Bottom Up AIESEC


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steering team 1516 Output

A quick quiz to sense awareness

on Bottom Up

What is the name of the campaign is being ruined by AI to implement Bottom Up Culture?

A-Global Entrepreneurs B-Youth Speak

C-I am 2015 D-Big AIESEC

What AI is doing right now to discuss about AIESEC Culture?

A-SOGA B-Value Assesment Survey

C-Montly Newsletter

What is the name of resource center that has being used to facilitate members

access to any information


C-AIESEC International Page

What is the easiest definition of Bottom Up?

A-Facilitate conversations B-Anarchy C-Including every member to decision making proces D-Activate every member

What you can find here?

Is Bottom Up Culture really Making a Difference in Organization?

Context : How Bottom is being perceived right now? How to make Bottom Up actually happen in my entity ? Designing MC Planning Based on Bottom Up Approach How to Make it Happen : MC Role LC Role

How can Bottom Up Approach can enable our organization in the long term?

Replicating Success: GCPs from Network

Is Bottom Up Making a Difference?

We believe we are not even aware of the potential that this project has. It at all began as an

Organisational Culture campaign, today it’s a call for a global youth movement striving to activate

value based leadership around the globe. Here you’ll find the Steering team outputs on how

to make this become a reality.



The truth behind the implementation




Bottom up is not delegating the every single decision making to all the members. This will make us go slower.

The general message needs to be reinforced. This is not what we are encouraging our MCs for. Bottom up means every single member contributes to our MoS. Bottom up means:

Activate every member. Being Bottom up is making everyone a participant. Currently, the results are coming from two or three members per team, not from the complete team.

Bottom up is raising awareness of the responsibility we have on our shoulders.

MC ROLE is to provide the correct tools, guidelines and more importantly, asking the right questions to get our membership focused on implementation on the right track.

Expectation setting regarding the MC/AI Role: Represent Connect Inspire. The role is not to micromanage every single process happening. It’s to empower through the right mes sages and tools.

Hmm,now I got it.. But How I can ensure if it is being implemented in my entity?

Making Bottom Up happen


Members finding their own passions in AIESEC projects. For example, a young student fighting for woman rights that finds a “He for She” like project within AIESEC and just goes for it! Then, this student is combining two passions.

‘’This Organisational Culture Project demands a clear measurement, we must find an OB (Organisational Behaviours) measurement tool. ‘’

Organizational Culture Assesment Insturement HOW?

MC Coaching framework for LCs based on their productivity.

Questions like…How are you delegating responsibility? What’s the contribution of every single team member? Basically track the Team Minimums for every single Team Leader, LCP, MCP.

Carreer Plan & Goal Setting

WhyIf our members are clear on what they do today is developing them massively and how this will take them to something bigger; later on they can find self motivation. No TL behind pushing is needed, members can push themselves.

Start measuring the hours our volunteers are providing. Our biggest asset is our members availability and disposition.

What does this Bottom Up mean for my planning/

operating/coaching process?

‘’Planning’' Bottom Up



Plan your internal communication timeline based on the behaviour that your want to implement (e.g.LCP meeting agendas, how to empower membership, campaigns for activating leadership etc.)

Collect inputs from your network before you go planning to sense your entities’ current state regarding to organisational culture. The planning process doesn't end when we finish our "planning week” we should

present the plan to some members for inputs collection.

Start your planning agenda with LDM+CoW sessions, that will remind your MC members what they’re striving for and why this empowerment is required

Deliver a session on your planning to sense your MC team’s tendency to Bottom Up approach and ask questions about how they should define their role as MC based on your context

Use cultural assessment instruments to quantify degree of cultural change and impact on results



Create a network management model to train your LCPs on how to develop management skills. Suggestion: Allocate your MCVPOD (tier 1&2) or TM/LCD (tier 3&4) as project responsible

All MC projects need to have a clear purpose behind, to build ownership in the MC. Integrate education on bottom up culture

and a new style of leadership and management that copes with this direction within national education cycles.

MC Role in The Making

ROLE OF THE MCROLE OF THE MC to provide online platforms to enable self learning

Internal Communication Plan that shapes behaviours.Make values stick and define clear behaviours per value!

Organisational culture management: current state, future state, change management plan, Implementation/network management

Tracking Team Minimums

MC is responsible for facilitating the right conversations across the plenary that would yield the best suitable direction allowing the organization to yield the biggest possible impact.

MC would be responsible to challenge it’s LCs to achieve their maximum potential through challenging their ambitions and inputs constantly.

Gather inputs from different level of stakeholders (LCPs – members – newbies) constantly.

Design your educational cycle for LCPs (how to measure team performance,how to

develop management skills-LEAD )

Create a succession plan that includes check points, specific responsibles and key deliverables (For tier 1: MCVP OD can be project responsible


It needs to start with a cultural assessment of the entity. The implementation will be different from entity to entity taking into account the cultural backgrounds and the current leadership and membership



Members will be responsible for each and every experience they give

LCPs and EBs could be engaged even in planning and creating the national direction, middle managers could be involved in LC direction creation, and members could even own up to their monthly focuses and short term plans. Role of MC would evolve and the whole organization would be playing a direct role in contributing to the organizational direction and strategy formulation, increasing the sample size producing perspective.

But I only have 1 year as MCP, how Bottom Up Culture will effect my entity in the upcoming terms?

Bottom Up Help In The Long Run


Bottom Up can ensure the good successıon pipeline (people are learning a lot out of their intense XP),so they are able to provide the same for their members, when they get higher positions throughout their AIESEC journey.

It can ensure that the entity is more clear on how to cascade  down strategies and direction in a way that suits the current reality and context of the generation. It would also help define quickly the core problems and focus on fixing them rather than treating just symptoms

On the long run it would also ensure full utilization of overall membership capacity and increase productivity.

Good Case Practices For Doing Bottom Up Right!


Self-learners Platform

GCPs from Bahrain and Egypt in GIP innovation through LCs building strategic alliances to deliver dual partnerships without MC support. GCDP innovation in LCs delivering more than 500 exchanges in GCDP in Egypt, where a lot of process change and innovations came bottom up from LC to become nationalized. MENA

AIESEC in India, April National Conference: They have  delivered an extremely bottom up conference, based on values and behaviours without even talking about bottom up. That can help you to design your national conferences.

Management System Productivity Reports.



Organisational Culture Measurement.

Argentina Colombia

*Why Right Culture Is Important in Organizations*

‘’An organisation's culture either gives it a competitive advantage or a competitive

disadvantage. This title includes a series of exercises that can help managers analyse

and make their organisation's culture a powerful driver of success.’'

Higly Recommended Book! : Organization Culture-Naomi Stanford

#DISRUPTIVEEvery single member should go on exchange. We are +100.000 young people around

the globe, if 38K go on exchange then we will fulfil our GCDP goal. The other 62K that don’t go on exchange, can just stay making Global Entrepreneurs happen and then we will achieve GIP goals.

Bottom Up will end as a Global Movement ! Let us explain: We are developing a Global Youth Movement of individuals that want to foster leadership development as the fundamental solution for a positive impact on society. Will spread really fast throughout a collective leadership. We are +100.000 and soon enough we will triple our size. We are in +120 countries & territories and soon enough our impact will reach every single one in the world. We can and we will engage every single young person in the world and there is no strategy that will lead us towards that, it will be our purposeful and action oriented culture urging to deliver value based leadership experiences across all over the world, soon enough. Think about it, that’s the power of this project ;)


What is the name of the campaign is being ruined by AI to implement Bottom Up Culture?

A-Global Entrepreneurs B-Youth Speak

C-I am 2015 D-Big AIESEC

What AI is doing right now to discuss about AIESEC Culture?

A-SOGA B-Value Assesment Survey

C-Montly Newsletter

What is the name of resource center that has being used to facilitate members

access to any information


C-AIESEC International Page

What is the easiest definition of Bottom Up?

A-Facilitate conversations B-Anarchy C-Including every member to decision making proces D-Activate every member

Activating every single AIESEC member

Steering Team 1516