Careful what you wish for



What would happen is we didn't have to pay people?

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Careful what you wish for

Imagine:You own a business

Andall you need to produce

your product is technology

Which you already own

You don’t need people,

so people costs are …


How would that feel?

But wait, what if this were true for all businesses …

… worldwide

Total worker income worldwide would be …


So, who would buy your product?

How would that feel?

Careful what you wish for

It might not be what you really need

Imagine:You are a worker

You show up every day

Play video games, read a book, have a conversation …

… not worry about producing much …

… and still collect your full pay

… retire at age 40 and still collect your full pay

How would that feel?

But wait … what if this were true for all workers …

… worldwide

Total worker income would be …

$$$ gynormous $$


But if no one produced anything ….

What would you do with all that money (paper)?


e y


r …

How would that feel?

Careful what you wish for

It might not be what you really need

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking

we used when we created them.”

- Albert Einstein

“We Urgently NeedNew Thinking

to Succeed in the Global Economy”

Careful what


Wish for

Think through whatyou really need

• Contents by Angelo Baratta

• Adapted by Angelo Baratta
