Blogging with the ecosystem 3



It's time to start leveraging your partners to cast a wider net online.

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Breaking News:

Over 200 million people are blogging and making money doing it. Plus, they’re building their product and

personal brands. But this thing they call “blogging” isn’t just for

corporations, rather real people are leveraging this hot technology and

making a name for themselves in the process.

The LaunchFish SMM Process

To blog or not to blog?

Blogging More Often = Results

Obtain Better SEO Ranking by Blogging

Blogging for business

Explosion of content

The Power of a Tribe

Introducing: the Social media


Expanded Ecosystem


Delivering your Message

Return on Investment

Increased Exposure

Cast a Wider Net


70%+ of the first three pages on Google

when searching “Lifesize Telehealth”

are LaunchFish operated sites and blogs

Only two links are LifeSize owned links

Just When you think you Get it, They go

and Introduce something New

Google is watching what you and your friend do:
