Cocoon Projects - Liquid Organizations: anti-fragility beyond design



Part of the supporting slides from our "Liquid Organizations: anti-fragility beyond design" workshop held in Vienna at the European Organisation Design Forum by Stelio Verzera and Jacopo Romei. The workshop was based on the Cocoon Projects case history and specific know-how on the topic. And it was aimed at introducing how a non-hierarchical organization works being adaptive, responsive, engaging, scalable, and anti-fragile. For any information, or for organizing the workshop at your place wherever in the world, please contact us at

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Liquid organizationsAntifragility beyond design

Crea%ng  a  connected  community,  exploring  inspira%onal  perspec%ves  to  release  organisa%onal  poten%al  

European Organisation Design Forum2013 Vienna Conference

Jacopo Romei & Stelio


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European Organisation Design Forum2013 Vienna Conference

Stelio Verzera@shivertweet

Jacopo Romei@jacoporomei