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Carol LeungCarol Leung18.5.0918.5.09

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 2

如何設計成功網站 ?

• 美國《個人電腦》雜誌 (PC Magazine) 評出 2004 年度排名前 100 位的全美知名網站的十類題材:

第 1 類:求職 第 2 類:聊天/即時資訊 / ICQ第 3 類:社區/討論 / 郵件列表第 4 類:電腦技術第 5 類:網站開發第 6 類:娛樂第 7 類:旅行第 8 類:參考 / 資訊第 9 類:家庭 / 教育第 10 類:生活 / 時尚

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 3

如何設計成功網站如何設計成功網站 ??主題要小而精• 定位要小,內容要精。如果你想製作一個包羅萬象的站點,把所有你認為精彩東


• 網站的最大特點就是新和快,目前最熱門的個人主頁都是天天更新甚至幾小時更新一次。


• 不同色彩搭配產生不同效果,並可能影響到訪問者的情緒。舉個實際的例子就明白了: IBM 深藍色,肯得基紅色條型, windows 視窗標誌上紅藍黃綠色塊,都使我們覺得很貼切,很和諧。

• " 標準色彩 " 是指能體現網站形象和延伸內涵的色彩。一般來說,一個網站的標準色彩不超過 3 種,太多則讓人眼花繚亂。標準色彩要用於網站的標誌,標題,主功能表和主色塊。給人以整體統一感覺。至於其他色彩也可以使用,只是作為點綴和襯托,絕不能喧賓奪主。

不要將所有檔都存放在根目錄下,會造成檔管理混亂 你常常搞不清哪些檔需要編輯和更新,哪些無用的檔可以刪除,哪些是相關聯的檔,影響工作效率。另外,上


二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 4

Place into Public Search Engine

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 5

Clear Up old stuffs…

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 6

Constant Updating in Wikipedia 維基百科

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By : Carol LEUNG 7


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By : Carol LEUNG 8


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By : Carol LEUNG 9


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By : Carol LEUNG 10

Agency logo on page top

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 11

同業 LOG IN…

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 12

Media in banners, and sound…

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 13

評論 ~ 發表時間

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 14

CMS( content management system )1. 內容管理系統2. 站點頻繁更新,而不是網

站開發者更新。3. 允許從世界上的任何位置

來更新一個網站的內容。 4. 應該以網站的目標和功能

來精選出來。5. 以支持的網站和商業來衡

量6. 搜索引擎友好

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By : Carol LEUNG 15

利用一個 CMS • 內容管理系統是一個開放資源 CMS 。從上面你可以看到 CMS 是怎樣允許

你來經營網站的文章。 • 要選擇或者創建一個 CMS ,這裏有一些關鍵特點需要關注:

– 靜態的 – 可重寫的 – 關鍵字豐富的

• 注意:看看搜索引擎最優化對標籤連接的解釋這一篇章。 • 如果你用一個新聞標題(以“暴風雨”為例)作為你的鏈結( http://,而有人將你標題改為“龍捲風”( , 這就會改變鏈結,搜索引擎也會將這索引為一個新的頁面,但這是將相同內容作為鏈結卻有著舊的標題。在你要添加動態參數到你的鏈結上時,請記住這一點。

• 最後,使用支援標準遵從 HTML 的 CMS 系統, CSS 是非常重要的 ---- 沒有它,不一致性可能會出現在不同的流覽器之間。它也可以保證更快的下載時間和減少帶寬,使增高標價更易於保持,並支援搜索引擎優化效果,確保每一個到網站的訪客無論使用哪種流覽器,他們都將能夠看見網站上任何東西。

Setting Up an AdvisSetting Up an Advisory Boardory Board

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 17

10 Tips on Setting Up an Advisory Board


1.Don't look far. • You shouldn't have to search far and wide to find members for

your board. Call colleagues, friends, and family for referrals. • Speak with other small business owners in your neighborhood.

Talk to your vendors. Recently retired executives and managers are often interested in helping the business community, and they possess the proper experience to guide you.

• When you sit down with a candidate, be honest. Tell them your problems and aspirations, and see how they react. Is it with enthusiasm? Knowledge? Choose people you admire and with whom you'll be able to develop a relationship of trust. Read How to Find Strategic Investors or Advisory Board Members for additional help.

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By : Carol LEUNG 18

2. Choose confidants. • The professionals whom you ultimately will recruit for

your advisory board should be capable of handling sensitive issues and confidential information with discretion. Again, trust is an issue and something to consider when making your selection.

3. Map out your expectations. • From the outset, establish specific terms of office, and

make your expectations clear. How often will the board meet? How long should each meeting last? What will you offer your members in return for their time? Advisory board roles should also have term limits, such as 12 or 24 months. It can be awkward and potentially damaging to your business's reputation to kick out an advisor if he or she is not performing. Setting term limits allows the transition to happen naturally.

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By : Carol LEUNG 19

4. Determine the size of your board. • Two or three people — provided they're the right people — can often

provide a huge and tangible benefit for a small business. You do not want too many people on your board as this will invite unproductive challenges.

5. Reward your board members appropriately. • Most advisory board members won't be in it for the money; simply being

an active part of your business will be payment enough. • However, people also like to feel appreciated, so offer them some sort

of nominal retribution. Host an upscale lunch each meeting, or pay each member a modest per-meeting honorarium.

• And, of course, thank them often for their time and reward their ideas with smiles, whether you use those ideas or not. For additional help on this topic, read How Should I Compensate an Advisory Board?

6. Prepare for meetings. • To get the most out of your advisory board meetings, prepare for them

well in advance. • Choose a site that is both comfortable and free of distractions. • Solicit input for the agenda, and distribute important information

ahead of time. • Run the session as you would any professional meeting, and follow it

with an action plan.

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By : Carol LEUNG 20

7. Stay in touch. Keep your advisory board members informed of your company's activities between

meetings. The fact that they've agreed to be on your board means that they care about the welfare of your business. If they are consistently up-to-date on the goings-on of your enterprise, they will be of greater value to you.

8. Distribute your business plan. It may seem obvious, but it’s a good idea to distribute copies of your business

plan to each member of your board. The more familiar they are with your business, the more valuable their contributions will be.

9. Maintain a professional edge. Remember that your advisors are neither employees nor suppliers, and they should not be treated as such.

Advisors should in no way be held accountable for the decisions of the company nor for any fallout those decisions trigger. They are there to make suggestions and observations based on the quality information with which you provide them. It is up to you as the owner to make the decisions and to implement the plans.

10. Create short-term goals. If you are uncertain regarding a potential advisor or whether or not your

company even needs an advisory board, ask your advisors to help with short-term goals. Once you've achieved some business objectives, you will be in a better position to determine your business's need for an advisory board. At that time you can talk about a longer commitment, or thank them for their help and continue on without a board.


Strategy developmenStrategy developmentt

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 22

Strategic DevelopmentStrategic Development• “Innovation is the specific tool of entreprene

urs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service. 

• It is capable of being presented as a discipline, capable of being learned, capable of being practiced.”

Peter Drucker 1985

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 23

Innovation starts with demand-side tInnovation starts with demand-side thinking—the consumer.hinking—the consumer.

• Innovation, whether applied to a product or process, changes the yield of that resource. 

• it increases the value obtained from that resource by a consumer or end-user.  For example, an innovation applied to an internal process creates a higher yield for the end-users, or internal consumers;

• something that enables them to better perform their job or derive greater satisfaction in some meaningful way to them.  The same applies to your external customers. 

• innovations are more than just improvements. 

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 24

innovation as the primary focus of an innovation as the primary focus of an organization's effortsorganization's efforts• It's systematic hard work. 

• The practice of innovation has to be built into the DNA of your organization. 

• If culture sets the stage for inculcating the value of innovation and to welcome it, strategic development starts the process of putting meat on the bones.

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 25

Strategy developmentStrategy development has two primary parts.has two primary parts.

• The creative ideas that respond to demand-side needs and create the supply-side solutions in the form of products and processes. 

• the operations and ability to implement those ideas effectively, and routinely measure your efficacy.

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 26

The CThe Creative reative IIdeasdeas part part … - 2- 2 kinds of employees are critical kinds of employees are critical

1. real public-facing, market savvy people • have an intuitive sense of what consumers and advertisers wan

t and need.  • They are the visionaries.  • They also know where to dig to substantiate their findings. 

2. an inventor• someone who understands what the technology of any product

or process requires and can think outside the box to create never before used concepts. 

• not just referring to high-tech, but to related techniques.  This is the person who discovers new possibilities.

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 27

TT he operations he operations part …part …• the ability to implement the best ideas in a co

ordinated fashion that everyone can grasp.  • know how to manage resources of the compa

ny and get the most out of them.  • set up accurate and timely measurements to

reflect progress or lack of it and move to action to correct, abandon or strengthen accordingly.

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 28

whole organization mobilizationwhole organization mobilization • a process designed to include management and staff from t

he beginning.• 2 steps in preparation to get everyone on the same page. 

– Establishing a historical perspective on what your company has accomplished over the years

• successes and failures• where you are now informs everyone with the same knowledg

e—a common recorded history.  • helpful for newer employees who may have only a vague sens

e of connection to your past.– Next you have to define the scope of your plan by knowing

your major objectives.• mission and values statements are important. • but it's the objectives that make them actionable.  Where do y

ou want be in two-to-three years? 

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By : Carol LEUNG 29

a list of important questions to ask at this stage of initiation.

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 30

Taking a whole organization view, Taking a whole organization view, what else could growth mean?what else could growth mean?•   What new definitions of growth and new metrics woul

d support innovation?• Learning new things is an example of growth • Experimenting with new ideas and making mistakes is

a part of learning. • You have to dedicate time and resources.  • If the pressing urgency of the 'old' (legacy products an

d processes) commands all the attention and learning and trying new things gets pushed aside, then learning is not really important and employees won't do it. 

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By : Carol LEUNG 31

• Shedding or getting rid of things is another measure of growth. – Systems and processes that either serve a purpose that no long

er exists or are ineffective in getting that thing done the best way. • Intensifying

– Artists do this by combining inexpensive and common materials into creative expression that produce an end product worth many times its parts. 

– The aim of all this intensifying goes beyond efficiency—it's about quality and creating something of lasting value or beauty.  That fundamentally changes the value of resources. 

• Once you loosen the straps of a one-dimensional definition of growth—getting bigger—you're more likely to pursue strategies that contribute to your long-term success. – It's not a choice between growth or no-growth; it's more about re

defining growth.  

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By : Carol LEUNG 32

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By : Carol LEUNG 33

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 34

These days strategy needs to be thought out in a These days strategy needs to be thought out in a relrel

atively short period and measuredatively short period and measured, , evaluated and adjustedevaluated and adjusted • in shorter cycles than is the convention of y


• I like quarters or using project management milestone cycles (more later in a post dedicated to project management). 

• grasp the importance of creativity and systematic process required for innovation, and that your strategic development harnesses innovation.

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 35

strategystrategy • The science and art of using all the forces

of a nation to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during peace or war.

– The science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of large-scale combat operations.

• A plan of action resulting from strategy or intended to accomplish a specific goal.

• The art or skill of using stratagems in endeavors such as politics and business.

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 36

PLANPLANn. • A scheme, program, or method worked out beforehand for the acc

omplishment of an objective: a plan of attack. • A proposed or tentative project or course of action: had no plans fo

r the evening. • A systematic arrangement of elements or important parts; a config

uration or outline: a seating plan; the plan of a story. • A drawing or diagram made to scale showing the structure or arran

gement of something. • In perspective rendering, one of several imaginary planes perpendi

cular to the line of vision between the viewer and the object being depicted.

• A program or policy stipulating a service or benefit: a pension plan.

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 37

Using Web 2.0 to harness innovation in your organization

Web 2.0 means different things to different people, yet it isn't just about the web, but is also about how your organisation works. Think intranet, as well as internet. Does your organisation work in a 2.0 way?

At the moment there seems to be three primary focuses around Web 2.0:

1) there are the technologists who are figuring out new technologies (there are many libraries and frameworks out there already).

2) there are the marketers and entrepreneurs, who are trying to figure out how use new 2.0 technologies and principles to generate profits, or help empower consumers (call them business people for now) in some way.

3) and finally, there are the users, who are increasingly using and enjoying the results of these new technologies. 

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 38

So what can the Big Corps adopt Web 2.0?

• They can recognise that somebody is responsible for taking a decision to do this. The marketing director. The CEO. It doesn't matter. Just do it.

• They can learn to listen to their colleagues. • They can react, and react more quickly. • They can embrace experimentation and innovatation. • They can stop worrying about risk, and start worrying a

bout missing opportunities. • They can fast-track feedback, and streamline develop

ment cycles and processes.

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 39

Machines don't innovate, but humans doMachines don't innovate, but humans do

• One of the themes of Web 2.0 is user-centricity. • Employee-centricity! • To illustrate:

Instead of people waiting for 6 hours for support feedback, they get feedback much quicker. – Instead of waiting for weeks or months for a new feature, they ge

t the new feature much quicker (urban web legend has it that at one stage Flickr was releasing updates to their site every half hour) and it actually works.

– Instead of waiting for weeks for the corporate PR agency to come out with a response to an issue, the response is handled quickly, efficiently and painlessly through a post on the corporate blog, by the person responsible for the issue.

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 40

At the end of the day users / employees At the end of the day users / employees realize that we’re all just human –realize that we’re all just human –

• so they want to interact with humans, and be treated as humans.  Bottom-up vs. top-down.

• In a large organization, it is up to senior managers and directors to create an environment where innovation is encouraged and rewarded. You should provide your employees with the toolsthe tools they they need to be productive, share knowledge and really innneed to be productive, share knowledge and really innovate.ovate.

• Are you focusing on giving your employees (who should really be your best customers) access to your internal and external knowledge ? Do they have free(ish) reign to harness that knowledge, so that they can innovate?

• When you do that, Web 2.0 isn’t so much about cool AJAX widgets on the desktop, or about service mashups that deliver geo-location information to your mobile, but rather about making feedback loops easy to use, and making it work simply and easily where it really counts – with your users / employees.

Web 2.0 是什麼

二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 42

Web 2.0 是什麼

• 從一系列網站到一個成熟的為最終用戶提供網路應用的服務平臺。

• Web 2.0 並不是一個技術標準,不過它包含了技術架構及應用軟體。

• 特點是鼓勵作為資訊最終利用者透過分享,使到可供分享的資源變得更豐盛;相反的,過去的各種網上分享方式則顯得支離破碎。

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By : Carol LEUNG 43

O'Reilly 和 Battelle 總結了他們認為的表現了 Web 2.0 應用特色的一些關鍵原則 1. 將 Web 作為平臺 2. 駕馭群體智慧 3. 資料將變成未來的「 Intel Inside 」 4. 軟件不斷發行與升級的循環將會終結(「永久的 Beta 版」) 5. 輕量型程序設計模型 6. 通過內容和服務的聯合使輕量的業務模型可行 7. 軟體執行將跨越單一設備 8. 豐富的使用者體驗 9. 分享和參與的架構所驅動的網路效應 10.通過帶動分散的、獨立的開發者把各個系統和網站組合形成大彙集的改

革 11.拉動長尾的能力 12. 快速的反應與功能新增 13.雙向的互動 14.這種軟體發佈中的版本號的使用從某一方面也暗示了整個 Web 已經被


二〇二三年四月十一日 星期二

By : Carol LEUNG 44

如果一個網站使用了以下一些技術作為特色的話,就說他是利用了 Web 2.0 技術:

技術方面:• CSS, 語義化有效的 XHTML 標記,和 Microformats • 不突出的豐富應用技術(例如 Ajax ) • 數據的聯合, RSS/ATOM • RSS/ATOM 數據的聚合 • 規則且有意義的 URL • 支持對網誌發帖子 • REST 或者是 XML Web 服務 API

某些社會性網路方面 通用概念:• 網站不能是封閉的——它必須可以很方便地被其他系統獲取或寫入數據。 • 用戶應該在網站上擁有他們自己的數據。 • 完全地基於 Web —— 大多數成功的 Web 2.0 網站可以幾乎完全通過瀏覽器來使用