Essay 2 - Babson


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MY journey to BUSINESS world

Hi, my name ‘s Tuyen. I am going to tell you about my journey to

business world!


1. Prepare a backpack of KNOWLEDGE. 2. Take the COMMUNITY and BUSINESS buses. 3. Get on the MBA train and enjoy the journey.


I put in my backpack the knowledge I got from my curious characteristic. I believe that if we have the wisdom to learn, all may teach us their virtues. That is why after college, I decided to do something I had never done to learn what I had never learnt. I joined a group of new friends to cross Sac forest.


There I learned lessons for my whole life. Before getting to the forest, we had to walk over 5 kilometers without a penny under the sun of 11 AM. While other people looked at us curiously, I wondered if I lost everything then who I was and what I would do?

Prepare A BACKPACK Curiosity

When crossing Sac forest, my mind could not keep thinking about the mystery that new friends helped each other to cross the obstacles, the way people managed to live without any tool.

Prepare A BACKPACK Curiosity

The sky got darker and darker. It began to rain but the other part of our way seemed to be tougher. Many members nearly gave up but we motivated each other till the last person came out of the forest. That time I really penetrated into the saying “ If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”.

Prepare A BACKPACK Curiosity


After preparing the luggage, I took the community activity bus. The bus fee is nothing but hearts. There I have friends who share with me the same passion of giving smiles to unlucky people. Perhaps we can not help all of the people who need us. Perhaps our gifts are just small. But my friends and I are proud of what we have been doing.

Change which I am most proud of

Mooncake Charity English Teaching and Bicycle Charity


And what I am most proud is that I could make a social impact via my business skills. Instead of asking for sponsors all the time, I led our team to raise fund by organizing a concert or selling things like chocolates. I learnt how to connect volunteers who are new to each others and inspire people to take action. Actually, on the way with this bus, I was not a giver but a receiver…

Change which I am most proud of

Organized a concert at my university and sold 150 tickets

Sold 1000 packages of chocolates to have gifts for street children and old people

THE action BUSES

The second bus I took named Business bus. This bus was very cool but similar to a roller coaster as it was up and down. The down time was that I broke up with my boyfriend and transferred the headphones business to him.


THE action BUSES

Yet the capital constraint and the MBA goal challenged me to found 365 bubble tea within three years… At the very beginning, I had to do everything on my own from marketing to human resource. To save every penny, I moved to live at the shop and cut 70% of my personal expenses. That our shop was stolen two times in two consecutive months made our finance worse.


My status on facebook that time “Yes, this is a tough time to me. I feel extremely stress but it ‘s not that bad?...And I will overcome the obstacles. Fire tests gold. Challenges help me more mature. Never give up, myself! (Just write here to look back someday and smile)”

THE action BUSES

Fortunately, my commitment to success motivated me to keep going. I negotiated to get at least half price on every old tool and searched to find the best price suppliers. I learnt how to hire the right people from my recruitment failures. I not only put my college theory into practice by writing plans, service processes...etc but also learnt more about social marketing, making new recipes... And although daunting challenges will not come to an end even when we have two branches, I welcome them with an usual greeting “What is the lesson today?”.


The train

Of course, I love the buses. However, to go fast and far I need to have a solid foundation with an MBA train. And I was extremely happy when I found the train named Babson:


People told me “If you take this train, it will not be easy”. However, someone also said “ You can succeed when you are ready to succeed”.

I am ready to get on the train so

why not me who will join with you

in the journey, Babson?
