Dfferent types of title sequences


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4 main types of title sequence

Daniella Benson

There are many ways to start a film and the title of the film can determine the success of the film –in other words, make it or break it. This is because the title can either give away too much information or not enough for the audience to understand or be interested in the film.

There are four man types of film title sequences :

1. Discrete

2. narrative

3. Credits over scree

4. And heavy stylised editing


Se7en is an example of a discrete opening to a thriller film. The opening is made to look as if it is a prelim to the film itself, we are able to see the psychedelic nature of the main character before the film has even started. Although you are not properly introduced to the main character as of yet. The effects used in the title sequence are creative and blend into the opening itself. Many critics consider the title sequence of Se7en to be the start of the film. The sequence uses heavy stylised effects.

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NarrativeOne of the good narratives about Se7en ,is the soundtrack used. At first was slightly electronic with drones, and close to the end whilst the character is cutting out the word 'GOD' we hear 'You bring me closer to god~'. If the audience hadn't guessed there was something wrong with the character yet, they surely will after that line.


The Shining has a narrative title sequence. We can tell from the opening that the people in the car are clearly driving in the wrong direction, the camera stalks them like prey. The credits scroll through the sequence midway through in a fluorescent blue, indicating danger.

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The heavy-stylised editing

The taking of Pelham 123, is a heavy stylised opening, the effects make it more interesting, which holds the attention of the audience.
