Digital Printing Vs. Screen Printing


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For some businesses and individuals, a printing job is a printing job, and as long as it looks good to you nothing else matters.

Whether it’s a business card, a poster, a calendar or a t-shirt, as long as it looks the way you want, the process that was used is irrelevant.

Two of the most common types of printing are screen printing and digital printing.

Each one has its merits, and there are specific situations when it is best to use one over the other. Here is some more detailed information.


Screen printing uses a stencil or ‘screen’ to lay down multiple layers of ink on the printing surface.

Each different color is applied using a different screen until the desired look is achieved.


The colors are laid down one at a time on the surface in the screen printing process.

Digital printing, on the other hand, is a process that uses four-color processing to take artwork from a computer file directly to press.

The four-color processing colors are yellow, magenta, black and cyan.

Digital printing is the newer technology of the two, and it is used for the many of the business printing companies these days.


It’s hard to determine which printing process is better, and quite often it comes down to the nature of the job to figure out which one to use. Both methods are used for a variety of different printing jobs, and they’ll both likely be around for some time to come.

Screen printing usually provides a lower cost for higher volume jobs, and is better for jobs that require thick and rich colors. With digital printing, low and medium volume jobs will usually result in better cost, and it’s often better for jobs that need a shorter lead time.

With digital printing, there are no plates involved, so set up is a lot shorter.


Since both styles are still actively used, it’s best to look into the details of the job before you just assume it will be one way or the other.

Ask your printer which method will deliver the best results, then let him or her get to work and provide you with a beautiful end result.


Since both styles are still actively used, it’s best to look into the details of the job before you just assume it will be one way or the other.

Ask your printer which method will deliver the best results, then let him or her get to work and provide you with a beautiful end result.

