Communication Skills Training Course


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Communication Skills Training – Training Course Outline

• Communicating poorly as a supplier to the supermarket, or internally briefing another department about a supermarket's needs, can be costly and leave a poor impression with the supermarket. This CPD accredited Communication Skills training supports Learners to get their message across succinctly, effectively, and to leaving a positive lasting impression.

• This is a 6 month training course of 1+1 'classroom days', 6 months apart, with support in between training days. Designed to make the learning stick using our unique training method Sticky Learning and including our ROI guarantee.

• Specifically designed to meet the specific and challenging demands of grocery suppliers to major UK supermarkets. This training course will change the way Learners approach communication giving them tools, techniques, and confidence to more better deal with situations, leading to improvements in performance.


Learning Goals

1. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to communication.

2. Better understand why others do or don't communicate effectively.

3. Communicate more clearly to achieve more.

Communication Skills Training – Training Course Outline


Learning Objectives

By the end of this training course the Learner will be able to:

• Identify other people’s communication styles and needs.• Recognise body language and what it might mean.• Grow relationships through more powerful communication.• Prepare better for group communication and be able to demonstrate what

clear communication looks like.• Communicate more effectively in person, using the phone and using email.• Assertively deal with ‘political’ communication and conflict communication.

Communication Skills Training – Training Course Outline


Topics Covered

• Individuals and teams absolutely depend on being able to communicate with each other because without this ability there are no teams that deliver, no departments that achieve and no partnerships that work. Effective communication is essential to the success of every business.

Refresh on ‘Learning To Learn’.

Communication Skills Training – Training Course Outline


Ideal Learners

For everyone that understands that how they communicate has an impact on the impression they leave, how much they get done, and how effectively it gets done.

Communication Skills - Testimonials

• “I particularly loved the NLP techniques of ‘El Bow’ and the story about the bumble bee. They will stick with me forever, particularly when I am talking to the buyers”.

For more testimonials visit written testimonials or video testimonials.

Communication Skills Training – Training Course Outline


Making the Learning Stick

• Hopefully the term ‘Sticky Learning’ has intrigued you, whilst you probably guessed a sense of what it is about.

• In short Sticky Learning is our own unique method that we have developed to help Learners Realise more of what they have learnt, be able to Recall more of what they have learnt, and Retain more of what they have learnt. In 2016 we further upgraded this unique training method to include habits formation as a big part of helping Learners to use more of what they have learnt.

• This is good for our clients because it means that the money they spend with us is better invested than with other training providers because the learning is used for longer.

Communication Skills Training – Training Course Outline


The Training Course Duration

At MBM we no longer offer 1 day courses due to their limited effect.

Our Sticky Learning® unique training method enables Learners to learn more, learn more quickly, and learn more easily. Sticky Learning is a key part of the 6 month training course consisting of pre-work, Learning To Learn 1/2 day training course, a Foundation 1 day training course, and an Advanced 1 day training course (6 months after the Foundation training course).

In between the Foundation training course and the Advanced training course, the Learner will be challenged to complete 'Sticky Pieces', which appeals to the 70:20:10 learning model. These are desk based activities that help the Learner to change their behaviour long term by identifying a habit that they wish to adopt to embed the new skill.

The Learner is also given:• Access to our skill specific and learning objective specific 'Knowledge Vault'.• Email and telephone support throughout the 6 month training course.• An option to bolt on 'Individual Coaching' to support the Learner further.• An option to bolt on a 1/2 day 'Annual Refresh' to further enhance the learning in the future.

Communication Skills Training – Training Course Outline


Your World Class Tutor for Communication Skills Training

Your tutor for the Communication Skills training course is Sally Booth.

Sally remains a retailer at heart, having worked for 14 years with one of the big four UK supermarkets, both as a Line Manager and within the Training function, she has practiced what she preaches regarding People Development!

Sally is passionate about bringing learning to life and enables participants to really experience a new skill and work on it live in the room so that they can see it, hear it, think it and feel it.

Communication Skills Training – Training Course Outline


Learners Per Training Course

• 8 to 12 Learners because this drives enough discussion between the Learners to explore the skill well, whilst not too many that any one Learner gets 'lost' in the debate.

Costs for this Communication Skills Training Course

• For 12 Learners the cost is £175 per Learner per day.• The total cost for up to 12 Learners for the training course of 2 days, including

Sticky Pieces, and the 5 level evaluation 'Chain of Evidence', is £4,200, plus vat.• Either held on-site at the client's premises, or an off-site venue can booked

and charged back to the client.

Communication Skills Training – Training Course Outline

Communication Skills Training – Training Course Outline

Measuring Return on Investment

There are many evaluation methods for training, each trying to find the holy grail of return on investment. We use Donald Kirkpatrick’s four level training evaluation model as a base because it has stood the test of time, since 1953.

– Level 1: Reaction: How did the learners react to the training?– Level 2: Learning: How much learning did the learners get?– Level 3: Behaviour: How much have the learners used the learning?– Level 4: Results: How much effect did the learner's learning have on performance? Few training providers

measure the return on investment beyond the level 1 reaction.

Few training providers measure the return on investment beyond the level 1 reaction. We have added one further level:

– Level 5: Sponsor: How much did we achieve the sponsors objectives?

Read more about our 5 level evaluation tool and see an example report - 'Chain of Evidence'.


Learning Needs to be Intriguing

To this end of 'Learning needs to be intriguing' we name each one of our training courses after a relevant film and we'll make reference to this on the course.

For our Communication Skills training course we chose ‘Lost in Translation’ because often emails and conversations get lost and both time and frustration get extended.

This film from 2003, rated R, stars Bill Murray as an actor who develops a rapport with a recent college graduate after a chance meeting in a hotel.

Communication Skills Training – Training Course Outline

What do we do?

A typical People Development programme with a supplier to the big four UK supermarkets consists of a combination of the items that helps suppliers to achieve their business objectives.

Try our popularEffective Communication



Where next?

• Say ‘No’ to one day training courses.

• Start 'small' with a 1/2 day Masterclass for up to 12 people - There are 5 to choose from for only £750+vat.

• Communciation Skills Training Course.

• Making Business Matter,Sticky Learning House5 Cheshire RoadThame,OXFORDSHIRE,OX9 3LQ

• Telephone: 0333 247 2012• Email:
