ebusiness Strategy in Entrepreneurship 2: Pedro Eloy at SMECC - 20130903




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in Entrepreneurship Co-organised by SME Creativity Center

and EntrepreneurHK.Org

e-Business Strategy

• Goals for this workshop • Understand the dynamic and evolving landscape

• Key rules of the game

• What is being done + potential opportunity areas

• What do I need to do (skillset, activities, steps...)

• what will I do next - after this workshop

Starting Point: What is the Problem to Address? Business ideas don’t have to change the earth they can be simple ideas

that leverage on what already exists whilst focusing

on providing MORE value to the customer…and solving a problem

The visionary Alvin Toffler in his 1980’s best-seller the 3rd wave,

presented an interesting framework for global societies: after the

agricultural and the industrial revolutions, the information age

would succeed as the third wave…but even Alvin could not predict

the fast ripple effects of technology.

We have by now indeed surpassed the information age and are

experiencing an era where individuals, communities and “things”

are interacting, taking the lead and learning from each other:

10 World Famous Companies that

Started in Garages


- Apple

- Disney


-Harley Davidson


-Lotus Cars



-Yankee Candle Company




The importance of creativity

How can creative approaches using digital channels

enhance not only user experience, but brand image

and customer engagement?

Engagement frontiers that are shaping the future of engagement, at the

intersection of social data, crowdsourcing, storytelling and citizenship

The report highlights the ten most important frontiers that will define

the future of engagement for marketers, entrepreneurs and


Now & Next: Future of Engagement


Marc Gobe, author of Emotional Branding and principal of d/g worldwide

Robin Rusch, editor of the Brandchannel.com

Design the upcoming Future

Learn about Social Media - Influencing and Promotional

-The viral effect (speed)

-Learn at least the basics:

The Power of Video - Conveying ideas

- Creating proximity

- Enhancing SEO

The Lean Methodology “it's about what we can learn from those businesses to improve virtually

everything we do. I imagine Lean Startup principles applied to government

programs, to healthcare, and to solving the world's great problems. It's

ultimately an answer to the question 'How can we learn more quickly what

works, and discard what doesn't? “

im O'Reilly CEO O'Reilly Media


Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design Jakob Nielsen’s, January 1, 1995

The 10 most general principles for interaction design. They are

called "heuristics" because they are more in the nature of rules of

thumb than specific usability guidelines


Information...and more links - People don’t read the web. They scan it

-Make it SEO, Cross Browser, Cross Platform and multi ablility


If Reinventing the wheel

…ensure the car moves

-Rules of the game

-internet is not powerpoint online

Ecommerce: shopping cart example


Easy to be Found -SEO


& Cross-Platform

-Test on multiple browser

- Test on multi platforms

Use a Business Framework: 1) Problem Statement


Become a Problem Expert 1) Find Problems to Solve (Masses vs.Niche)

2) Brainstorm & Structuring your ideas

3) Formulate an adequate and inovative strategy

4) Bring out the story

5) Test, Validate, Iterate

Technology has shortened distances, removed cultural barriers,

introduced a “here-and-now” marker for all areas that have become

internet-able and can be a critical mean to reduce the gap between

the so called developed and developing countries. It is being used

to conveying communication, customizing experiences, speeding up

information access, providing on-demand entertainment, connecting

individuals, expressing preferences, engaging communities

and disseminating information.

Technology also presents a new skill set & paradigm that needs

to be understood by corporations, integrated within the IT setup

and disseminated into the current education system.


of Tecnology

e-Layer Model

a) data layer

b) communications layer

c) the application layer

c) e-Business Framework


d) Strategy

- Replication: exact (Groupon Asia)

- Improvement: Facebook

-Inovation: ipod

-Out of the box: Virgin Galactic

e) Approach

- Bottom up: i have an idea, lets see how it fits

- Top Down: I like a specific industry, lets see what I can do

Education demands tech upgrade

Source: www.politico.com - 2013 While the new technology has fueled innovation in

the consumer sector, widespread and effective

usage in our nation’s public schools lags


Families can order dinner with the click of a button

on a smartphone or computer, but teachers are

still wiping chalk off blackboards. Newspapers and

magazines are delivered to tablets every morning,

but students study from texts that become

outdated as soon as they are released.

Co-workers work in real time to complete complex

tasks on opposite coasts, but classrooms often

cannot effectively connect subject areas.

In 2006 we saw the birth of the Khan Academy by Bangladeshi American

educator Salman Khan, a graduate of MIT and Harvard Business School. His

learning platform supplies a free online collection of more than 4,000 micro

lectures via video tutorials stored on YouTube teaching mathematics, history,

healthcare, medicine, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy,

economics, cosmology, organic chemistry, American civics, art history,

macroeconomics, microeconomics, and computer science and it has delivered

over 240 million lessons.

It may have been considered by many as a side-trend until the Bill & Melinda

Gates Foundation, Google and private investors backed it up with significant

funding to make it mainstream. Its audience grew exponential and by using high

traffic platforms such as YouTube channels it reached more than 265 million total

views, and an audience of around 955,000 subscribers.

Even with such ripple effect and heavy backing, many thought it would still be

just a suburban or a temporary trend…until the big players decided to come

onboard: MIT, Stanford, and Harvard are now leading this new e-educational

paradigm on platforms such as Udacity, EdX and Coursera and are provideíng

cloud-learning facilities to anyone that can have access to a computer and to the


edx video

How to Improve Government-to-Citizen Communication

“I think governments are really far behind as far as the way in which people interact with websites…

…It has been a one-way communication for a long time

and now people are starting to dive into a two-way conversation on the Web. I think we’re going to see

a lot more services being offered online in the government sector.”

Nicole Neditch, Oakland's online engagement manager

“Governance refers to the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority in the management of a country’s affairs, including citizens’ articulation of their interests and exercise of their legal rights and obligations e-Governance may be understood as the performance of this governance via the electronic medium in order to facilitate an efficient, speedy and transparent process of disseminating information to the public, and other agencies, and for performing government administration activities. e- New Styles of Leadership, ways of debating and deciding policy and investment, ways of accessing education, ways of listening to citizens and ways of organising and delivering information and services.” Unesco http://portal.unesco.org

Governance & eGovernance

UN RANKING eGovernment

-E-Government for the People: http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/un/unpan048065.pdf - Ranking: http://unpan3.un.org/egovkb/datacenter/countryview.aspx

Republic of Korea ranked the world’s NUMBER 1 on the UN eGovernment Development Index, followed by 8 Western countries http://www.futuregov.asia/articles/2008/sep/01/south-korea-ranked-number-one-for-e-government/

Government 2.0 – government websites

that are getting it right in 2013

Source: www.watchstreetconsulting.com– 2013 More than one-third of the world’s population is

online. Now that the majority of governments have at

least embraced the internet by creating websites, it’s

time to take the next step and use it as tool to better

serve their constituency.

The best government websites are using their sites

as a means to communicate with their constituents

through blogs and aggregated social media portals.

These are places where constituents are already

active; however, this is not just a ‘build it, and they will

come’ situation, rather it’s a ‘use it correctly with

engaging content, two-way communication, and

helpful information…and they will come’ situation.

Canadian city launches website to engage

citizens Source: www.futuregov.asia– 2013 The city of Surrey, population 483,690, in Canada,

launched City Speaks, a new website to connect with

residents and let them give feedback about city plans

and issues.

Residents of Surrey can share opinions on policies,

programmes and plans such as new developments

or city parks. Every month, new surveys, polls

and discussion topics will be added to the website.

City government will also brainstorm and test ideas

through City Speaks, allowing residents to share insights

with others and explore new directions for the city.

Nigeria: FG To Launch Government Services Portal

Source: www. allafrica.com – 2013 The Hon Minister of Communication Technology,

Mrs. Omobola Johnson will on Tuesday 16th of April

launch the Federal Government Service Portal in

Abuja as part of the initiatives for 'Getting

Government Online" to improve service delivery to

citizens and other stakeholders.

The Services Portal which is built using the latest

web technology brings together a directory of

existing online government services, as well as

newly automated services from the ministries of

Industry, Trade and Investment, Agriculture,

Education, Health and Communication Technology.

Iceland’s new constitution Source: Facebook - 2011 The government of Iceland is letting its general population help shape its new constitution through a number of new media formats, including the Constitutional Council website [in Icelandic], where new parts of the working draft [text, in Icelandic] are put on the site and rewritten to include public consensus. There are also Twitter and Facebook pages for comments, as well as a YouTube channel [official websites, in Icelandic] dedicated to the drafting process.

Egypt's president to host Twitter sessions to connect with his people Source: Guardian - 2013 The Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, will respond to questions on Twitter.

Mohamed Morsi, has announced plans to respond to citizens' concerns every night

on Twitter – the latest in a series of media-savvy moves from his administration that

appear to be aimed at placating western concerns about his governance.

Indonesian President’s New Twitter

Account is a Hit, Gains 700,000 Followers in 2 Days Source: www.politico.com – 2013 Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has finally made his first tweet

on his brand-new Twitter handle, @SBYudhoyono.

Since that first presidential tweet a couple of days ago, he has gained over

700,000 followers already, and has made 27 tweets so far. Can SBY gain enough

followers to become a top ten Twitter account among world leaders?


Suggestions: Books: - The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries

- Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant by W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne

- The Third Wave by Alvin Toffler - The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion by John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, Lang Davison

- Economics of Strategy by Drove Besanko, Shanley and Schaefer - Marketing Management by Philip Kotler and K.L. Keller -Valuation Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies by T Koller, M Goedhart and D Wessels

Reports: - Global Trends 2030, a publication of the National Intelligence Council: http://globaltrends2030.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/global-trends-2030-november2012.pdf -The Shifting Geography of Global Value Chains, Implications for Developing Countries and Trade Policy: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GAC_GlobalTradeSystem_Report_2012.pdf

Videos: - The start up kids: http://thestartupkids.com/ - Michio Kaku: What does the future look like?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UgE-NhcmbM - Series: - Dragons Den: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragons'_Den_(UK) - Shark Tank: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shark_Tank