Burst Learning User Guide: 11 Meaningful Ways to Use Burst Learning in Ethics & Compliance...


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11 Meaningful Ways to Use Burst Learning in Ethics & Compliance Training and Awareness

2BURST LEARNING USER GUIDE | +1 866 297 0224 | info@navexglobal.com | www.navexglobal.com

Each year employees are inundated with heavy training schedules and awareness materials, comprising e-mail, documents, pamphlets, posters, policies and more—all aimed at conveying important information about ethics, risk and compliance. Finding meaningful and impactful ways to engage, educate and raise awareness among employees is a real challenge for compliance-minded organizations.

Enter Burst Learning. Bursts are engaging five-to seven-minute training products that deliver an organization’s values and topic awareness content through an interactive and entertaining approach to learning. Bursts solve a litany of challenges faced by those responsible for ethics and compliance training in organizations today. From reinforcing foundation training lessons, to increasing the number of topics you are able to train on, to reducing seat time, bursts may be the next best alternative to a silver bullet.

This guide offers 11 highly valuable use cases for bursts and practical steps for creating a strategy that aligns with your overarching training and awareness program objectives.

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1. Address Different Learning Styles

2. Cover More Risk Topics

3. Address Secondary Risks

4. Raise Awareness

5. Reinforce Foundational Training with Reminders

6. Reduce Seat Time

7. Emphasize Key Risk Areas

8. Respond Quickly to Incidents or Emerging Trends

9. Train Third Parties and Other Nontraditional Audiences

10. Training On the Go

11. Train the Rarely Trained

11 Meaningful Ways to Use Burst Learning in Ethics

and Compliance Training and Awareness


BURST LEARNING USER GUIDE | +1 866 297 0224 | info@navexglobal.com | www.navexglobal.com 4

1 Not all adult learners have the same learning preferences and styles. Some learn best through humor, some through the application of principles, and others through hearing real stories or scenarios—and there are myriad other methods. For this reason we created four different Burst Learning formats for presenting ethics and compliance topics.

Ethically Speaking (3 to 5 minutes)

A video-based training product that shares the ethical perspectives of real people in engaging unscripted interviews on such topics as integrity, code of conduct, and ethical decision-making. Each video is followed by interactive content designed to spark conversation within your organization and keep ethical values top-of-mind for your employees.

Ethics Street (5 to 7 minutes)

A humorous video-based training product that introduces learners to a recurring cast of characters who face ethical dilemmas. Each burst covers a specific compliance topic. Learners are tasked with helping the main character—Jack—make ethical decisions in an interactive and intelligent branching exercise.

Address Different Learning Styles


MyReports (5 to 8 minutes)

Draws from how employees interact with news. Trending topics today, using social engagement. NAVEX Global has created a simulated virtual reporting experience as a WPN “MyReporter.” These bursts provide learners with hands-on opportunities to review, understand, and report on real-world issues that face organizations and employees in the workplace today. Each burst covers one important compliance topic. Through interactive exercises, learners gain insights into key workplace challenges as well as learn about your organization’s expectations and policies.

Third Party Risk Management Bursts (5 to 8 minutes)

Specifically designed for third party business partners (such as vendors, agents, suppliers, distributors and other business partners) to introduce them to important ethics and compliance obligations. As learners work through the interactive content, they experience powerful and effective continuous learning, allowing them to identify and solve problems related to the growing need to effectively manage third-party risks and associated internal processes.

There are simply too many topics in ethics and compliance to train on all of them every year. Some organizations establish training plans to cover essential topics over a multiyear period, but many still find that they are not able to cover their needs. Choosing not to train on relevant risk areas can leave employees without the necessary knowledge and skills they need to perform their duties responsibly.

Bursts enable the casting of a wider risk net over an organization, filling gaps in the risk profile and providing more-complete coverage for its compliance training program. By deploying bursts in off–training years, an organization can ensure that critical subjects stay top-of-mind. Bursts can also be used to cover topics that do not warrant a full-length course but are nevertheless important to an organization.

2 Cover More Risk Topics

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While bursts will never replace full-length courses on critical compliance topics, they do help address secondary risks that never receive full-length training.

Not all risks are created equal. Some risks materialize less frequently, and others are less likely to result in crippling financial penalties or reputational harm. But secondary risks are still in fact risks, and an appropriate level of emphasis should be placed on them. Often secondary risks are left unaddressed or under addressed to leave resources for topics with greater legal or regulatory visibility.

For risks that do not justify a full training experience, bursts are an ideal solution. A burst, typically five to eight minutes in length with interactivity, can provide a solid learning experience and help ensure coverage of minor risks areas while not constraining other areas of the program.

3 Address Secondary Risks


Employees and managers are busy. Often they are juggling multiple responsibilities and priorities; and compliance responsibilities, though important, are not always top-of-mind. It is often not enough to send out an e-mail or policy. Bursts are a far more effective and engaging means of raising awareness and stimulating conversation around a particular topic. They act as an ideal “companion“ to more traditional written materials, bringing the content to life.

4 Raise Awareness


Even though employees may have received full-length training on a topic, learning retention declines over time and so does the perception of an issue’s importance. With the passage of time, employees will consider previous lessons unimportant unless employers assure them that they are still very relevant.

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) cited periodic reminders as one of the reasons why it declined to prosecute Morgan Stanley for the criminal conduct of a rogue employee. The company was able to demonstrate that it sent regular reminders to employees, informing them of their obligations with respect to key issues. The DOJ statement further reveals it declined to prosecute as “…Morgan Stanley trained Peterson [offending employee] on the FCPA seven times and reminded him to comply with the FCPA at least 35 times.”

Appropriately timed and carefully selected bursts serve to remind employees of key responsibilities between compliance training events and improve desired compliance behaviors—like reporting and seeking advice from internal resources. Such reminders protect the organization from the actions of rogue employees.

5Reinforce Foundational Training with Reminders


On average, the compliance function is allotted four to six hours annually for compliance training. Even though the risks and the areas of responsibility are increasing, the downward seat-time pressures remain constant. Organizations today are looking for shorter and more-effective learning experiences.

Carefully crafted bursts that isolate the most important learning points can help reduce seat time. Bursts allow organizations to cover important topics with less disruption or time away from productive work. When bursts are spread out over the course of a year, employees are regularly reminded about key responsibilities and expectations.6

Reduce Seat Time

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7 Emphasize Key Risk AreasSome risk areas are so critical and missteps so costly or potentially damaging that it is important to emphasize key issues by repeatedly communicating obligations. Some topics might include harassment, bribery and corruption or retaliation.

Bursts are delivered in a format ideally suited to emphasize key risks. Reinforcement of key obligations and responsibilities establishes cultural awareness of the risk, helps ensure understanding of expectations, and sets the standards of conduct to which employees will be held accountable.


With the rise of social media and the pace of new laws and regulations, organizations have experienced a major shift in the speed that compliance issues can erupt into major business problems. Organizations often find themselves pressured to respond to compliance issues instantaneously. But developing and deploying training takes considerable time, and often it cannot be accomplished as rapidly as executives desire. Burst Learning is a practical and effective way to quickly deploy training on a wide array of compliance topics, signaling to employees both their urgency and their importance.8 Respond Quickly to Incidents or Emerging Trends

14BURST LEARNING USER GUIDE | +1 866 297 0224 | info@navexglobal.com | www.navexglobal.com

9Train Third Parties and Other Nontraditional Audiences

The scope of training obligations is no longer limited to an organization’s employees. Some laws impose responsibilities on organizations to also train their business partners, such as suppliers, distributors and agents who work on the organization’s behalf.

É Under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), liability can attach to the contracting organization for the actions of its agents.

É Under the FCPA Guidance, training third parties is recommended.

É Under the US Federal Sentencing Guidelines, fines and penalties can be mitigated when third parties are properly educated on compliance responsibilities.

É Under the UK Bribery Act of 2010, training third parties is part of adequate procedures.

The vastness of this obligation makes it a daunting task—one that many organizations have yet to adequately tackle. Providing third parties with a series of bursts that address the risks they can pose is a quick and effective way to share important compliance priorities and create an audit trail of your organization’s efforts.


10 Training on the Go

For these employees, traditional training (whether live or online) can present challenges. Bursts, which are designed to be mobile-ready, can resolve some of the challenges that employers face with such learners. The ability to access training on the go and from remote locations increases the likelihood that those learners will take and complete the training.

Many employees do not work at a desk, and many have limited access to a computer. Employees who work in retail, manufacturing, transportation, and outdoor settings are just a few of many examples. Even busy executives and outside sales representatives are increasingly using smartphones and tablets for work-related purposes.

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These leaders pose the highest potential risk if they abuse their influence in the company or fail to spot and respond to ethical lapses. Bursts designed specifically for this audience, such as those found on NAVEX Exchange, can provide short, relevant, and mobile-ready learning on the most pressing compliance topics and risk areas.

NAVEX Exchange is a complementary offering for qualifying NAVEX Global Clients. It offers an innovative learning experience developed specifically for directors, the C suite, and senior executives. Delivered in a convenient five-minute video format, these bursts for corporate leaders provide peer-level insights regarding growing challenges and the best practices to address them.

Ethics and compliance training programs are typically designed for employees and often do not address the issues and the specific responsibilities that members of the board and high-level executives in an organization face daily. These leaders have unique compliance learning needs, but time, budgetary restraints and lack of suitable training options have kept most organizations from providing role-relevant training.

11Train the Rarely Trained


Create a Burst Learning

Strategy É Create a list of the risk areas on which you want to provide training. Use appropriate internal resources such as subject-matter experts and risk assessment results.

É Identify risks that require a full-length training course and identify the frequency of training for each area.

É Develop a training-curriculum map that covers three to five years. It should include all full-length training courses you will deploy, the audience, the method and the deployment date or training period.

É Identify any training gaps (insufficient or no coverage of identified risk areas).

É Identify the topics you want to cover with bursts.

É Identify the purpose for deploying the burst and develop your deployment plan based on that need (set the cadence, number, and topics to be covered).

É Determine how frequently you want to deploy bursts by topic. Some audiences need only one per year, whereas others may require one each quarter.

É Add bursts to your training-curriculum map.

There are many ways to use Burst Learning to invigorate your compliance training program. To make the most of your efforts, consider the following steps.

+1 866 297 0224 | info@navexglobal.com | www.navexglobal.com

