Brands and Turbulence | Patrick Collings 2010

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This is a presentation I gave at the opening of the 2010 Branding Conference in South Africa. The 45 minutes allocated was too short to go into much detail so the presentation just touches on key issues in managing brands in turbulence, something that brand managers and strategists are going to have to get used to doing. Some of the slides require a talking head in front of them, but I hope that the general message of the presentation comes through. The use of a strategy canvas to develop a brand positioning is based on the excellent Blue Ocean Strategy work of W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. I also used Philip Kotler and John A. Caslione's Chaotics as a reference book.

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by Ryan Gallagher

managing brands in times of turbulencemanaging brands in times of turbulencefourth annual branding conferencejohannesburg26 - 27 may 2010

patrick collingssagacite

turbulence wasn’t confined to the recession

by alex e proimos

the world is facing increased turbulence over the next

decade and beyond Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World

released by the National Intelligence Council

all of which impacts on brands which are also confronted with

relentless innovation

demand for results

and the realization that past glories are just that

Disruptive Technology / Issues Impacted Industry

Rapid emergence of e-readers Media, publishing, advertising

Google TV / Hulu Television, advertising

Smartphone games Game developers

Environment / climate change Car manufacturers / housing developers

Volcanic ash cloud Airlines / video conferencing

turbulence is the new normality

“We postulate that turbulence, and especially heightened turbulence, with its consequent chaos, risk and uncertainty, is now the normal conditions of industries,

markets and companies”

Philip KotlerJohn A Caslione

what brands need to do to prepare for and survive, even prosper,

in turbulence

by kevin dooley

Changing one’s mindset

Maintaining the brand core

Having a conversation

Reevaluating the brand positioning

and to explain these concepts we are going to look beyond the marketing toolkit

brand core is what a brand does

by david prior

not to be confused with current offerings, it is why the brand has those offerings


McKinsey & Company



To solve unsolved problems innovatively

To help leading corporations and governments be more successful

To preserve and improve human life

To experience the joy of advancing and applying technology for the benefit of the public

a brand’s core can be changed over time but it must not be rushed and

never at time of heightened turbulence

“Companies that enjoy enduring success have core values and a core purpose that remain fixed while their

business strategies and practices endlessly adapt to a changing world”

Jim CollinsJerry Porras

we need a new mindset

by maessive

one that accepts that we can’t predict the future and should concentrate on being

flexible enough to successfully engage it, in whatever form it may take

essentially need to jettison the rationalistic mindset that there is one correct long-term solution for a brand

central to many theories and methodologies how build this “capacity

for uncertainty” is the concept of scenario planning

borne out of military strategy and effectively used by Shell to

deal with the oil crisis in the 1970s, scenario planning helps

us deal with uncertainty and plot realistic alternative futures

photo by dirk ingo franke

photo by victor cavazzoni

scenarios allow us to see beyond the headlights

distance into the future

forecast scenarios hope



different approaches but generally

identify the question that you want answered and gather the information.2

engage in ongoing strategic conversations and constantly test the scenarios.4

1 enroll diverse, expert opinion within and outside the organization. get senior buy-in.

identify the drivers that influence events and compose realistic plots for the scenarios.3

scenarios are a lot like chess

image by edwin dalorzo

positioning a brand is relevant to competitors and consumers in the market

turbulence tends to upset the positioning

image by somebody

blue ocean strategy is about positioning

introducing the strategy canvas

image by pedro ribeiro simões

strategy canvases are efficient ways of defining the key aspects of a market

and identifying the positioning of brands within the market


key factors

Price Terroir / Awards ATL Marketing Aging Heritage Wine Complexity Varietals

Premium Wines Budget Wines

Strategy Canvas of US Wine Industry Late 90s

four action framework

Which of the factors that the industry takes for granted should be eliminated

Which factors should be reduced well below the industry’s standard

Which factors should be raised well above the industry’s standard

Which factors should be created that the industry has never offered

image by brian auer

Eliminate Raise

Reduce Create

Terroir and awards

Aging qualities

Above-the-line marketing

Wine complexity

Wine range


Price versus budget wines

Retail store involvement

Easy drinking

Ease of selection


Price ATL Marketing Heritage Varietals Ease of Selection

Premium Wines Budget Wines yellow tail

Strategy Canvas of [yellow tail]

Terroir / Awards Aging Wine Complexity Easy Drinking Fun

Cirque du Soleil

image by whoalse

Price Animals Multiple Arenas Thrills & Danger

Major Circuses Regional Circuses

Strategy Canvas of Traditional Circuses

Stars Aisle Con. Fun Venue

Eliminate Raise

Reduce Create

Star performers

Animal shows

Aisle concession sales

Multiple show arenas

Fun and humor

Thrill and danger

Unique venue


Refined environment

Multiple productions

Artistic music and dance

Price Animals Multiple Arenas Thrills & Danger Theme Multiple Production

Major Circuses Regional Circuses Cirque du Soleil

Strategy Canvas of Cirque du Soleil

Stars Aisle Fun Venue Re!ned Artistic

in times of turbulence and

chaos, don’t stop talking

your clients and your staff want to hear from you and be reassured
