Contact pigeon at Open Coffee Athens LXXIX

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ContactPigeonThe (re)Marketing Cloud

A unified platform for delivering the perfect message with actionable email + web + purchase behaviour insights

We help e-tailers make money :)

What we do

Personalized message

Product catalogDemographics

Email Statistics

Ecommerce Statistics

Big Data & Predictive Analytics Automation & Segmentation

Website Statistics

How does ContactPigeon work?


Browse Abandonment

Cart Abandonment

Product Review Request


Cross Sell/Up Sell Happy Birthday

Purchase Anniversary



Remarketing examples

In a typical month

• we send 30 million messages (yes, you probably got

one from us already)

• we record over 200 million events

• and we analyze over 1 million orders

...and our numbers keep increasing :)

How we started

First friends, then business partners and now brothers in law.

Charalampos Giorgos

The ContactPigeon idea!

Marketing automation tailored for small

ecommerce properties is a blue ocean case :)


2014 (end)

2 personsGreece

4 personsGreece

12 and hiring…Global

2015 Today

Obstacles on the first flight

• Marketing automation,

Personalization. "Does

your mother know it?"

• No brand awareness

• Marketing budgets

dropping due to crisis

• Small team

Data-driven marketing

1. Educate leads2. Sell after educating3. Support after paying :)

Feedback, feedback and... feedback!

No brand awareness?

● B2B is different than B2C. IBM will always be IBM.

● Building brand via advertising not an option (expensive and needs large team).

Focus on the product development and word of mouth.

Greek Crisis…

1. Can I have it for free?2. Can I have it cheaper than my already

cheaper email marketing platform?(spoiler alert: we have a different product)

3. Can I pay you later?

We help them see the value of the product and not find a cheaper alternative.

Small team

Hire when you can dedicate time in training and have resources to burn. Don’t hire in order to hire.

1. Multiple roles2. Working long hours to

keep quality of service high

It was time to get spending money.Welcome VentureFriends :)

Treat your small customers as VIP, they will grow and you will grow with them.

Our secret recipe

• Launch of our predictive cloud by end of 2016

• Fast forward 1 year: 400 customers in USA and sales offices in USA/UK + French localization/offices in France

• Fast forward 2 years: 6000 customers and a team of 100 pigeons!

• Get feedback from day #1

• Short development cycles

• Be data-driven and agile, pass on the know-how to your customers.

• Tools and training is a must!

• Make the customers become addicted to your product