Easy Way Of Captioning Wistia Videos - TranscriptionStar


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The Best way to caption your Wistia videos

3 Quick steps to caption your Wistia videos

Wistia Captioning Services by professionals

Captioning Wistia Videos yourself

Automate with TranscriptionStar

That is, to work with a transcription company

That is, to work on those captions manually

That is, to make use of iTranscript

Wistia Captioning Services by professionals

When you are a regular uploader, you would want to work with a professional

transcription company. It saves you a lot of time on the transcription side.

But, the problem with working with a transcription service provider is that,

you would have to spend more and more time on “managing” these files. That is:

Have your videos delivered to the transcription company

Communicate with them on your requirements

Follow through with emails and calls on the file’s status

Once the transcripts/captions are ready; have them downloaded and then integrated into your videos.

Captioning Videos by Yourself

You can either get free or paid tools. But no matter, they cannot give you human level accuracy. That’s because of these factors.

Quality of the audio: That is, automated tools simply cannot cope with background

noise, music and/or any other sort of sound effects included in the videos.

Accent: As long as the speaker has a neutral accent, you are good, but the more

accented his/her speech is, the more errors you would have to be correcting.

Speakers: There’s no denying that speech recognition tools have come a long way;

but there’s also no denying that none of them(neither paid nor free) can differentiate

between multiple speakers!

Captioning Videos by Yourself

You can either get free or paid tools. But no matter, they cannot give you human level accuracy. That’s because of these factors.

Quality of the audio: That is, automated tools simply cannot cope with background

noise, music and/or any other sort of sound effects included in the videos.

Accent: As long as the speaker has a neutral accent, you are good, but the more

accented his/her speech is, the more errors you would have to be correcting.

Speakers: There’s no denying that speech recognition tools have come a long way;

but there’s also no denying that none of them(neither paid nor free) can differentiate

between multiple speakers!

Automate with TranscriptionStar

TranscriptionStar - where other professional transcription companies’ falter we

provide solutions in the form of our all new and upgraded iTranscript platform.

To explain: Via iTranscript platform you link your Wistia account with TranscriptionStar’s.

Now all your Wistia videos are listed out in iTranscript. All you have to do now is scroll

through this list and select the videos that you want captions for, and simply click on

confirm. That’s it!

You no longer have to bother with uploading your videos to the transcription company,

or worry about sending sensitive data via tentative 3rd party file sharing services.

All your data are transferred via the platform’s secure interface.

TranscriptionStar + Wistia = Best way to caption Wistia videos

Read more @ https://goo.gl/YiJfnA
