Email & Social - An Unstoppable Force to Boost Your Marketing Programs

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DJ Waldow of Waldow Social's October 5, 2012 talk at the MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2012: Email & Social - An Unstoppable Force to Boost Your Marketing Programs

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October 5, 2012

Email & Social:

An Unstoppable Force to Boost Your Marketing Programs

DJ Waldow @djwaldow

Waldow Social

DJ Waldow @djwaldow

Isn’t email DEAD?

Most emailed article of the day

How many of you have...?

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ü Email trending down (but still in the lead) ü Text and social trending up

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“Email is not dead. In fact, it’s thriving.” - @djwaldow #MPB2B

Flickr: shaunwong

Flickr: shaunwong

Email Marketing

The Caped Crusader The Dark Knight The superhero of all superheroes More than capable of saving the city The old workhorse Gets the job done, no questions asked

Flickr: shaunwong

Flickr: shaunwong

Social Media

Boy Wonder Conceived in order to attract a younger reader base Started out as a sidekick to Batman Can save the city on his own, but always seems to do better when Batman is by his side

Flickr: shaunwong

Flickr: shankbone Flickr: chicknglam

Social Media needs Email.

You get the point …

You can’t sign up (or login) to most social networks without an email address! via @djwaldow #MPB2B

Sep, 20, 2011 email from Facebook

Over 100 possible email notifications!

Facebook Daily Email

Twitter Daily Email

Pinterest Weekly Email

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Because if you don’t [email all members to let them know what has happened, and what steps are being taken to address and correct the situation], you are sending a very bad message to your members. You are telling us that you only send us emails when it’s important, like when you want us to upgrade to a premium account, or update our profile, or connect our email address book to our account. But when it comes to our security, well that’s not important enough to warrant a ‘personal’ email.

-Mack Collier

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If most social networking sites are sending regular emails, how can email be dead? via @djwaldow #MPB2B

Flickr: shaunwong

1.  Social connecting

2.  Social sharing (SWYN)

3.  Social promoting

1.  Social connecting: asking email subscribers to connect (follow) you on social networking sites 2. Social sharing: asking email subscribers to share email content on social networking sites (also known as Share With Your Network - SWYN) 3. Social promoting: using social media sites to promote email

1.  Social connecting

2.  Social sharing (SWYN)

3.  Social promoting

Why include Social Connecting?

Increase followers/likes/subscribers/circles.

*Conversions: email subscribes, webinar registrations, sales, and so on

More connections = more (potential) eyeballs = more (potential) conversions*

1.  Social connecting

2.  Social sharing (SWYN)

3.  Social promoting

Source: Retail Email Blog

Source: Retail Email Blog

Share Secret

“Secrets are for sharing” “Can’t keep it to ourselves”

Family Friends

What’s missing?


Results after 45 days: •  Identified more than 1,000 brand advocates, each who shared the program with an average of 12 friends. •  More than 10,000 social shares across Facebook, Twitter, and email. •  600 new transactions and $250,000 in new sales

Why include SWYN?

Flickr: visodd

*Conversions: email subscribes, webinar registrations, sales, and so on

More eyeballs = more (potential) conversions*

1.  Social connecting

2.  Social sharing (SWYN)

3.  Social promoting


Engagement Cannibalization

Hotmail has publicly stated and outlined that they have four metrics they are paying attention to: 1. Messages read, then deleted 2. Messages deleted without being read 3. Messages replied to 4.  Frequency of receiving and reading a message from a source

ISPs are starting to measure email “engagement” – using it to

determine inbox placement.

•  Posts about email newsletter on social networks generates at least 30-40 new subscribers within an hour of posts. •  80% of list growth is happening through Knuttel’s social media outlets. •  Open rates: 60-70% •  Click to open rates: 40% •  €10,000 in sales has been generated directly from each mailing.

Learn More

Some Impressive Stats...

Why include Social Promoting?

Flickr: visodd

*Conversions: email subscribes, webinar registrations, sales, and so on

More eyeballs = more (potential) conversions*

Use email marketing to grow your social media followers & extend the reach of your message, grow your email list (& make $) via @djwaldow #MPB2B

Parting shots.

[Free Email Review]


[Watch Video]


Smile. Laugh. Dance. Have Fun.

[Read post & watch video]

DJ Waldow @djwaldow