Brand Paradigm Shift via Social Intelligence & Big Data

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The Brand evolution into adaptive and novel business models is now SOP. The brand strategy MUST embrace the paradigm-shift opportunities presented by Social Intelligence - or risk obsolescence by being out maneuvered by more nimble competitors.

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1 Big Data. Bigger Thinking. |

Agencies & Brands + Social Intelligence

Opportunities to seize first-mover advantage in the development of innovative

Social Intelligence products & professional services in B2B & B2C

Big Data is looming.

Are you ready?

Most CMOs readily admit that they are not.

And even the top performing CMOs are not

too far ahead. The data explosion (Big Data)

means a lot more than Social Media – but

Social Media is the driving force behind the

tidal wave of information that is becoming

available to organizations. Building the

customer data cube (multi-dimensional

matrix of customer information) is fast

Infographic Credit: HubSpot – “The Social Media Data Stacks”

2 Big Data. Bigger Thinking. |

becoming SOP for organizations – and Social Media is helping to flesh-out many of the requisite

data points. But Social Media is largely unstructured data – and that’s a challenge for most.

In the evolution of Social Intelligence, we first monitored brand mentions as a way of

performing crisis management and mitigation and movement towards Social CRM. We then

started listening for brand mentions and brand

attributes as a means to identify sentiment and

influence. This gave rise to strategic

engagements that sought to leverage

influencer reach as a means of brand

amplification, earned media, and the ultimate:

virality. In social media, we subscribe to

Metcalfe’s Law to maximize message and

achieve the tipping-point for ROI.

While this is a worthwhile endeavor for campaigns and tactics, what’s next? What else can be

gained from the vast amount of data being mounted online every day?

1st evolutionary step: Monitor

2nd evolutionary step: Strategic Listening

3rd evolutionary step: Engage and Activate Individuals & Networks

4th evolutionary step: Social Intelligence

5th evolutionary step: ?

Big Data. Bigger Thinking.

We now have the ability to get inside the head of our target audience like never before by way

of socialized content analysis. And when we are able to bring-to-bear the multiple data

repositories via comprehensive multi-factorial analyses, we have achieved a radical shift in

intelligence & insight development. We have achieved a data-enabled shift in BrandParadigm.

This rich and highly strategic information can help inform business decisions with greater-and-

greater impact. And as we evolve the solutions and capabilities for insights development, we

can develop extremely valuable predictive models for audience behaviors, affinities, attitudinal

indications, emerging trends, untapped markets, brand velocity within audience segments, etc.

Infographic Credit:

3 Big Data. Bigger Thinking. |

The vast gulf or whitespace that exists between

brand-specific content and brand-relevant content

is not noise - it is opportunity.

Relevance drives engagement and in a world of distractions, engagement is the new currency.

But how do brands create relevance? Do brands see themselves as publishers or curators? Do

brands see themselves as an experience or in the backdrop of their customers’ experience?

Scaling social engagement (earned media) is highly achievable with

good, relevant content.

We know that 57% of people (in developed markets) do

not want to engage with brands in social media (TNS

Digital Life), but this shouldn’t deter brands from looking

at content and data produced by these folks - and

everyone else - as being extremely valuable. It’s just

that the appropriate, strategic lens must be developed

in order to see it in context of the brand. B2C or B2B – it

doesn’t matter. A brand strategy is a content strategy.

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And when we see the importance of data-driven

decision making (targeting) in the marketplace

followed closely by “leveraging social data,” we

know that there’s a critical connection waiting to be

made between the more traditional digital efforts of

organizations around their business objectives – and

the opportunities that reside in the untapped power

of social intelligence.

And when the brand loosens the reins of content

development and finally sees itself as a publisher

within the greater context of community, the

significant power of curation and trending content

then becomes available.

And there is an even greater opportunity for Social Intelligence

products and professional services in the B2B space.

“Topping the list of necessary investments – and cited by approximately half of

the survey respondents – is the perceived need for new tools and technologies.

Additionally, the research suggested that the lack of companies’ engagement in

social media is linked to the lack of confidence they have in making the right

investment decisions to achieve their objectives.”

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“This finding, more so than any other, confirms what we have seen in our work

with B2B companies around the world. Executives understand the critical role

that social media can play in organizational success. And, to a certain degree,

they have even identified the goals they would like their social media programs

to address. Yet, many simply don’t know how to proceed. Their lack of

6 Big Data. Bigger Thinking. |

confidence translates into a lack of action. As a result, the potential value that

social media can deliver is left unclaimed.”

Infographics & Quotes Credit: Accenture – “Making Social Media Pay: Rethinking Social Media’s Potential to Bolster B2B Interactions, Customer

Loyalty, Revenues and Brand Reputation”

Global is no longer a mandate, it is a foregone conclusion.

81% of users of top global internet properties reside outside the USA.

We must now develop and

leverage assets in the field like

never before. This doesn’t mean

satellite offices or agencies – this

means locality (BRIC = Brazil, Russia, India,

& China | MIST = Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea,

& Turkey | South Africa and Argentina)

embedded individuals who can

perform “investigative, brand

relevant research and

journalism” to bring back to the

brand or agency Mother Ship –

and/or activate the local

networks for message/content


“Ten emerging markets will

account for half of ad

spending growth in the

next three years”

Quote Credit: AdvertisingAge, December 5, 2011:

“Where’s The Growth? Follow the BRIC Road”

Infographics Credit: Mary Meeker (KPCB) on Internet Trends

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So what do these potential Social Intelligence products and

professional services look like?

As a developing practice area, Social Intelligence products and services span aspects of

consulting, measurement & analytics, editorial & communications, PR/marketing, brand health

& reputation, market research, process & protocols operationalization, stakeholder buy-in,

enterprise socialization of value proposition, technology stacks, strategic partnership(s)

development, vendor selection & acquisition, etc. To simplify the product offerings, the Social

Intelligence practice area can be further segmented into distinct buckets (examples):

These are but a few of the strategic areas that can be pursued and developed.

Social Intelligence + Big Data + Measurement & Analytics + Market Research = Limitless

Productization and supporting Professional Services

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And what about REALLY moving the needle for a brand? What does

that strategy look like?

Forget strategy – how about vision? Strategy implies a known or proposed set of existing

tactics. In Big Data / Social Intelligence, these do not yet exist for the most part. It’s not as

simple as a platform, or an integrated online marketing system, or a dedicated department, or

an agency selection. It’s much more holistic (& visionary) than that.

While ROI is important to measure in terms of tactical investments, how do you calculate the

ROI of a global shift in brand perception? How do you calculate the ROI of an emotional

connection? How do you calculate the ROI of brand engagement that does not easily connect to

lead generation or conversion? How do you calculate the ROI of a meme? How do you calculate

the ROI of brand resonance with an idea or a culture?

Infographic Credit:

9 Big Data. Bigger Thinking. |

The ROI for a holistic and visionary brand content strategy is best illustrated by Nielsen:

And when a brand develops the systems and methodologies to maximize EdgeRank and

PageRank simultaneously, brand messaging achieves unprecedented scale. Trouble is most

brands don’t have the ability to appropriately measure Ad Recall, Awareness, and Purchase

Intent like a Nielsen or a DynamicLogic. So, agencies & brands must look at the strategies &

tactics that allow for ROI attribution as being distinctly separate from those that are primarily

focused on Brand Lift (Reputation, Perception, Contextual Affinities, Developing Trust, etc.)

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OK, it’s big – this vision – kind of like “Low Tech, High Concept?”

Yes. This is a good metaphor for Social Intelligence enabled brand scaling. There are many ways

to approach this, but here is a matrixed example for strategic (tactical) innovation.

For every spoke on the hub, there are strategic partners & solutions that must come together

for the BrandParadigm. The new agency & brand model is one of bespoke solutions and

consortiums of strategic partners to maximize capabilities in innovation. Gone are the days

when Thought Leadership is owned and Intellectual Property only resides within the firewall.

“Radical customization, constant experimentation, and novel business models

will be new hallmarks of competition as companies capture and analyze huge

volumes of data” Quote Credit: – “Big Data: The Big Innovation Opportunity” and McKinsey & Company – “Big Data: The next frontier for

innovation, competition, and productivity”