Food packaging designers, FMCG branding, label designing company Melbourne



B brand design is a strategic packaging design agency in Melbourne, our designers are driven to achieving brilliant brand outcomes in food packaging, FMCG branding & label design. Our portfolio includes leading food companies across Australia.

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Label Design

Designed packaging and labels will attract a consumer to purchase one brand over another.

Label and Packaging is the science, art, and technology of enclosing or protecting products.

Packaging contains, protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells.

Label and design play a very important role for promoting your product.

Success of your business will heavily depend on the image consumers have in their minds.

The best way to show that the products through label, that are attractive, original, and concise.

Product labels are as important as any package design. If the consumer can't read, or find the information on the label, there is a chance they are going to put the product back.

Labels that will bring positive changes for your business.

Packaging can be goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use.

Brand Identity in your packaging is one of the most important things to add to your package design. B brand Design can create eye-catching packaging that compliments your product and brand.Our graphics designer, project managers, and materials planner have had intimate involvement in bringing a wide range of products and brands to market.

B Brand Design is a strategic packaging design agency driven to achieving brilliant brand outcomes.

From local produce to global brands, B works across every section of the supermarket.

+61 3 9824 2419

Level 1, Rear 392, Chapel st, South Yarra, Melbourne, VIC 3141