it-yourself platform that makes it easy for anyone to take control of their own Google results.

The Problem: Pete Kistler, my co-founder, was a model student, but couldn‘t get an internship

3.9 GPA

Successful entrepreneur

Leader on campus

Founder of multiple clubs

Several relevant internships

This Guy This Guy


He couldn’t change it, because he wasn’t:

A tech genius who could do it himself

A high net worth individual who could pay thousands

for a reputation firm to do it

People either fall into the negative category

Even if you’re not this guy, in today’s world, bad results can happen to good people, and just one poorly judged photo or blog post can damage your entire reputation

The irrelevant category

Instead of finding your latest accomplishments and recommendations, they find out you ran a 5k three years ago. That’s a missed opportunity

Or the “hey that’s not me” category

Being mistaken for someone else can be just as bad as being caught drunk in a bath tube (just ask Pete)

We wanted to create a free product that makes the process dead simple

for anybody to do themselves.

(fight the power)

For example, here are all the steps to make this Linkedin profile show up higher

Once you submit links, you can track them as they improve

And get alerts when things change on your first page

Once you have a profile, we can tell you who is Googling you

A simple freemium business model where some users pay for premium features

Free users can submit up to three links, but you need to upgrade if you want to submit unlimited links

Our Model:

1. We attract traffic to the site

2. A certain percentage sign up for the free product (8% is considered good)

3. A certain percentage of users upgrade to premium (2% is considered good)

4. World domination?

Over 10,000,000 pageviews

Over 160,000 total users (25% of our traffic signs up, triple projections)

Over 2,000 paid users (up to 5% will pay in first 8 weeks—double projections)

We’re exceeding our projections

We’re building an amazing team

We’ve hired the best people in the industry (our engineering team’s last startup was acquired by and continuing to hire. I’d also like to think we’re the most

fun, talented, and possibly best looking team in the world. (read more about our team here).

Like Andrew

An Ivy League Professor falsely accused of shop lifting who used BrandYourself to push more relevant info above all the irrelevant things that were overshadowing his work and research

And TJ

Who knew employers would be Googling him after a lay off. He used BrandYourself to push an Olympic swimmer out of his results so employers could actually find his great work!

He now owns his first 65 results.

And no longer spends his day denying being a drug dealer. Seriously, go ahead and Google him!
