Estoril Congress Center - Sustainability Case Study

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Estoril congress center explain their journey towards sustainability. great case study

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GreenFest 2010Pedro Rocha dos Santos

Estoril Congress Center - DirectorEstoril Meetings CB - Board Member


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The Estoril Congress CenterLeading a New Sustainable Strategy in Meetings

The ECC is the initial Spark...

Finding the Right StrategyConverting Estoril into an International Reference

with the right Partners

International ConsultancyMCI Group ‐ Barcelona

Green Certification ProcessGreen Globe InternationalAustralia ‐ London UK

Principles and PhilosophyGreen Meeting Industry CouncilPortland ‐ USA

Ambitious Goals for 2008LeadingLeading EuropeanEuropean Green VenueGreen Venue

Becoming an International Reference

Sustainable ArquitectureZero Waste ManagementEnergy Efficient ModelLow Water ConsumptionSafety & WellbeingSocial ResponsibleCarbon OffsettingGreen Events Program

ENERGY CONSUMPTION 2007/08Benchmarked by Green Globe InternationalBenchmarked by Green Globe International

Becoming an International Reference

The Estoril CongressCenter consumed 119.4MJ per area under roof(m2) wich is

86.5% BetterThan the best practice level

WATER CONSUMPTION 2008/09Benchmarcked Benchmarcked by Green Globe Internationalby Green Globe International

Becoming an International Reference

The Estoril CongressCenter consumed 99.2 Lper area under roof (m2)which is

91.9% BetterThan the Best Parctice level

Waste Management 2008/09Benchmarked Benchmarked by Green Globe International by Green Globe International

The Estoril Congress Center produced6.2 L per area under one roof wich is

90.7% BetterThen the Best Practice Level

In 2008 started aNew MarketingCommunication

Branding Services under the Same Concept

Optional Sustainable Event Modules

Green Event Methodology Based on APEX Check List

Corporate Social Responsibility ServicesLocal Community and International

Health and Safety ProgramsSafe Space and Safe Event

Wellness Programs speciallyDesign for Events participants

Carbon Offsetting ServicesLocal or International

Event Certificate System


AMFORHT ACADEMIC AWARD for Innovation 2008

Associacion Mondial pour la Formation en Hotélerie y Tourism


International Shows / Active PresenceEIBTM 2008 Campaign “ Reduce Your Footprint and Survive “

IMEX 2009 - The Estoril won theGreen Exhibitor Award

CCE SponsorIMEX CSR Stand

CCE SponsorIMEX Waste Recycling

Sustainable Events Co-Organizationsince 2008 as part of strategic promotion

Green Festival 2010Introducing the B.Green AWARDS

Award Ceremony15th Sept.

18.30Main Hall


Finalist Awarded Projectin Sustainability

National Recognition

... We came a long way

But there is still a lot to do

Reduced Energy consumption in 30%Certified Waste Management System 100R

Reduced Water consumption in 20%Created a Green Event Methodology

Offer Sustainable Event ServicesProvide Event certificate

Obtain International recognition

Business Growth confirms visionand strategy

... and still improving

58% growth 07/08 on room sales

24% growth 08/09 on international business

Business Tourism in Estoril is now 45% of the regions total turnover ( 15% 10 years ago )

Expected growth 2009/10 is 25%

Changing minds andmethods takes time... and MONEY

The Estoril Congress Center has invested500K eur In its Sustainability Campaign inthe last 3 years....

But in a sustainable way

Estoril will nowInvest in itsCustomers


We decided to push even moreour commitment and our

vision and decided to helpthe industry and customers to

accelerate the change.

In 2010 we launched the

* Oficial Campaign announcement during IMEX 2010

Program ObjectivesProgram Objectives

Generate a new mentality and makepeople become comfortable with the concept

Establish a more appealing way ofUsing green tools providing financialSupport as stimulation

Really push the change and show how easy Green Events can be set.

Keep our leading position in the Green Meeting Industry introducing newproducts and services in a creative way


The purchase of space in the ECC Automatically generates the attribution

of a Green Fund that can be used to contract Green Services.

All events from today will Automatically benefit from

the Green Fund Program


Events generating local Hotelsleeps get extra discount on m2

Minimizing TransportationLocal economy developmentLess CO2 Emissions

Sustain+ NEW Association Conferences Program

Objective: to create Association Events that leave an unique experience created for each Delegate, generating the adequateeconomic return to the Association by sharingManagement risks and implementing our sustainableprinciples on a sustainable way.

The programme includes three key dimensions: Sustain People Sustain ProfitSustain Planet

Offer of Special Conditions during: Bid process, Event planning Organisation of Association Congresses in the ECC

The Region commitmentto a long term sustainabledevelopment strategy.

Public Environment Agencies

In 2010 the Estoril Congress CenterIs also committed to become

ESTORILA Commitment

to Responsibilityand


for our Childrenand the WORLD

