Bash 4

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My presentation on Bash on loadays

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Bash 4Linux Open Administration Days

Pieter Colpaert__

#Understanding Bash

>A little history

>Reinventing UNIX

#Speaking Bash

#Bash 4


Understanding Bash_

A little history (1970)

And some UNIX today (2010)

CC BY-SA – Larry Miller

But also








Let's reinvent UNIX

/rules/1# Writing software is one thing. Making it communicate is another_

Let's reinvent UNIX


>Systemcalls to hardware through kernel

>Systemcalls to user through a scriptinglanguage_

Why Bash?

#Not much knowledge required

#Combines C-shell, Bourne Shell, …

#Free Software


What the hell is wrong with a GUI?


>For once in a life-time configurations

>Living today is pretty awesome


>When you have to configure 20 PC's the same way

>When you don't want to install a demo-version of some proprietary tool

>When you want to do things fast_

Speaking Bash_

&, (( )), ., :, [, [[, alias, bg, bind, break, builtin, caller, case, cd, command, compgen, complete,

compopt, continue, coproc, declare, dirs, disown, echo, enable, eval, exec, exit, export, false, fc, fg, for, for, function, getopts, hash, history, if, jobs, kill, let, local, logout, mapfile, bind, printf, pushd, pwd, read, readarray, readonly, return, set, select, shift,

shopt, source, suspend, test, time, times, true, typeset, ulimit, umask, unalias, unset, until,

variables, wait, while, { cmd; }

Built-in commands

External commands

#Compiled programs







#If you don't know how a command works

>man command

>info command

Hello World!

On stdout:

#echo hello world!

On stderr:

#echo hello world! >&2

To a file:

#echo hello world! > HELLOWORLD

To the end of a file:

#echo hello world! >> HELLOWORLD


###################In script

#read a b c

#set -

Set your $IFS!

###################From CLI < file

#Here document: <<EOF

Scripting Basics

#Magic - #!/bin/bash

#Add -x to debug

#Comments - #

#; = EOL

#\ escapes EOL

#chmod +x

#echo $PATH



>All-caps not needed, just recommended

#echo ${VARIABLE}

>{} not always needed, but stops problems

>$ is necessary

#declare -i VARIABLE=value

>Specifies variable is an integer


#Command Substitution




>~ = your home directory

>~user = user's home directory

#Wildcard globs

>man 7 glob



>\ escapes a single special character

>“” escapes all but $, ` and \

>'' escapes all special characters


#for VAR in items in list; do commands; done

#exit status - $?

#test - [ condition ]

#while [ test ]; do commands; done

#until [ test ]; do commands; done

Conditional Statements




#if [ test ]; then commands

#elif [ test ]; then commands

#else commands


Conditional Statements

#case VAR in








I/O Redirection

#Combining 1 and 2





#Channel 0 – STDIN



User Input


>$1, $2, ${10}, etc.

>$* or $@


Bash 4_


#Associative arrays!

#Expansions ~ perl



Associative Arrays

#Declare -A array


#echo ${array[element]}

New expansions



Case modification





Chopping strings

Get the extension of the current script


#${0#*.} (not correct)

Get the filename without extension


#${0%%.*} (not correct)



